Crimson Servant

Chapter 58 Second Growth

This room is quite simple, with simple dark red brick walls and two closed light purple curtains dividing the space into two. The raised stone platform on the other side is covered with a blanket. The figure was sitting cross-legged on the blanket, and the light from the wall-mounted torch cast a tall shadow on the semi-transparent curtain.

The moment he entered the room, Saiman felt locked. A chilling discomfort spread from his limbs to his brain. The druid took a deep breath and spat out the fear that was about to take shape from his mouth.

He is a monster. Every cell in Saiman's body reminded him of the consequences of being in the same room with him. Countless rumors record the danger and evil of this race, and their existence itself represents a concept: cruelty.

Even if the line of sight is cut off, the shadow cast by it can still see the body of the beloved that contains terrifying power. In contrast to this showy ferocity, it is the calm behavior of the beloved.

He was holding a book, and from the dead silence behind the curtain, the hiss of burning oil and the sound of the pages turning slowly reverberated throughout the room like a gentle concerto.

This was not the first time that Saiman had witnessed this scene, but he still couldn't help but marvel at the control. His fingers would crush the skull with just a little force, but the fragile paper remained intact under his fingertips.

Saiman knelt down and worshiped the shadow of the Beloved. He knew that the leader of the fanatical believers must need something and get the answer from him. This was the reason why he let himself live and what he relied on to escape death.

The sound of the pages turning continued for a few more minutes, and there was no change in the beloved, as if Saiman himself did not exist. This kind of neglect made Saiman's already anxious mind become panicked, thinking about the increasingly worse situation.

The suppressed roar was like an earthquake, and the words of the beloved reached directly into the soul.

[I hope you have found a reason for your failure. 】

The sound of the pages turning did not stop.

[I never have any expectations for your abilities. You don’t belong to us, so you don’t need to be afraid of me like those believers. What keeps you and me together is a transaction, and any businessman would be sad to lose four lives. 】

[Saiman, you have lost the qualification to trade. 】

"I met another Beloved One, and this was the reason for my failure. I was defeated by the Beloved One."

Saiman lowered his head, not daring to have any offensive thoughts. The Conquered Beloved did not reply, but the sound of turning pages disappeared.

Saiman 1510 told everything he had experienced on the third level, not daring to hide anything. When talking about the thin-looking favored person who was disguised as an ordinary warlock, Saiman noticed that his breathing was a little heavier. Saiman knew that he had made the right bet.

"...At the beginning I was completely immersed in the joy of facing Jurgen. I executed my plan perfectly, I established the victory, I was only one step away from victory, no, I succeeded at that time. Just it It was taken away easily again, by a force that ordinary people cannot resist..."

"The betrayed Beloved, the hidden insidious and despicable... blasphemer, he controlled my corrupted sun with just a little bit of power, crushing my efforts like crushing an insect..."

Saiman became more and more excited as he spoke, and the bitter consequences of his failure made him furious. In the end, he completely turned into a curse and curse on John. Saiman thought that his behavior was reasonable, until the evil claw passed through the curtain, gently pinched his head with five fingers, and lifted his whole body up like a toy.

The heavy pressure outside his head brought Saiman back to reality from his annoyance, and his desire to survive by calling the police frequently made him shut his mouth.

From between his fingers, he saw the beloved raising his fingers in front of his mouth.

【Don't disturb my mood. 】

[This will be the beginning of a great battle, a confrontation with another favored one, my's really exciting. 】

The conquered favored one let out a low and hoarse laugh, teasing the druid in a good mood.

He stood up, walked out of the curtain, and pulled the hand holding Saiman's head closer to him. He stared at the druid's face that began to become distorted and confused after witnessing his true appearance, savoring his fear.

[He is indispensable, but you are not, Saiman. 】

The words of the Beloved stung the Druid's self-esteem, and his life was on the line. Many things passed away as his body was broken, and pride became the only remaining spiritual pillar that supported the Druid's continuation. Saiman was sweating coldly, but his tone became firm and urgent.

"Please give me another chance, I still have things to finish!"

"I will prove to you, to the dwarf who abandoned me, that I am not a loser!"

"I am by no means a loser!" Saiman yelled.

The conquered Beloved showed a playful smile. He looked at the druid who looked like a broken doll, and an interesting thought came into his mind. Saiman's behavior of not being afraid of death made his interest even higher. The conquered one suddenly realized that he was not suitable to be a businessman.

Saiman lost his grip and fell to the ground, and the broken arm that once controlled his life and death fell to the ground with him. There was sweat on Saiman's face. The thick arm that was as long as his height was pressing on him. A fatal attraction came from the broken arm, which was the temptation of power.

After the beloved who lost an arm returned to the curtain, granulation began to grow on the broken arm.

[Jurgen Mercer, your adoptive father. I look forward to your results, Saiman. 】

[A good child cannot disappoint his parents. 】

Saiman looked at the gift given by the Beloved and sighed. When the enthusiasm of power subsides, the heaviness of loss will resurface in his heart. He knew that he was one step closer to the despair called Crimson. Countless branches were pulled out of the body and pierced into the flesh of the severed arm. The parasitic Saiman absorbed the power of the beloved and was reborn.

"Old man... damn Paladin... and the Blessed One... I will come back... to end this..."

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