Zoro, Sanji, and Kin walked on the bustling night market street of Water City. Looking at the bright lights and the noisy life around them, the three of them were not in a hurry and stopped along the way.

Zoro carried all five famous swords with him, and couldn't help but mutter:

"It's a hassle to carry these five famous swords with me all the time! Forget it, after this incident is over, I will discuss with Luffy how to deal with it."

Zoro, Sanji, and Kin walked into a ramen restaurant:

"Boss, three bowls of signature ramen!"

"Okay, please sit down!"

After a while, the boss presented three bowls of fragrant ramen, and the three of them feasted on it.

The ingredients of this ramen restaurant in Water City are very fresh, and the ramen tastes quite good. Even with Sanji's cooking level, he would praise it.

Soon, there were three empty bowls on the table of the three people.

"The food here is really good. I'll prepare more ingredients from this city so that I can develop more dishes in the future."

Sanji also spoke highly of this city.

"Boss, check out!"

Ajin silently called the waiter.

A little girl in a coarse linen shirt came forward and said crisply:

"Hello, a total of 300 Baileys!"

Ajin paid the fee, and the three were about to leave, but there was a sudden sound of kicking the door, and a middle-aged man with a greasy face and a few black suits shouted:

"Shop owner, today is the day to pay taxes!"

Zoro frowned when he heard the voice:

"Hasn't this city always been governed by an icy mayor, and the public security is quite good? What's going on?"

Ajin raised his eyes and said:

"Maybe, all cities in this world have their own dark side!"

The shop owner hurried out and greeted him with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, calm down. It's a small business. Today, I, the small boss, will treat you to a full meal and drink!"

The middle-aged man in the lead pushed the boss away:

"Don't fool me, we are here to collect taxes today!"

"Please give me a few days for my small business..."

The boss staggered.

The little girl supported the shop owner who was about to fall behind him. The big man with a greasy face suddenly brightened his eyes when he saw the little girl:

"Hey, the waitress is quite pretty! Since we have no money, let the waitress pay off our debts! The little girl is quite pretty, and she can get a lot of money if she is sold at the slave auction!"

Sanji couldn't bear it first, and kicked the big man out of the store:

"Attack the poor lady, and you just said... where are you going to sell this little girl?"

Sanji's feet flickered with hot flames, and he was on the verge of exploding.

The big man with a greasy face fainted after this kick. The two bodyguards were about to take action, but Zoro stunned them with limited domineering domineering.

The boss was extremely shocked and protected the little girl behind him. The two people trembled, and it seemed that they were father and daughter.

Even if the three of them could save this family, they might not be able to save everyone. Only by eliminating the source of suffering can the problem be solved.

"Let's go and take a look at the dark side of this city - the slave auction!"

Zoro led the three out of the store.

"Just now, the swordsman didn't even move his hands, and the two bodyguards..."

"Shh, be quiet! Don't make trouble! I always feel like I've seen that swordsman's face somewhere..."

Some diners whispered.

Arriving at the street, Sanji sneered:

"Didn't I hear that the public security is very good? Doesn't Iceberg care about such things?"

Ajin was silent for a while and said:

"Do you think it's possible that this city is full of people of all kinds, and Iceberg can't reach it."

Zoro said lightly:

"You'll know what's going on if you take a look at the slave auction."

Everyone walked into the brightly lit conference hall.

In the original work, the dark side of the city of Water City was not mentioned, but no one knew what was hidden behind the brilliant appearance.


The conference hall of the slave auction was full of people.

On the central stage of the auction hall, the host introduced passionately:

"Next, we present the 108th lot, a long-handed tribe member in his prime!

I believe you are all familiar with the long-handed tribe. They are strong and are very good slaves! Starting price - 100,000 Baileys, and the bid must not be less than 10,000 Baileys! Bidding starts now!"

A man from the long-handed tribe squatted down in a soundproof cage, his face exhausted, as if he had foreseen a gloomy future.

The auctioneer on the stage introduced passionately:

"Of course, buyers don't have to worry about the slaves suddenly hurting their masters, because we have special collars!"

The auctioneer pointed to the collar on the neck of the long-handed tribe member and raised the remote control in his hand:

"Just like thisLike this! If the slave dares to disobey the master, he will..."

The auctioneer pressed the remote control in his hand, and saw the long-handed tribe in the cage roaring in pain, twitching all over, and foaming at the mouth.

The guests at the scene cheered enthusiastically, obviously excited about torturing the slaves.

This long-handed tribe was bought for 190,000 Baileys. The three people who followed also watched the auction process of several slaves, and they couldn't help but be indignant.

Zoro, Sanji, and Ajin's faces were livid:

"Slave auction, is it just like this to lock [people] in cages, put collars and shackles on them, and sell them as goods at will?

Does the dark iceberg mayor know about this!"

Ajin said in a deep voice:

"I'll contact Iceberg to ask!"

The call was connected, and Iceberg's lazy voice came from the telephone bug:


Zoro took over the conversation and asked:

"I'm Zoro. Mr. Iceberg, do you know about the slave auction at night in Water City?"

Iceberg fell silent at first, then said faintly:

"Did you see it? The slave auction in this city is tacitly approved by the World Government and protected by Du Feld, the currency emperor, one of the six emperors of the dark world.

Du Feld is known as the "Loan Shark King" and his main business is to lend money at high interest.

I do know this, but even as the mayor, I am powerless against [those people].

Zoro said slowly:

"Du Feld, one of the six emperors of the dark world? We wiped him out, do you have any objection?"

Zoro released his observation Haki to investigate and found that the real owner was living a life of luxury in the most luxurious building in Water City.

Iceberg was shocked:

"Wait, wait, are you going to kill Du Feld? He has 8,000 gangsters under him, this..."

Sanji replied:

"You don't have to worry about that. We only ask you one question, if we solve him, how do you plan to deal with the aftermath?"

Iceberg sighed and replied:

"If we can really solve him, it will also remove a cancer for Water City. We will definitely stand on your side. But you...are you okay?"

Akin responded calmly:

"Don't worry, we will see the result tonight."

Iceberg hurriedly stood up and said:

"Okay! I will arrange people to prepare for the aftermath!"

Zoro, Sanji, and Akin immediately used their observation Haki to cover Du Feld's hiding place and headed towards the real owner. The three of them were ready to go.

Just as the three were about to take action, Luffy's disguised [Kani] had arrived over Judicial Island, and the two giants also came to the coastline of Judicial Island.

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