"Mr. Kuzan, you are also a disciple of Grandpa Garp, right?"

The battle with the admiral of the navy came to an end, and Luffy did not let Aokiji leave.

Aokiji was in a bad mood:

"Oh, it was about 20 years ago. At that time, I was still an ordinary vice admiral who was unknown.

At that time, I admired Mr. Garp very much, so I kept pestering him for extra training. Later, as time went by, Mr. Garp finally recognized me, and my strength became stronger.

So, I am also a disciple of Mr. Garp. . "

Robin was very surprised:

"Is Admiral Aokiji actually a disciple of Luffy's grandfather? Mr. Kuzan... turns out he has an old relationship with [Navy Hero] Garp!"

Luffy nodded and said:

"Well, when I was a child, I heard Grandpa Garp mention that there was a young navy who had been pestering him. That young navy also practiced boxing with Grandpa Garp and made great progress."

Aokiji yawned:

"In fact, Mr. Garp never wanted this bullshit title of [Navy Hero]. Mr. Garp has always regarded fame, wealth and status as dirt, and even refused to be promoted again and again.

Therefore, until now, Mr. Garp is still in the position of vice admiral. Mr. Garp believes that the position of vice admiral is high enough, and he does not want to be controlled by the World Government everywhere. 's constraints. "

Luffy smiled:

"Indeed, although Grandpa Garp is still a vice admiral, he has been a comrade-in-arms with the Navy Marshal Sengoku for many years. Grandpa Garp refused to be promoted to admiral, but he has a higher degree of freedom than the admiral.

Grandpa Garp has always been his own man. Even if he is only a vice admiral, everyone in the navy respects him very much, and he will not be restricted by Marshal Sengoku's actions without any restrictions!"

Usopp's eyes widened:

"Luffy... your grandfather is the all-powerful [Navy Hero], why does he sound like an old naughty boy!"

Aokiji: "Insightful."

Luffy curled his lips: "Not like, but Grandpa Garp is one."

In the Navy Headquarters, an old admiral who was fighting with Sengoku for senbei sneezed suddenly, a little confused.

Luffy looked up at the sky:

"Actually, Mr. Kuzan, you should know that Garp is not the only one who has my grandfather!"

"Ah, I've heard before that Mr. Garp's son left the navy and joined the Revolutionary Army. He seems to be the leader of the Revolutionary Army now. His name is Monkey D. Dragon? But that has nothing to do with me."

Aokiji spread his hands and continued:

"But your family is really outrageous. The father is a navy hero, the son is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and now the grandson has become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Luffy laughed:

"It is true that the Monkey family is full of talents! But Mr. Kuzan, you don't have Have you ever thought about why Drago left the Navy? "

Kuzan spread his hands and said:

"Oh, I don't want to care about such a mess. I am the admiral of the Navy who pursues lazy justice [Aokiji]!"

Robin was very confused:

"Kuzan...Mr., didn't you pursue [Burning Justice] at that time? At that time, you hated evil and had an extraordinary yearning for your own justice. Why would you..."

Aokiji heard helplessly:

"Ah, at that time, too many things really happened!"

Luffy recalled at this time:

"I also listened to Grandpa Garp about this I mentioned it because of the [O'Hara Incident], right? Grandpa Garp also said that it is really despicable for a guy to give up his original justice after encountering such a small setback. "

This made Admiral Aokiji look sideways:

"Oh, Mr. Garp even talked about this with you? It's really ridiculous."

Luffy smiled slightly:

"Mr. Kuzan, I have carefully investigated your experience. You are confused now."

Kuzan raised his eyes when he heard it:

"Oh? Why do you say that? Tell me about it?"

Luffy said in a deep voice:

"Admiral [Aokiji], 30 years ago, joined the navy at the age of 19 and studied under [ [Black Arm] Zephyr.

27 years ago, at the age of 22, he appeared beside Garp after Garp refused to be promoted to admiral again, wearing a hat with the navy logo and sunglasses.

On the eve of the outbreak of the "At-Wol Naval Battle", he appeared at the Navy Headquarters Marineford with Monkey D. Garp, Haguvar D. Sauro and others. He thought it was a very cool thing for Garp to refuse to be promoted to admiral again.

22 years ago, Kuzan (27 years old), a vice admiral of the navy, participated in the "Demon Slayer Order" to destroy Ohara.

This is the life experience of the Navy Admiral [Aokiji] that can be found! "

Robin said:

"Indeed, KuzanMr. Kuzan participated in the [O'Hara Incident]. It is rumored that [Aokiji] made great contributions in O'Hara's Demon Slaying Order. That battle laid the foundation for [Aokiji] to become a navy admiral. "

Aokiji was bored:

"That's true, but that's just a rumor from the outside world, don't take it seriously."

Luffy said in a deep voice at this time:

"So, Mr. Kuzan, the following is my personal conjecture after investigation!

In the [O'Hara Incident], [Aokiji], who was the vice admiral of the navy at the time, believed that because the scholars of O'Hara had violated the law first, even if he had no choice, he had to participate in the attack for justice, for his position, and for the order.

According to Robin's description of the O'Hara incident, Kuzan intercepted Sauro who was attacking the navy warship. When the two argued fiercely about whether this action was correct, Sakaski directly bombarded the refugee ship. Kuzan, who witnessed this, was also shocked and claimed that he would not be the same as "that guy". He used "Freezing Moment" to arrest his friend and Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Haguvar D. Sauro, who was hindering the mission, but let Nico Robin, the only survivor of O'Hara, go. Before leaving, he warned Robin to be happy for saving her life and to live a low-key life in the future; and emphasized that he was not her "companion" but "enemy", and if there was any mistake, he would be the first to arrest her. "

Aokiji was also surprised at this time:

"Ah, there is really no secret in front of Brother Luffy."

Luffy continued:

"But I'm afraid it was that mission that shook Mr. Kuzan's justice and Mr. Kuzan fell into confusion.

Mr. Kuzan, you were full of passion for the future of the Navy, and your concept of justice was "burning justice". In the Ohara incident 20 years ago, I saw what [Akainu] Sakaski did, and I felt confused about the justice that the Navy insisted on. "

Aokiji has sat up straight:

"So? Brother Luffy, what do you want to say? Are you questioning my [justice]?"

Luffy said solemnly:

"Mr. Kuzan, the justice you insist on cannot be achieved in the Navy! Whether it is [Burning Justice] or the current [Lazy Justice], although they are all justice, they do not conform to the values ​​of the Navy!

And this is also the biggest reason why Mr. Garp is unwilling to be promoted, and it is also the reason why Mr. Garp's son left the Navy to join the Revolutionary Army, and it is also the reason why I did not choose to join the Navy but set up an adventure group to go to sea! "

Aokiji frowned:

"Oh? Why is this? "

Luffy spoke in a sonorous voice:

"Because the navy is not everyone's navy, and it is not even a navy of justice.

The navy is the navy of the World Government, and the navy is the navy of the Celestial Dragons!

As long as the navy is under the command of the Celestial Dragons, the navy will never achieve true justice. And your ideal is destined to never be realized!"

Aokiji crossed his hands:

"Luffy, do you know what you are talking about?"

The other partners saw that the atmosphere was not right and were also very nervous.

Luffy said calmly:

"I know, Admiral Aokiji. From your point of view, the navy is just and has absolute authority. The world's nobles are also sacred and inviolable.

But have you ever thought carefully that [Akainu] has his reasons for doing so. In his eyes, the [evil] identified by the World Government must be eradicated. The duty of a soldier is to obey orders, and he does not need to think about right and wrong outside of the mission.

And his [absolute justice] is in line with the interests of the World Government, while the Celestial Dragons' World Government defines [evil] as a factor that threatens its ruling position!

But what if the Celestial Dragons are not gods and the World Government is wrong? Mr. Kuzan, when you face the crossroads of life, will you still choose to help the evil?

Do you really think that the Celestial Dragons' orders are absolute and the World Government must be right? "

"You are stronger, you are right,"

Aokiji took a deep breath and said meaningfully:

"So, is this your answer? Frankly speaking, based on my position, I should fight to the death with you now. However, there is a voice in my head telling me that it is not right.

Brother Luffy, do you want to destroy the world? "

Luffy looked directly at Aokiji:

"Of course not. It is better to say that we all hope that the world will become a better place!

However, to make the world a better place, top-down changes are not enough, and bottom-up changes are also needed!

Mr. Kuzan, our ultimate enemy is only the Celestial Dragons! The navy is not our enemy, at least not forever!

The navy can also be our friend! And so can the millions of righteous people in the world.Friendly forces!

The torch of justice will eventually illuminate the world, and the Celestial Dragons will eventually fall from the altar. This is not an empty talk, Mr. Kuzan! "

Kuzan's face was as cold as ice, and his hands were covered with ice, but he retreated with a struggle:

"Brother Luffy, you are really bold! You are not afraid of what I will do when you say this to me, the admiral of the navy?"

Luffy smiled:

"No, Admiral Aokiji. Because [Burning Justice] is still in your heart."

Aokiji was a little helpless and waved his hand:

"Forget it! Anyway, I can't beat you, so I won't wade into this muddy water!"

Luffy said:

"Admiral Aokiji, no matter what happens in the future, you will never be elected as the admiral of the navy. You are contrary to the interests of the world government, and they will not choose you."

Aokiji fell into deep thought after hearing this:

"Then what do you think? ”

Luffy just said:

"Mr. Kuzan, I just hope that no matter what happens in the future, you will not betray your beliefs. If one day, you go astray and become an enemy of justice, we will kill you no matter where you are!"

Aokiji sighed:

"Really? In your eyes, is it possible that I could go astray? Well. Then, can I ask you for help?"

Luffy said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Kuzan, you say."

Kuzan said with difficulty:

"If one day, I really go astray, can I expect you to stop me?"

Luffy showed his iconic smile:

"No problem at all, Mr. Kuzan! No matter how the future changes, we will not change our original intention!"

"It's really like the sun!" Kuzan looked up at the sky, "Today I just came to tell you the news of serving as the Seven Warlords of the Sea, nothing else happened! ”

Luffy smiled mysteriously:

“Of course! Nothing happened to us!”

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