During the days when Luffy and his two companions were resting in the village of West Rob, they found Usopp.

Usopp was still bragging to the children in the town at this moment. Usopp was the most boastful person in the village, always making the villagers anxious and flustered, but in fact he was also a warm-hearted and kind-hearted boy. He always told some exaggerated stories to cheer up Kaya, whose parents had both passed away, when she was bedridden.

Luffy waved his hand: "Hey~ Usopp! Aren't you going to be the greatest sea warrior! Aren't you going to be the greatest sniper on the sea! You are just a little bit away, just a little bit away! Follow me! I will train you! I will let you surpass your father Jesus!"

Luffy "framed" Usopp with his harmless, iconic smile.

"Really? Can I surpass my father? Then I want to challenge you! I will definitely become the greatest warrior! I will definitely become the greatest sniper on the sea!" Usopp's eyes lit up.

Luffy and his companions brought Usopp to an open space in the back mountain. Luffy said, "First of all, if you want to become the greatest sniper on the sea, do you know what elements you need?" Luffy paused, and Usopp motioned Luffy to continue.

"An excellent sniper must be physically strong, with good function of all organs, strong adaptability to various adverse environmental conditions, and long-term stability of physical strength. Snipers must have good psychological qualities, which is also very important. Snipers must be able to quickly and accurately lock the enemy in a complex environment, and defeat the enemy with one blow at a critical moment, becoming the ultimate killer on the battlefield." Luffy said word by word.

"Well! Well! So what should I do?" Usopp listened attentively.

"Because your foundation is really too poor. We will help you awaken your domineering and train your skills. I will increase your training speed by 100 times. When you are ready, we will start. Next, I will hit you, and then you hide." Luffy said with some interest.

"Eh? Eh? Is it starting now?" Usopp only felt a warm current entering his body, and his body felt completely different from before.

"Ding——consume 1000 transformation points, increase Usopp's two-color Haki by 100 times, and improve his training speed and physical skill coaching speed. There are now 1000 transformation points left."

"Fuck! Ahhhhhh!" Usopp was beaten and ran away. In the next few days, Usopp was in pain and joy.


In Kaya's mansion, the butler Krohattel, no, it should be said that the leader of the Black Cat Pirates, [Hundred-Step Kro] pushed his glasses and said coldly: "The boy named Usopp is really worrying. Now he has rashly brought back a few guys who are suspected of being pirates. I can't wait any longer. Three years is too long. I have to quickly take over all the property in this mansion! Soon, everything here will belong to me."

At this moment, Luffy has taken Kaya's old butler Meili to supervise the ship he wants to build.

At night, Kuro left the mansion cautiously when he saw that there was no one around. He came to a coast and sent out his special signal. Not long after, a man wearing strange glasses came in a boat: "At dawn tomorrow, everyone will attack Xiluo Village."

At this moment, he didn't know that Luffy and his friends, who had finished a day of training, had restrained their breath and hid behind a reef, so that he could hear everything he said.

Usopp was very nervous. He waited until Kuro left before he dared to crawl out slowly: "No... It's not good. Kurohatel is a big bad guy. No, he is not Kurohatel, he is [Baike Kuro]. We must inform the village quickly, we must inform the village quickly."

Zoro was silent for a moment, and ignored Usopp who was crawling back to the village in a hurry. Nami said: "Luffy, we must take care of it, we must take care of it, we can't let the civilians in the village fall into danger!"

"Ah, we must take care of it, and we must save everyone in the village, but the key to solving this crisis lies in Usopp. He needs to prove to the villagers that he is not lying, and he is really crying wolf. If he wants everyone to believe him, his lies must be effective, liar, let me see how you do it. Moreover, after so much training, Nami has made great progress. How far can Usopp go? [Hundred Stratagems of Cloth], if the villagers want to truly regard him as a hero, and if Usopp wants to get rid of the nickname of "the most boastful person", Usopp must defeat him in front of everyone. Zoro, Nami, you guard this only way to the village, and don't let anyone come. I'll go to watch Usopp."

"Yes! Captain!"

"It's bad everyone! The Black Cat Pirates, [Hundred Stratagems of Cloth]"Klo】 will attack the village at dawn!" Usopp knocked on every door, notifying every household.

"Huh? 'Boasting King' Usopp, why is it you again? What are you talking about? Pirates are going to attack the village? What kind of joke is this?" A villager shouted. As a result, the crowd became even noisier, with all kinds of laughter and incomprehensible abuse, and no one believed Usopp's nonsense.

"It's true! This is true! You guys quickly pick up your weapons and protect our village together!" Usopp almost cried and begged. Soon, Usopp's voice was drowned out by the noisy crowd.

"If what Usopp said is true, what are you going to do? Escape with your family? Or take up arms and unite to resist? Why don't you come out and see for yourself?" Luffy used his domineering power to wake up the deaf.

People looked at each other and argued: "But who would believe him? "

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. He just passed on the message. It's your business whether you suffer any loss or not." Luffy seemed calm.

Gradually, some people took various farm tools, climbed up the hillside, and looked at the distant horizon.

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