The Straw Hat Pirates once again set out on a journey to Water City. Although they experienced many twists and turns, it didn't take long for them to land in Water City.

Chopper slapped his head:

"Zoro, you are seriously injured, get treatment immediately!"

Zoro curled his lips helplessly:

"Huh? Scars are the glory of a swordsman..."

Chopper stopped Zoro from speaking directly:

"No! I'm a doctor, you have to listen to the doctor!"

Luffy sat at the bow, watching his companions playing and fighting, and felt warm. He smiled and took out something:

"Zoro, this is for you, and it is also the proof of your victory over Shiki the Golden Lion!"

The companions came over and exclaimed:

"This is! The Float-Float Fruit! The captain has already taken action!"

Luffy nodded:

"Well, this is Shiki the Golden Lion's [Float-Float Fruit]. Zoro, you can become even stronger with it! You have now reached the top of the great swordsman, this The power of this fruit will bring you a huge boost! "

Zoro struggled:

"But, I am a pure swordsman..."

Luffy said:

"This fruit will not affect your swordsmanship system, it will only greatly increase your destructive power!

Of course, you can also use this fruit as a trump card. This is a power with infinite possibilities!

The more we go forward, the stronger the enemies we encounter will be. The stronger you become, the better you can deal with various powerful enemies. "

Zoro thought about it again and again, and decided to accept this fruit. After all, the swordsmen in this world have their limits, and there may be a shortage of resources in the future, so it is necessary to have a trump card.

Zoro chose to eat the floating fruit. This decision was undoubtedly a huge turning point in the world of One Piece, which not only changed his fate, but also changed the fate of the entire Straw Hat Adventure Group.

At that moment, Zoro stood in front of the floating fruit, and his heart was full of contradictions and struggles. He knew that the power of this fruit was extremely strong, but at the same time, it would also enable him to fly and soar into the sky, but he would lose his sense of weight.

This was undoubtedly a huge challenge for a swordsman.

However, Zoro knew that this fruit was of irreplaceable importance to the Straw Hat Adventure Group. It could allow the ship to pass through any obstacles that blocked them, even the doldrums. It was undoubtedly a powerful aid for their voyage.

Faced with this choice, Zoro did not hesitate, and he chose to eat the Floating Fruit. At that moment, he felt as if he could control the world. His eyes were firmer than ever.

His swordsmanship would also reach a whole new level because of this ability.

He knew that this was the most suitable and powerful ability that his companions had found for him. In general, Zoro's choice to eat the Floating Fruit was a brave and great decision.

His determination and courage undoubtedly made him a stronger warrior. With the help of the ability of the Floating Fruit, Zoro will gain a greater advantage in battle.

He can suddenly appear behind the enemy, or slash at the enemy directly from the sky, making it impossible for the opponent to predict his movements. This not only makes him more flexible in battle, but also greatly improves his survivability in critical situations. Although the ability of the Float-Float Fruit brings many advantages to Zoro, it also brings new challenges.

But in general, Zoro chose to eat the Float-Float Fruit, although it cost a huge price and he could no longer go to the sea at will, but he also gained powerful abilities.

His courage and determination not only made him a stronger fighter, but also brought greater advantages to the entire Straw Hat Adventure Group.

His decision proved his tenacity that he would not retreat in the face of any difficulties, and made everyone look forward to his better performance in future adventures.

Zoro chose to eat the Float-Float Fruit, and the benefits to him were huge. In the world of One Piece, powerful abilities are often closely related to self-confidence. Zoro is a very confident person, and he has always believed that he can defeat any enemy.

The Float-Float Fruit makes him more confident because he has a stronger ability to better cope with various challenges and dangers. Finally, the Float-Float Fruit can also bring more opportunities and possibilities to Zoro.

In the world of One Piece, each ability has its own unique characteristics and uses. The Float-Float Fruit can be used in combination with other abilities, such as the [Field Control] developed by Golden Lion, to create even more amazing attack methods.

In short, Zoro's choice to eat the Float-Float Fruit is of great benefit to him. He can move and attack more quickly and flexibly, enhancing hisConfidence and opportunity can also be combined with other abilities to create more amazing attack methods. These advantages will make Zoro more invincible in the world of One Piece and become a more formidable opponent.

Luffy said confidently:

"Zoro, you have also seen the [Field Control] developed by Golden Lion Shiki on the Floating Fruit. In fact, it was beyond my expectation to discover this in the battle. No wonder Golden Lion was able to break into the Navy Headquarters alone in his heyday, and even needed the two of them to join forces to subdue him when they were young."

Zoro nodded:

"That is really an extremely powerful force, as if it is against the whole world, and even the flow of air is completely controlled!"

Luffy took a deep breath:

"In fact, in my cognition, , my knowledge tells me that [Piao-Piao Fruit] can be even more powerful!

Field force is a kind of influence. You have all deeply experienced this in the battle, so there is no need to say more, but for the superhuman fruit, the greater the imagination, the stronger the power! "

Nami asked with her chin on her hand:

"Oh? Just like the [electromagnetic force] that I need to master, can the Float-Piao Fruit also develop a more powerful force?"

Luffy said in a deep voice:

"That's right! The power of the Float-Piao Fruit may have more possibilities! [Field force control] is just one of them. If the imagination is rich enough, then [vector domination], or [vector operation] is also possible!"

Akin asked in confusion:

"Vector? What is that?"

Luffy thought about it carefully and said:

"This is not easy to explain, but it is also a physical quantity like field force. The vector is closely related to the direction and size of energy movement. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to control [vector] by human power, but in Zoro, it is possible to achieve it! "

Luffy used the power of the system to transform the energy of "Accelerator" that he had seen in his previous life The relevant information about the power was transmitted to Zoro, and continued:

"This principle is difficult to explain, but Zoro, you can try to see if you can replicate it with the power of the Float-Float Fruit!"

Zoro silently accepted the complex knowledge and nodded:

"Okay! I'll try! I have to combine it with my swordsmanship!"


On the other side, Morgans couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing the news:

"This is really a big news that can shock the world!"

Morgans rushed to write overnight, and in the early hours of the morning, a big news that could shock the world came out.

Morgans was overwhelmed. In this way, the title of Straw Hat Adventure [The Strongest Seven Warlords of the Sea], whether he admits it or not, is basically confirmed!

[All members of the Straw Hat Adventure Group survived and killed the Golden Lion Shiki! ]

[Burn the old world for me! The Golden Lion's dying declaration, the Shura Sword Master turned out! 】

This news vividly depicts how the three famous vice admirals of the navy were defeated by the Golden Lion and desperately asked for help. It also depicts the ending where the Straw Hat Pirates accepted the navy's request for help, fought a desperate battle with the Golden Lion and won.

Such news shocked the whole world, but of course that is a story for later.

The Straw Hat Pirates are not aware of all this now.

Here, at dawn, the Golden Merry can already see the horizon of the Water City.

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