Crisis Management Game

Chapter 93 Volut

When he cleared the first level, Gu Ji remembered that he had only unlocked the content of the basic version of "Crisis Management Game", but he did not expect that he would finally unlock new features.

Anyone who plays games regularly knows that DLC refers to additional content for a game that needs to be downloaded. It is generally centered on supplementing the game and does not limit the type, such as: characters, skins, plots, maps, skills and special effects, etc.

He tried clicking, but nothing happened.

It seems that we still have to wait until we exit the level.

After the reward settlement, he floated again above the cracks of the Jinyuan Building in northern Myanmar. Gunfire continued in the surrounding Kokang Development Zone. Bai Maoliang was leading the troops to fight with the warlord faction. From the perspective of Liuzi, Akai, Bai Mingliang scanned them one by one and finally returned to the villa.

Chao Jun was chatting anxiously with "Wang Xueming", seeming to be frightened by his conclusion just now.

It's a pity that Gu Ji couldn't hear what he was saying at all, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred. The scene finally settled on Pan Xinli, who was smiling silly at him from a distance.

The underground world is finally over.

【Congratulations on completing the level! 】


Gu Ji opened his eyes from the bed. The sun shining by the window made him a little distracted. After staying in the dark underground world for so long, he was still a little uncomfortable with the sudden sight of sunlight.

He couldn't wait to click on the unlock information of the game's new DLC with his mind.

In an instant.

Accompanied by a tense BGM similar to "Apex", the whole world in front of me was instantly lit up, but it was no longer the bedroom of my newly rented house, but a military green T-series tank "Hululu" in the mountains and forests. Run over quickly, with a five-pointed star logo printed on the turret.

There was fire and light, and the sound of guns and artillery was everywhere.

A white soldier wearing a green military uniform and a matte black helmet was shot through his body as soon as he followed the tank attack, while several Asian soldiers hiding behind the trenches on the opposite side were frantically pulling the triggers of their light machine guns. .

This is... during World War II?

Gu Ji tried to move his eyes, but his body flew uncontrollably from the battlefield to the ground like a plane. The howitzers screamed and drew parabolas in the air, and the scattered fire explosions rang in his ears.

The soldiers were knocked upside down by the explosion, but the next moment, the camera in front of him was suddenly turned around. Amidst the dark clouds, a super huge green bomber suddenly rushed out and passed over his head.

Several black objects fell down, delayed by half a second.


Countless fire clouds exploded into the sky, a heat wave instantly swept across the entire battlefield, and the white light pierced him so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

When his vision gradually recovered, the firelight in front of him had long been replaced by dark blue waves. A giant cruise ship rolled over on the sea. Gu Ji quickly passed through the middle of the deck, and he could see the panic and panic expressions of countless passengers.

The scene changes again, a storm blows in, and the dust rolls into a spiral on the road, running through the town, carrying trash cans, house tiles, cars, and even humans along the way, like a rotating black pillar, vines reaching the sky;

Factory fires, poison gas leaks, European infectious diseases, hotel terrorist attacks...

Countless crisis scenes flashed before his eyes one after another like a revolving lantern. Finally, the world turned into darkness again, and a line of unique white text floated in front of him:

[The only lesson humans learn from history is that humans never learn lessons. 】

[The classic DLC of "Crisis Management Game" has been launched. 】

[You will unlock new classic levels, and in the next crisis levels, you will have the opportunity to encounter various classic crises that have occurred in history;]

[You will unlock new historical marks and items;]

[This update brings a new crisis mode: Red Heart Mode (this mode is only applicable to classic levels. Players will have three basic red hearts, and each death consumes one. When the red heart is "0", the game fails)]

[If you are not satisfied with the new version experience, please don’t worry. The system will continue to iterate and improve these updates with you. I wish you have fun! 】

Good guy.

This is a completely updated expansion pack, and it also comes with a title CG!

Gu Ji couldn't help but feel a little dizzy when he returned from the animation in the expansion pack to reality.

The so-called expansion pack is actually a type of DLC, but because the game content is relatively large, the game mechanics are changed a lot or large-scale plots and maps are added.

After calming down, he summarized three useful pieces of information from this unlock update:

1. Starting from the next level, in addition to the crisis that will happen now, he may also enter a crisis that has happened in history. The age is random, but the probability is not too far away.

As for whether it can change history in the same way that these three levels now reflect reality, it remains to be confirmed;

But he thinks it's unlikely because it involves the "grandfather paradox" issue.

2. Red Heart Mode: The classic level has canceled the death countdown and replaced it with three lives similar to the Famicom. This will undoubtedly make the difficulty of the game skyrocket. Every time a red heart is missing, the pressure in the heart will increase exponentially and the action will be timid.

This also leads to a new conjecture:

Will other expansion packs be unlocked, such as crises that may occur in the next few decades, as well as new modes, such as team mode, competitive mode, etc.

That's right.

Gu Ji was still worried that there would be other players.

Always adhere to the "risk plus one" principle and anticipate the worst results in advance, which is always correct.

3. The game actually revealed that there are imperfections, and it can rely on player experience to self-update and repair;

This is worth pondering.

The so-called "imperfections" are BUGs. Will there be rewards for discovering them? Conversely, will there be penalties for exploiting "BUGs"?

It seems that there are still many places to explore in "Crisis Management Game".

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time.


Unexpectedly, only about half an hour has passed in reality. It seems that the 1.5 times game speed of the central nervous system of the level prompt has indeed worked. Previously, the time difference between the game world and reality was only 20 times, but now it has expanded to 30 times.

This undoubtedly greatly increases the sense of security in reality when entering the game.

But soon.

Gu Ji's attention shifted from the game to the nameplate of the watch:


He instinctively took off his watch and threw it aside. Then he walked out of the room and tried to bring up the game page. He found that it had no effect and everything was normal.

This shows that he can enter the game even without Volut's watch.

So how did this thing become an element connecting the game characters?

Gu Ji returned to his room, turned on his computer and started searching for the background of Volut Company.

Fortunately, this is a multinational listed company, and most of the information is publicly available online.

Volut, formerly known as Volut, was founded in 1949 and is headquartered in Germany. It is a leading medical technology company in the world with branches in more than 140 countries. Its main products cover cardiovascular, movement disorders, and endocrinology. , spine, nervous system and other diseases as well as intelligent medical and other fields.

"This covers almost all important medical categories..."

Gu Ji rolled the mouse wheel and studied the history of the company. Its founder was Bakken, born in 1924. He was a German power engineer who repaired various electronic equipment for hospitals.

Coinciding with the advancement of medical technology in the world after World War II, Buchan seized the opportunity and flew to the United States. As if he was cheating, he developed the world's first battery-powered wearable external pacemaker in just four weeks, which caused a sensation throughout the world. U.S.

At this point, Velute was born and became a leader in the medical industry.

"Died of myocardial infarction at the age of 33..."

Gu Ji noticed a key piece of information.

Bakken invented the portable pacemaker in 1955 at the age of 31. In the next two years, he designed ten professional medical product lines for Velut, leaving behind a large amount of valuable information and laying the foundation for the company's future technology. barrier.

A pacemaker died of a heart attack?

Could it be that this Bakken is also a player, but because he failed to clear the game, and...

Gu Ji could only guess this way.

After browsing the page, he suddenly found a familiar name in the "Company Development Plan" column: PM Company!

The title is "In 2015, Volut Company announced a strategic partnership with PM Military Company to provide spine and neurosurgery technical support for the latter's bionic weapon technology field."

"Pull out the carrot and bring out the mud..."

Gu Ji finally forgot about the PM company at Ryder Airport, but he didn't expect that he would run into it again because of the game.

In the Ryder Airport level, PM Company's cruel and bloody methods left a deep impression on him.

Compared to the warlords in northern Myanmar who purge employees for power and drugs, PM Company is completely killing people randomly, just to provoke a civil war in Ethiopia, sell arms, and test the power of new weapons.

Click on the news related to PM Company. The latest one is that the FBI accused PM of inhumane massacre.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of key witnesses, the court decided to put the case on hold.

It's not easy for Volut to get involved with PM Company...

Gu Ji took out his phone and found his father's WeChat account.

Compared to him and his mother, his father is a high-level intellectual. He received his undergraduate degree in bioengineering from Tsinghua University and his postgraduate studies at MIT, where he studied life sciences and biomedical engineering.

After the doctor returned to China, he joined the 304 Institute of Xia Ke Academy of Sciences and engaged in brain nerve research, where he stayed for more than ten years.

After an accident occurred at the research institute, his father "disappeared" for a while. At that time, he and his mother were worried for a long time. Later they found out that he was taken away to investigate the responsibility for the accident.

After this incident, my father resigned from Xia Ke Academy and joined Volut Xia Guo Branch together with Chen Zhiyu’s father, Chen Hongsheng, as the leader of the human body intelligent medical development team.

The last message on WeChat was a week ago. It was from his father asking him if he was tired from police training and should pay more attention to rest.

He knew that his father was usually either in the laboratory or on business trips and was extremely busy.

After struggling for a long time, Gu Ji finally sent one.

"Dad, are you busy?"

Unexpectedly, my father came back very quickly this time.

"I just arrived at the hotel, what happened?"


He clicked on the family group and found out that his father was on a business trip again, going to Dubai to attend a life sciences expo. However, he was busy finishing the practical assessment and was in a hurry to rent a house, so he didn't notice.

Gu Ji: "Dad, I want to ask you something. Do you think it is possible for smart devices to remotely send electrical signals to control the brain through signal transmission, such as mobile phones and watches?"

Gu Jian: "When did you become concerned about this? Is it related to the case?"

Gu Ji: "I'm just asking. We talked about it yesterday and wanted to brag about it with Gao Bo and Chen Zhiyu."

After thinking about it, he decided not to involve his father in this matter for the time being.

Not to mention the various unknown abilities of the game itself, multinational companies such as Volut and PM alone are not something he can handle now.

Gu Jian: "You must have seen the topic about how beta waves and alpha waves can affect brain waves, improve sleep or improve memory."

"Actually, the field of EEG is not a black technology. The core lies in the 'bioelectric sensor', which uses induction chips to convert human physiological information into identifiable program data sources through algorithms and equipment."

"This kind of technology is commonly used in pacemakers, smart watches, blood pressure, blood glucose monitors, etc. However, if we want to use electrical signals to influence the brain in turn, the current technology is not up to it."

"There are many neurons inside the brain, and they are active frequently. The number of leads required to monitor EEG is terrifying, and how to input electrical signals into the brain requires surgical connection of volume conductors. A heart surgery may cause accidents, not to mention It’s brain surgery.”

"Our company is also researching in this area. Currently, animals can already communicate with brains and electronic signals. Maybe after 20 or 30 years of technological advancement, the field of human brain intelligence will be realized!"

When it comes to this professional knowledge, my father starts to talk too much.

Gu Ji caught the key point.

That is that Volut company is also researching this field!

Gu Ji: "Dad, please take me to your company after the holiday this year. I'm quite interested in this aspect!"

Gu Jian: "Yes, of course, no problem. After the business trip is over, if I have enough time, I will fly to Ningzhou with your Uncle Chen to see you two."

Gu Ji: "That's great, Dad!"

Close the phone.

Gu Ji began to fall into deep thought.

It seems that dad doesn’t know much about Volut, which is correct. After all, he only works at the Xia Guo branch. The real core technology and secrets should be stored in the company’s headquarters, which is Germany.

at the same time.

Dubai, hotel executive suite.

Gu Jian pursed his lips, looked at the concluding remarks of his son's chat history, closed his phone, and his eyelids suddenly half-draped, with a cold expression on his face, almost exactly the same as Gu Jian's appearance during the battle!

He immediately got up and left, knocking on the door of the suite next door.

Chen Hongsheng, who was rubbing his tired and sleepy eyes, yawned: "What's wrong, Lao Gu? What's the matter?"

"Xiao Yuwen hasn't asked you any strange questions lately?"

Gu Jian entered the room directly and closed the door.

"Strange question?"

Chen Hongsheng thought about it carefully, "No, what's wrong?"

"I always feel like my son knows something!"

This one was harder to write than I thought. It took me a long time to check the information. I owe 7.5W!

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