Crimson Servant

Chapter 97 Black Sword

The monsters crawling out of the red mist are generally three to four meters long. They have no skin, and their shriveled dark red muscles are adhered to slender bones. They are like slender human figures stretched by external forces, and their flesh-covered appearance is more terrifying and frightening than the undead. Their eyeballs are intact, but their pupils are all blood red. The eyes of evil beasts are full of malice, and the red mist escaping from their bodies is like a dark night covering their bodies.

Most of them crawled on all fours like jackals. They rushed down from the top of the mountain, dragging the falling red mist with them and barking excitedly. In the blink of an eye, they collided with Eversa's flanking troops. The seemingly fragile body of the monster is as solid as iron stone, and the strange power that crushes humans easily tears apart the knight's defense line. They are wild beasts with no discipline at all. The moment they come into contact with the knight, they grab a target and bite it. His tall size and strength easily knocked the knight down, his sharp claws scratched sparks on his armor, and he took out his head with a bloody mouth.


The monster with the iron helmet in its mouth chewed patiently, and the sound of metal deforming came from its throat.


Crimson servants tore at bloody arms, hard-topped swords charged against cavalry, blood oozing from their wounds, the acidic blood corroding metal and making those infected wail.


The standing crimson priests stepped into the battlefield. Their eyes exuded more intelligence than their compatriots. They chanted spells and spread the flesh and blood on the battlefield to become weapons, slaughtering the enemies and their fellow beasts like beasts.


Standing among the flesh and blood priests, the Wendigo, whose feet had turned into a pool of blood, stepped between the bones of Eversa. She waved her staff and chanted the honorable name of the crimson god. The blood pool swallowed up the surrounding bones. Use the Wendigo's body as a sacrificial vessel to send down more divine power to command the servants. Her back seemed to bear more weight, and the curvature became more obvious, almost deformed and reaching the horizontal direction.

The red mist was as dense as a cloud around Wendigo, hiding her body in the red mist.

"I'm back...repay...redemption!!!" Wendigo roared more and more crazily. The crimson beasts were infected by their master and attacked the enemy even more ferociously.

Facing the terrifying beast, Eversa's entourage was almost frightened to death by the horrific scene before them. Their formation was scattered and they were almost defeated.

The slash of concentrated fury cut off the head of a scarlet servant, and Pietrus felt the heaviness transmitted from the blade, and his heart sank. The two legion commanders and elite knights followed him to the flanks and spent some time.

The flesh-and-blood purgatory in front of him made the commander of the Knight Legion look fiercely. Is there an intruding evil spirit? Or an ally of the druids?

No matter who the enemy is, Pietrus is ready to kill him, even if it will be a hard battle.

"You have provoked the wrong opponent, monster!"

Pietrus charged at the monster with his sword, dodging the oncoming claws and driving the weapon into its chest.

"Heart, non-fatal."

The two knights carried out a joint attack after Pietrus held the enemy, and completed the owl's head against the Crimson Servant. The surging blood in their bodies was exhausted, and they exchanged information with their superiors with some exhaustion. "It can be killed, but it takes some effort."

Three elite knights join forces and consume air power to annihilate an enemy without taking any damage.

Pietrus narrowed his eyes and looked towards the top of the mountain where the crimson beast was still rushing down.

"It doesn't matter, victory is at hand, warriors."

The Imperial Knight Commander spoke firmly and raised his sword towards the attacking monster.

"Behind us is a great empire!!!"

High Priest Claudius Ondagon squinted at the red mist on the side of the army. The ominous mist was almost stagnant a few minutes ago. His brows stretched, and he murmured with some relief, "Flaws do not hide the faults, my student."

Raising his hands to take off his robe and straighten his clothes, the high priest joined in the long-prepared ceremony and prayed devoutly to the surrounding statues.

"God of War, Black Sword, Conqueror..."

"Please give divine power to the brave warriors who fight bravely..."

"Make him strong and tenacious, invincible..."

The wind and sand surged up, and a bloody torrent burst out from the luminous statue. This divine power penetrated the clouds and landed from the top of the imperial knight's head like a sword. In the battle formation, all those who bravely killed the enemy felt their blood surge. Their armor was stained with a bleak blood red, their strength doubled, and the rage in their hearts became as real as the strength of the monsters they faced.

When the knights gained divine power, their battle-tested skills played a key role in the struggle. The Crimson Servants, who relied on the physical instincts of monsters, quickly disintegrated under the combined attacks of the knights.

Pietrus was covered in energy and blood, and he was like an unsheathed sword piercing the herd of beasts. His guards blocked the attacking enemies from both sides for him. They broke into the red mist and found the real enemy leader.

"We don't have much time, Pietrus, this fog is corrupting our spirits!!!"

The knight commander looked at the enemy in front of him, the Wendigo and the two crimson priests who were serving as guards, and he raised his sword.

"Three on three."

The Wendigo, who was in poor condition, roared, and the two crimson priests pulled bloody smiles on their faces and retreated into the red mist.

Wendigo tilted his head, looked at the enemy with bloodthirsty eyes, and said provocatively.

"One to three."

John Kemp took action when he first saw the figure. He used the sandstorm rolled up by the battlefield to walk into Eversa's lines. The Woodland Guard's attack on Eversa did not stop. While the red mist disrupted Eversa's advance, they took the opportunity to create greater chaos on the front line.

The magician took off the clothes of an Ephesa soldier and headed in the direction of the red mist. In the dark night, the dust and smoke rolled up further blocked the light, and the shouts of killing made people disoriented. John followed the feeling in his heart and moved forward. At some point, the soldiers colliding around him disappeared. He walked on the battlefield as if he were walking into a desert alone.

The smoke was so thick that it was almost impossible to see. John stretched out his palm to resist the strong wind in front of him.

These storms were like sharpened knives, cutting wounds in the hands and body of the magician.

He stepped into the realm of the God of War, and the sharp divine power was like swords, guns, swords and halberds sweeping across his body. The black sword is expelling him, warning him to leave this land of war. The art of victory must not be corrupted by evil spirits.

In the wild sand, John Camp could even feel the sight of the violent god, who had locked onto his heart.

His whole body was locked with murderous intent, like falling into an ice cellar, and John felt the approaching breath of death.

He felt the heat draining from the wound along with the blood, and felt that all the good things were being left behind.

John Kemp never looked back and entered the field of war.

He felt that his eyes and ears were clear, the noise and wind and sand had disappeared, the red mist in front of him was so friendly, and there was also the familiar smell of the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

John took a step.

The violent murderous intent was like an overwhelming force, and in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, a dark long sword suddenly appeared.

The next moment, the black sword crushed the warlock's heart.

Pietrus stood on the bloody earth.

The red mist was dissipating, and all the crimson beasts were being killed. He raised his sword and looked at the huge monster kneeling in front of him. The Wendigo was furious, and its bloodthirsty eyes became tired but bright.

Pietrus suddenly felt something and asked, "Do you have any last words?"

Nora Sebas smiled.

"please hurry up……"

"My... child... is coming back..."

Wouldn't it be too cruel for him to complete that painful oath with his own hands?

Pietrus swung his sword.

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