"Who is the enemy of the Revolutionary Army? What is the revolutionary program of the Revolutionary Army? Is it really meaningful to only provoke disputes and uprisings between countries? If we only help the people to revolt and overthrow the original regime without a perfect social system and laws and regulations, will we repeat the same mistakes?"

Luffy asked these questions when he met Dragon in Rogue Town.

Dragon took a deep breath and answered: "For the first question, I think the current revolutionary enemies of our Revolutionary Army are the evil people in each country who want to drag their country into the abyss, and the ultimate enemy in the future is the World Government."

Luffy shook his head after hearing this: "It's not just that, Mr. Dragon. The current enemies of the Revolutionary Army are evil people who are reactionary, anti-justice, and anti-peace. This has nothing to do with identity, but with behavior. As long as you do evil, you will be the enemy of the Revolutionary Army.

This is conducive to the Revolutionary Army to win the hearts of the people at this stage. When the people's hearts are in favor, the Revolutionary Army can respond to the call. The Revolutionary Army has already started to do this in a planned way, and it's good to continue.

The future enemies are not all the World Government, that's too generalized. The future enemies of the Revolutionary Army should be aristocracy and the powerful ruling class. That is, the Celestial Dragons who hold the highest power in the World Government.

They are all the evils in this world 's root. Therefore, when the revolution reaches a certain stage, the navy and the world government may not all be enemies, and the knowledgeable people among them will also raise the banner of resistance. "

Drag was shocked, and now he was not sure that the conclusion of the revolutionary program he had drawn was completely correct: "So what do you think the revolutionary program of the revolutionary army is?"

Luffy said confidently: "I think the revolutionary program of the revolutionary army is a democratic revolutionary program against war and the aristocracy!

The specific content is: try to eliminate the civil strife in the world and unite all races. Advocate the revolutionary concept of peace, stability, equality and development. Make equality the main theme of the world revolution. No one in the world, no race is superior to others. We are all equal races living under the same sky!"

Drag suddenly stood in awe. Some things and some roads are what they have never imagined!

Luffy continued, "It is meaningless for the Revolutionary Army to only stir up disputes and uprisings between countries. If they only help people to revolt and there is no perfect social system and laws and regulations after overthrowing the original regime, then when the Revolutionary Army leaves, the countries they helped will repeat the same mistakes.

What has happened will happen again; what has been done will be done again. Because the rule of the dark regime has made the original rulers of the country taste the sweetness of tyranny, there will still be people who follow the predecessors to implement tyranny, and the cycle will repeat itself forever.

Therefore, if we want to try our best to avoid this problem, we must provide the new regime with a way to move towards dawn and a bright future on the basis of the original.

The perfect social system and laws and regulations require the people of this world to constantly explore and find a unique path that belongs only to this world!"

Sabo was dumbfounded when he heard this. Is it possible that the action guidelines of the Revolutionary Army have always been problematic?

Luffy took a sip of water and continued, "What do you think is true justice? The navy is not necessarily just, and pirates are not necessarily completely evil.

When we measure a person's moral standards, there is a difference between "judging by heart" and "judging by deeds". Judging by heart means judging a person's character based on his heart and his starting point; judging by deeds means judging based on his actual actions and the results of his work.

Justice exists in the heart and comes from actions. As long as it is beneficial to the people and the development of the world, then this kind of justice is not justice?

The army comes from the people and serves the people. It comes from the people and must go to the people. This is what I think is the essence of a soldier, and it is based on this view that I don't think the navy is completely an enemy.

The army does not serve the nobles, but serves the people . Now the lion of the navy has not awakened, so we have to find a way to wake him up in the future. "

"Seriously, Luffy. Your thoughts are ahead of the world. If this kind of thought is carried forward, it will be the end of the world's aristocrats!" After hearing this, Drago clapped silently, and then continued to ask:

"But we are born in this cannibalistic era. We can't achieve anything by relying on personal thoughts and personal efforts. Although we have a certain scale now, it is not enough! Do you have any insights?"

"We were born in the worst era, and we will eventually raise the flag of rebellion against the hegemony of the Celestial Dragons in the ashes of the evildoers! The main theme of justice, peace and development will resound throughout the world.

The world trend is mighty, and those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish.

We need to move forward, and there is no need to give up on ourselves,Don't worry, just do what you can. If you have a little heat, you can give off a little light. A spark can start a prairie fire, and the torch will eventually appear! We don't have to wait for the torch. If there is no torch in the future, each of us can become our own torch! "

Mr. Dragon and Sabo said excitedly: "Great! Luffy, with your ideological help, the Revolutionary Army will surely go to a higher level!"

Luffy said modestly: "No need to thank me, I can't change the whole world by myself. Only by uniting all the forces that can be united can we succeed!"

"Then, tell me about your plan in Alabasta! What help do you need from us?" Dragon and Sabo looked at each other and said.

"First, the Revolutionary Army needs to incite the rebels... Then, Mr. Dragon, you need to have a secret meeting with King Cobra and convince him..." Luffy described his plan like this,

"Mr. Dragon also needs his fruit ability to blow up a certain degree of sandstorms to sweep across major cities, making the scene bigger!"

"Oh? Blowing up a sandstorm? Although it will harm the people to a certain extent, necessary small sacrifices are still needed. Is it okay?" Mr. Dragon asked.

"Mr. Dragon, it is Crocodile's [Sand-Sand Fruit] that can blow up the sandstorm. This is a well-known fact. What does it have to do with you?" Luffy laughed.

"You are right!"

Dragon and Sabo's eyes lit up after hearing this. If it succeeds, Alabasta will become a milestone in the revolutionary journey!

Luffy: "It's not a particularly detailed plan, but it's enough to deal with this situation."

"Well, the revolutionary army captain Betty has already disguised herself and infiltrated the rebel army headquarters!" Mr. Dragon said indifferently. It's just a sand crocodile. These actions are completely overkill. In fact, if Luffy goes to war directly, Crocodile can't make any waves.

Luffy's eyes lit up: "You are worthy of being the leader of the revolutionary army. You are so fast! Army Captain Betty: [Encouragement Fruit] ability user! "

"After all, I am the leader of the Revolutionary Army. It is not difficult to seize this opportunity. Well, without further delay, let's start the action now!"

Luffy walked out of the empty room and said to his companions: "Then, it's time for us to set off!"

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