"Oh! Franky is just a gangster, please don't bother with him!"

Mayor Iceberg started to persuade him to make peace as soon as he entered the door.

Luffy let go of Franky and said with a smile:

"Mayor Iceberg, we have no ill intentions. Originally, the improvement of the ship should be contracted to Carrera Company under Mr. Iceberg, but one of the main purposes of our coming here is to find one of Mr. Tom's disciples."

Mayor Iceberg's eyes flashed with a haze, but he forced a smile:

"It is understandable that Mr. Shichibukai found Mr. Tom's disciple to improve the ship, but can we go out and have a formal talk?"

Luffy whispered:

"Mr. Iceberg, I know the past of Mr. Tom and his master and apprentice, and I know everything about you. I have no ill intentions. If I did, I would not be so polite.

There are many people here, Mr. Iceberg, please dismiss the left and right first, and I will talk to you in detail."

Iceberg was in a dilemma. At this time, he had to order his subordinates to clear out all the gangsters in Franky's house.

After all the irrelevant people had left, Bingshan said coldly without further ado:

"What do you want to do, sir? What do you want to talk to me about?"

Franky was also tactful and stopped standing out at this time.

Luffy said in a deep voice:

"First of all, I apologize for our rudeness. But in a hurry, there is not much time to waste, so I can only resort to this last resort and make the situation clear."

Bingshan raised his eyebrows, not understanding what the young man meant.

"Mr. Bingshan, when we met you, we had already found the childhood photo of Nico Robin upside down on your desk."

Luffy said in a deep voice.

Robin saw that he was being dragged down, and also observed the situation from the side.

Mayor Iceberg looked a little grim:

"So? Are you going to cause an incident in Water City just because of this?"

Luffy shook his head:

"Not really, Mr. Iceberg. We can even say that you have the right to hate [Devil's Son]. You should hate the person who caused you the unbearable memories in the past."

Mr. Iceberg let out a sigh:

"It seems that you really know a lot... So, are you on my side?"

Luffy continued:

"But now, Nico Robin is indeed our companion. She is no longer [Devil's Son]. She is a true companion of our Straw Hat Adventure Group."

Mr. Iceberg's heart suddenly fluctuated.

Luffy signaled Mr. Iceberg to stay calm and continued:

"Robin is actually the same as Mr. Tom, both are poor people persecuted by the World Government.

Mayor Iceberg must have heard about our affairs in Alabasta."

Iceberg nodded silently, frowned and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

Luffy sighed:

"Ancient weapon [Pluto]. It is precisely because Robin has the ability to awaken ancient weapons and interpret historical texts that she is wanted by the World Government.

O'Hara is also involved in that blank 100 years and destroyed."

Iceberg's heart was filled with turmoil, but he remained calm on the surface:

"I understand your intention. Robin herself does not have the original sin of being hated, but she is also classified as the "Devil's Child" by the World Government, just like Mr. Tom. For people like them, coming to this world may be a mistake!"

Luffy responded in a deep voice:

"Everyone has the right to choose their own way to live. However, in the eyes of those people, ancient weapons are threats, and those who interpret the historical text are demons. They do not allow any threats to exist. "

Luffy paused and continued:

"Mr. Iceberg, you also know that in addition to people like Nico Robin, there is another person who can awaken ancient weapons, that is - the shipwright!"

Granny Kokoro opened her mouth in surprise:

"Sure enough! Brother Luffy also knows! Mr. Tom has the manufacturing drawings of the ancient weapon [Pluto], and he passed the drawings down, so his descendants and disciples are all under close surveillance by the World Government! "

Luffy laughed:

"So, a white man like Franky Stupid, inherited Mr. Tom's [skills] and [Pluto Design], but he is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure!

He did not hide himself, and he was not strong enough. When the World Government knew that [Pluto Design] was in his possession, it would be a disaster for him and Water City. "

Iceberg frowned:

"No one knows about the news of Pluto Design, even I have never revealed this news to anyone, how did you know it, Monkey D. Luffy!"

Luffy said seriously:

"I have my own source of information, rootAccording to the intelligence source, the location of Pluto's design can also be deduced. Even I can do this, do you think the World Government can't do it? "

Iceberg's face was pale:

"If that's the case... Barry is also in danger!"

Luffy said:

"Barry's hand will not be the real Pluto's design, and there is no need to worry too much about his safety! Our arrival here is equivalent to giving the World Government a signal that the plan has been exposed.

If the World Government's top brains are good enough, they will have already begun to verify the loopholes in the plan and prepare to evacuate. They will not risk offending a Shichibukai who is in the limelight to challenge an uncertain goal.

But I still hope that Franky must destroy the original manuscript of Pluto's design in public and cut off the World Government's thoughts. "

Franky said on the side:

"Super! This is super cool!"

Iceberg scolded:

"It's none of your business, shut up! ”

Franky sat down: “Yes…”

Granny Kokoro took a sip of wine:

“Mr. Iceberg, you won’t blame me, an old woman, for telling everything, will you?”

Iceberg held his forehead helplessly:

“Everything has been exposed, so it doesn’t matter whether I tell it or not.”

So, Granny Kokoro began to tell the story of Mr. Tom and his two apprentices:

“Franky and Mr. Tom’s past started from a small encounter.

Mr. Tom saw that Franky made cannons with scrap copper and iron when he was a child, and felt that Franky was a natural shipbuilder. Mr. Tom took in Franky, who was homeless at that time.

Unlike Iceberg, Franky 22 years ago was only interested in building warships. As the Pirate King Roger was executed, the world entered the Age of Discovery.

At that time, the sea was full of pirates, and the Water City, which was famous for its shipbuilding industry, suffered the greatest crisis in history-

All wood and steel could not enter the Water City, and the entire Water City was in depression.

At the same time, the World Government sent a judicial ship to judge Tom, because the ship of Pirate King Roger, the Oro Jackson, was built by Tom.

The World Government wanted to sentence Mr. Tom to death, but Tom said that he was building a sea train. Once the sea train was completed, it would not only solve the dilemma of Water City, but also allow people to sail the sea without using the record pointer. Mr. Tom promised that the sea train could connect to the Judicial Island. The judge gave him ten years to complete the sea train.

Although Tom was fine for the time being, Franky was very unhappy at that time. The ship of Pirate King Roger was the only ship in the world that had arrived at Raftel, and how could Tom, who built this unique ship, be sentenced to death.

Franky was unhappy and taught a frog to learn freestyle swimming.

After ten years of hard work, the sea train was finally completed. The Water City became a world-famous water city, and the shipbuilding industry also solved the material dilemma.

But not long after, Spandam suddenly came to ask for the Pluto design, but Tom didn't take Spandam seriously at all. He threw him out directly. "

Iceberg waved his hand:

"Let me tell you next.

Mr. Tom entrusted the Pluto design to his apprentice, and three days later the Judicial Ship came to settle Tom's [crime].

When the Judicial Ship arrived at the Water City, it was suddenly bombarded by unknown artillery, and the ship was attacked by the series of warships made by Franky.

After the attack, the attackers drove the ship into the scrapyard. Before Mr. Tom and I arrived, the group of attackers abandoned the ship and fled. But when we checked Franky's warship, it was bombarded.

Although we learned that it was Spandam who did it before, we were powerless at that time.

The World Government identified us as the murderer who attacked the Judicial Ship. In order to save Franky, Mr. Tom requested that his contribution to building the Sea Train be used to offset the attack.

The judge of the World Government said that even if Tom's request was granted, it would only make Tom return to the crime he committed more than a decade ago.

But Mr. Tom said, "He is extremely proud to contribute to someone like Roger."

Mr. Tom was taken back to Judicial Island by the Sea Train he built, and Franky stood in front of the train without hesitation.

But how could Franky, as a child, block the high-speed Sea Train.

Although Franky never wanted to build any battleships from then on, he always took Tom as an example and wanted to build a ship that could sail to the end of the world. "

Mr. Iceberg sighed:

"The above is Franky's adventure and dream. "

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