"Ms. Ku... Ms. Kuleha, can you really give me something like this? Am I really worth it?" Chopper choked up a little.

"Of course you're worth it! You're no longer a monster, you're a real doctor who saves the world!" Ms. Kuleha's eyes were filled with tears.

"Ms. Kuleha, what exactly is this fruit..." Luffy asked.

"This fruit is called the soul of a divine beast! Although it has no attacking ability, it has the miraculous ability to eliminate all pain in legends! But it is not classified as similar to any animal, so there is no specific classification! It is - the animal-type mythical beast species, Kirin form!" Ms. Kuleha said.

"Kirin? Is it the Kirin that steps on the auspicious cloud and eliminates all difficulties in the world?" Luffy asked.

"Oh? There is actually such a saying, yes, this is the Kirin Fruit!" Ms. Kuleha answered very firmly.

"The animal-type mythical beast species Kirin form fruit has the miraculous ability to soothe pain and calm people's hearts. The eater of this fruit will never be hostile to others at any time. When you are friends with the eater of this fruit, you will receive Kirin's [Blessing of Abundance], and the speed of physical strength consumption will be reduced by half, and the speed of physical strength recovery, domineering recovery, and body self-healing will be doubled. During the period when the fruit ability is effective, it will not be affected by any abnormal state and keep a clear mind; when you are the enemy of this fruit ability user, the enemy's fighting spirit will continue to decline, and the speed of physical strength consumption will be doubled!" The system's voice reminded in time.

What kind of perverted ability is this! Fighting against this fruit ability user, the fighting spirit has collapsed before the fight begins, and the enemy's fighting is not as fast as the recovery of the friendly party. What can you do? The fruit of the mythical beast species is extremely thick in blood. What is a super hard auxiliary!

"Eat it, Chopper! You are already our true partner! You deserve it!" Nami also touched Chopper's head.

"Such a precious thing... Such a precious thing, I... I really don't know how to thank you!" Chopper's eyes were filled with tears.

"Join us! Chopper! We don't care what you look like, we only care that you are a real doctor with a kind heart!" Luffy was unwavering.

"Yes!" Chopper finally agreed, and finally ate the fruit.

Chopper remembered the experience of being bullied and spurned by the deer when he was a child; he remembered the way Hiluruku picked him up; he remembered the way Hiluruku didn't want to implicate him when he was terminally ill; he remembered Hiluruku said to him, "Of course you can become a doctor, you have already been a doctor with a kind heart!"; he remembered Dr. Kuleha said to him, "Listen, kindness alone can't save anyone! To save people, you must have enough knowledge and medical skills! Without ability, you can't save anyone at all!"; he remembered every bit of studying medicine over the years; he remembered the help and acceptance of the Straw Hat Pirates during this period of time, and Chopper choked up several times.

The first lesson of becoming a doctor is the growth that Hiluruku earned with his death, which is too heavy. How desperate he was when he waved the Sakura Pirate Flag and begged Ms. Kuleha to teach him medical skills. But from this moment on, he is no longer lonely, he is no longer confused, he is no longer alone, he has a partner by his side, Ms. Kuleha, everyone in the Straw Hat Adventure Group is his partner! He must become a doctor who can cure all diseases, a real [panacea]! He will never forget what Dr. Hiluruku once said unspokenly!

When Chopper ate the [Animal Mythical Beast Species Kirin Form Fruit], he instantly merged with his Human Fruit and could no longer be distinguished from each other. In an instant, the sky above the castle was full of rays of light, and countless peaceful clouds gathered towards Tony Tony Chopper. The world that should have been covered in silver was actually surging with warmth at this moment, and the blizzard covering the Drum Kingdom just stopped!

Dr. Kuleha took out a rusty muzzle and said to Chopper with tears in her eyes: "This is the answer that Dr. Hiluruko finally got after 30 years! Tony Tony Chopper! Go ahead, I will practice for you! This is the answer that the two greatest doctors in the world - Dr. Kuleha and Dr. Hiluruko - got together!"

Chopper used the power of the Kirin Fruit, pulled the sled, and flew to the sky of the Drum Kingdom with his companions: "People of this winter island, from now on, your suffering is completely over! From now on, this place! Change its name to Sakura Kingdom!"

Bursts of artillery fire came from Drum Mountain, resounding throughout the country, and everyone held their breath and stared. I saw a miracle in the night sky illuminated by the bright lights of the castle - the magnificent beast stepped on the sevenColorful clouds, countless rays of light, countless pink cherry blossoms bloomed in the wind in the snowy night, guarding the divine beast in the center that raised its head to release miracles.

The divine beast that brought colorful clouds to the kingdom, the magical powder attached to the white snow turned the impossible into possible, and used beautiful miracles to heal this injured country and people. This is the miracle created by Dr. Hiluluk and Dr. Kuleha, and the answer they got after 30 years!

At that moment, the haze of Drum Island was swept away, and the miracle symbolizing [hope] descended on this world, which will inspire people to create a better future! Tomorrow will be better!

Kuleha shed tears: "This silly son, but he will become a man who stands tall and upright! So, no sadness! No crying!"

As the Merry gradually faded away in the colorful sky and cherry blossoms, Drum Island was reborn, and from then on——

The unicorn stepped on the auspicious clouds, and all the troubles in the world disappeared.

(I dare to add a new setting to the article. Chopper's cheat has been activated and must be activated. He deserves it. Chopper's road to becoming a god begins here. At the same time, Sanji and Zoro's cheats are also on the way.)

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