Chapter 45
-Having finished school for today, while the other students made their way towards their respective dorms and went to rest and emerge in fun activities with their friends, just like yesterday, Rin himself went training. He needed to grow stronger, much, much stronger so he dedicated himself to the training he did in the OverWorld once more and decided to do it every day until his body was at its limits. To reach the peak of human power, that power that Alexander himself possessed he needs to train in ways that will push his body beyond his limits, and that's what he did.
-The training was hard and required a lot of concentration on his part while doing it, to say the least, but no matter how hard he tried blocking out all other thoughts that had nothing to do with training he found he was unable to stop thinking about the events that happened earlier today. The entire scenario with Finn and Roselin respectfully had been going through his mind none stop, and so before he goes and injures himself he decided it would be best to stop the training for the day and go home, even if it's only been three hours.
-Because the two of them are childhood friends, Rin knows Finn pretty well, so he knows to which degree Finn is willing to go in order to help Roselin. For as long as he had known him, Finn was always the type of guy who couldn't just stand idly by while someone else was in trouble or being hurt. He would always be the first one to jump in between those kinds of situations and stop them himself. It was because of a weird ideology he had which always made him want to protect the people around him for some reason. Even when Rin himself asked him the reason for doing so he simply replied with a "One should always protect those who are in trouble and in need of protection, that is the quality of a king!". Even to this day, he doesn't know what the mining of those words is, but it's a code by which he lives and so there is nothing he can do about it, except to help him in any way he can.
-He knew that Finn didn't pay any attention during today's classes as he was too occupied with staring at Roselin. Because the information they learned today was important Rin decided to lend him his notes the following day.
-Doing so he himself opened his notebook and went through the important thing they learned today, and it was centered around ability users and the categories they fall in.
So there are five types of abilities users out there, and depending on the situation It would be good to know which one of these five my enemy possesses.
-Upon the appearance of Sera the abilities the people started manifesting could roughly be placed in five categories, which are as followed: Standard ability, Require mental ability, Transformer ability, Summoning ability and lastly and most dangerous of them all the Post-death ability.
-Standard abilities are pretty weak and with no actual use when it comes to battle, they are the most common one as seventy percent of the population possesses them.
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-Require mental abilities unlike the standards are a lot more powerful and useful in combat, but also require a certain amount of requirements to be fulfilled before activation.
-Transformer abilities allow the user to take the shape of another creature, usually being an animal or some kind of a monster. The best example of this would be Bear from the Grandes colosseum.
-Summoning abilities are the most dangerous ones as the user is capable of summoning another life into existence with an ability of their own. Because the summoned creatures Aura is directly connected to the user himself means if the summoned creature dies so does the user, but in exchange for this risk, the summoned creatures are usually in possession of unimaginable power.
-The last and most dangerous ones are the post-death abilities. Like the name suggests these abilities only activate once the user's heart has stopped beating. Because of such a harsh requirement, the power these abilities possess is the purest of the purest evil in the world.
"From this, I can tell that I am a "Require mental" and fill would be a "Transformer" type, but in any case, I should avoid any contact with the post-death ability users. I don't need any curses left on me."
-Because of all the training, he had done in the past two days, both his body and mind were exhausted begging for some rest. His eyes felt heavy and the only thing he wanted to do now was to take a little nap and recover all the lost stamina he used while training, but that small nap would turn out to be one that lasted twelve hours as he would find out for himself the next morning after he wakes up.
-The noise that woke him up from his slumber was that of his phone's alarm clock that sang a very popular song from one of his favorite singers Ed Sheeran. In case something like this was to acquire and he was to oversleep and miss school he put an alarm that was to go off at exactly six in the morning.
"It's six already! How? I better get ready then if I don't want to be late."
-The day started the same way it did yesterday with Finn coming to pick him up and then leaving for school, but today was going to be more interesting of a day then he thought and the reason being the events that occurred with Finn and Roselin.
-The entire day Finn spend following Roselin all around the school. Whatever she did he tried to help in any kind of way, if she was struggling with a problem he would explain it to her, if she ate lunch alone he'd drag Rin so that the three of them could have lunch together. The only place he didn't follow her to and the only place where she could be alone was the girl's bathroom.
-No matter how hard he tried, Roselin would either ignore it or just leave without saying a word, even when she told him to leave her alone he refused and kept being around her.
-In a lot of ways, Finn's actions did the complete opposite of what he wanted and it only made Roselin more angry and annoyed, she didn't want his help and wanted to be alone. After finally managing to escape from him she went into the bathroom in order to clear her head a little.
At least he can't follow me in here, what's up with that guy anyway he's so annoying and persistent, the hottest guy my ass he's more like the most annoying guy.
Well I have to admit running away from him was strangely amusing, maybe I should strike back...
-The sound of water splashing was heard and the person receiving the cold and chilling shower was no other than the girl who was sitting on the toilet in one of the stalls, Roselin herself.
-Some girls from another class saw her entering the bathroom and thought to themselves that it would be playing with her for a bit. They used the bucket that the janitor left near the entrance filled it with cold water and threw it at her, not even trying to hide their voices they laughed at her at the top of their lungs. The girls had heard the rumors going around school about her and hated her, to the point they thought of her as nothing but trash who didn't deserve to be here. That's what they said but in reality, they were jealous of the attention she was receiving from all the boys in school.
-Roselin only heard laughter coming from the other side, specifically four girls could be heard laughing and saying all kinds of mean and disrespectful things such as "seems you won't be able to slut around today!" and "Sorry we made you wet, but if you do it for any guy why not for us as well!".
-She just listened to the insults as they were coming her way and didn't say a single word in response. She sat there covered in cold water and quietly waited until the girls would get bored and left.
-Their insult continued and only got worse and worse. No matter what they said or how hard they punched and kicked at the doors of the stall trying to get them open, Roselin just kept quiet and silently listened to them, and not so long after that the girls realized they weren't getting to her and left the bathroom in a pit of anger which they showed by kicking the bucket into the wall.
" least now... I have an excuse... not to attend the next class, so... I won't have to... deal with that... pain in the ass."
-She tried to keep them in, but it was simply impossible. The words the girls have said hurt her deeply and tears wouldn't stop flowing down her face. She swept them away as fast as they came out, but it was pointless as they had no intention of stopping any time soon.
-She planned on skipping the rest of the classes she had for today and just return to her dorm, but a memory from a few months ago changed her ming from doing so. It was a memory of a woman patting her on the head and smiling at her.
-After her tears had finally stopped, she left the bathroom and went to change out of these wet clothes as to not catch a cold.
"I need to change, otherwise I might catch a cold."
-She walked back to her room and took a spare of clothes out of her closet and changed into them. It was a black hoody and the lower part of a tracksuit, these were the only clean change of clothes she had left. She complained about the mess her room was but it was her fault it was like that, she wasn't particularly good at keeping it clean. In the two days she was here she already managed to make a mess out of it.
-Even though she was already late and the class was already in session, Even though her bag, books and all of the notes she took were completely wet and ruined, she still decided to go.
-It would have been better to wait until the next class starts and just say she didn't feel like attending this one, but instead, she just walked right through the door and sat down at her desk as nothing had happened.
-Neither Matthew of the other students said anything at first, Matthew just gave a sigh of relief and continued teaching the class but started from the very beginning, the students didn't care he did that as they were too occupied talking amongst themselves. Things like "she did it again!" and "So it's true?" could be heard as they were being whispered from the students sitting behind her and from the entire class in secret, after which followed the laughter and looks of shame.
-The looks they gave her were those of pure disgust, with some being full of lust and all sort of ideas. But Roselin didn't give them any attention or any kind of reaction, she concentrated on the lecture Matthew was giving just because of her and tried to figure out what they were learning, and that's when...
-A blank notebook with a picture of a small wolf in the middle was placed on her desk alongside a pen and an eraser. The one that put it there was Finn, even though she was mean to him, ignored him and was running away from him the entire day, he still tried to help her as much as he could. Alongside himself, Rin and Matthew were the only ones that didn't say a single word and focused on their own thing.
-The change of clothes, no bag or notebook and the fact she was late gave him a pretty good idea of what actually happened, but the fact that she still came to class assured him that he was right and Roselin was a good person and all of the rumors about her were some kind of misunderstanding.
"Just take it!"
"...Thank you."
-Roselin wanted to write down the stuff that Matthew was explaining from the beginning especially for her but not having anything in which she could write it in, she accepted Finns offer and took the notebook, pen, and eraser, after which she gave him a silent but honest thank you for from the bottom of her heart, not just for this but all of the kindness he showed her today.
-Finn replied with a smile himself, turned around and went back to his seat. Her accepting the notebook was a small, but still a step forward none the less. It meant that he was getting somewhere and that made him happy.
"You seem happy."
"Well I am, even if its a small one its a step none the less."
-With the history class ending, the next and the last class of the day was P.E. Rin and Finn were pretty nervous about having it, and the reason behind it was their little skirmish from the other day.
"You think he knows it was us?"
"Shh, he will if you keep talking about it!"
-Going in the locker room they changed from their normal clothes into their gym uniforms, which were specifically designed by the best tailors in the world to be flexible and comfy at the same time, all the while being hard to destroy by any kind low-level fire attack or drenched by water. Perfect for any kind of training they will go through do.
-Boys took significantly longer to change then the girls did living them to be criticized by them, after they walked out the girls and the P.E. teacher, Raiker was already there. And by Raikar's facial expression they could tell that he wasn't happy.
"What took you so long? You change like girls, no the girls were even faster then you!"-Raikar yelled at them with a terrifying and menacing voice like they never heard before.
-For taking so long to change they were punished by needing to run three circles around the entire school, which to them was torture straight from hell, but they were still happy in a way as they didn't have to run ten circles like Rin and Finn had to as extra punishment for their little "Sparing match.".
"Seems like he found out."
"Just run, you waste energy by talking."-Said Rin.
-While both of them were running their ten circles, the rest of the students had free activity, meaning they could do whatever they wanted after they finished stretching.
-Some of them chose to train their strength with the gym equipment, some decided to play games like dodge ball while others just stood around and talked.
-Roselin didn't belong in any of those groups, she had no friends to talk to or play with, nor did she want to train by herself. She just sat there under one of the trees in its shade while the low summer wind grazed her hair, waiting for this awful day to be over.
-When suddenly from behind her, a voice, exhausted and all used up askes her a question.
"Huh, huh, What are you doing?"
-It was Rin, he finished doing his ten laps around the school and saw Roselin sitting by herself, so he came to see what she's doing.
"Oh, its you. Nothing, just waiting for the class to finish so I can go home."
"I see..."
"Why aren't you running?"
"Unlike a certain someone who is still running his remaining 4 laps because he capt talking, I already finished mine."
"That was surprisingly fast."
"You think so? Well, I was planning on getting some training done next so since you aren't doing anything I thought you could help me."
"I'm not feeling all that good today, maybe it's because of the heat, so I'll have to decline."
-Seeing how she didn't want to help him, Rin turned around without saying anything and left.
-After confirming that he left, Roselin continued to stare at the distance and waited for this seemingly endless day to finally come to an end.
-She was tired and pretty exhausted from everything that happened today. All she felt like doing now was sleeping, going home, throwing herself into her bed and getting away to the dream lend, far away from every problem she had in the real life, but then a cold chill on the top of her head shocked her right out of it.
-She screams from the sudden chill.
"Thought you'd want one."
-It was Rin again, holding a lemon-flavored Ice tea can in one hand while drinking the other one.
-Rin thought that if she was feeling hot then a cold beverage might help her cool off, so he went to the wending machine and both them both one.
-She accepted the drink even if the only reason she told him that was to get rid of him nor did she like the lemon flavored one, It would be bad manners of her to simply refuse when he already bought it for her.
"Yep, still don't like the taste."
"I apologize, I didn't know."
"Hahahahahahah, don't sweat it, so you want me to suck you or something?"
"Don't get your hopes up."
-She couldn't stop laughing, no matter how much she tried she couldn't. She continued to laugh for another few seconds before finally stopping.
"I don't believe in rumors, so you can stop pretending."
"That again, I told you already..."
"All I know is that you're a hardworking and kind girl and If you ask me that is all I need to know."
-A small and fragile tear fell from her eye as he told her those words, not even realizing that she started crying, Roseling started wiping the tears off of her face before Rin could realize, but Rin noticed from the moment the first tear fell from her face.
-Pretending not to notice he turned his head the other way and continued to drink his lemon tea.
"Than you..."
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