The Golden Merry had been sailing for a day and a night. In the early morning of this day, the Straw Hat Adventure Group passed by a small island.

However, this island is a bit strange. It looks like a small country was established not long ago. The intact buildings on the island are very new.

However, the island is now full of smoke and dust, as if it has just experienced a war.

"It seems that a war has just happened on this island. Should we go up to see the situation?"

Luffy sat on the bow and frowned. The atmosphere of war was still heavy. There were ruins everywhere. What happened to the small country here?

Sanji walked out of the cabin, turned on his observation color to observe the island, and then he glimpsed the flag hanging on the tallest castle on the island. He took a puff of cigarette silently, and his eyes were full of haze.

"The flag of Germa 66, it seems to be that group of bastards."

Sanji's face was overcast, and his expression could not be seen, but anyone could see that Sanji was trying his best to suppress his emotions.

"Don't worry about it, get ready to go to the island, no need to carry such a heavy burden."

Luffy flashed to Sanji's side and patted his shoulder.

Sanji was silent. After so many years, maybe there will be an end.

At this time, Zoro came over and put his arm around Sanji's shoulder, sneering:

"Sex cook, you are so scared that you can't walk when you encounter the shadow of your childhood? You have been on the ship for so long, don't you know everyone's strength? Do you think a mere Germa 66 can threaten us?"

Sanji came back to his senses and said angrily:

"Go to you, green algae head! Do you think I'm afraid of these scum, huh?"

Sanji was burning with anger, but it immediately went out. After a moment of silence, he said:

"You should know that my name is not just Sanji!"

"I know, the captain said before!" Usopp said disapprovingly.

"Vinsmoke Sanji, this is my full name. I was born in the [War Family] of Germa 66."

Sanji told the story.

Everyone put away their joking thoughts and listened to Sanji's story quietly.

"In the year 1501 of the Sea Circle Calendar, Vinsmoke Judge, the leader of Germa 66, the [War Expert] that the world fears, discovered the secret of the [Bloodline Factor] together with his former colleague Vegapunk.

Ah, let me digress. Vinsmoke Judge, the leader of Germa 66, is my biological father, but my only father is Zeff.

I also came back from hell, which is why I resisted awakening the bloodline factor before. I was worried that I would be like the other people in Germa 66, erasing my humanity and using the dirty blood provided by that scumbag Judge."


Chopper exclaimed.

Sanji paused, took a puff of cigarette and continued:

"In order to realize the hegemony of the Vinsmoke family, Judge Judge used this technology of transforming the [Life Blueprint] on his unborn children, trying to give them the most powerful power.

Although my mother, Judge's wife Sora, drank a strong drug that could affect the bloodline factor, the super soldier that Judge hoped for was still born.

The four brothers born on the same day were numbered and named. I am [Sanji], the third son of the family. The homophony of the name is the origin.

The four brothers plus my sister Reiju began to undergo various scientific experiments in Germa 66, and gradually showed amazing physical fitness.

Only me, still like an ordinary child, did not show any extraordinary abilities. When I was a child, the gap between my strength and others became larger and larger, and I was often easily defeated in battles.

Because I was too weak, I became the target of bullying by other brothers. Not only that, I also retained I have learned something that Judge had not expected - rich, human emotions.

I am too kind and too passionate about cooking. I am completely different from those cold and ruthless brothers, and I am incompatible with Germa 66.

While others were honing their fighting skills, I studied cooking. When I was a child, I braved the storm, broke through the vicious dogs, and came to a corner of the Germa 66 Kingdom - the residence where my mother Sora was recuperating.

When I was a child, I personally delivered the food I made. Although it had a terrible smell, my mother still ate it happily and said from the bottom of her heart that it was delicious. My mother hopes that I can continue to cook for her. "

At this point, Sanji sat on the ground and gritted his teeth and continued:

"My mother used infinite tenderness to protect my young dreams when I was a child.

However, all these actions of mine were unnecessary in Judge's eyes.

Judge originally thought that I just needed some time to grow up, but he never thought that even the scientists involved in the experiment had to admit that IJust an ordinary human, an absolute failure of Germa.

Judge couldn't tolerate me with zero potential. My existence was meaningless to him. He forced me to wear an iron mask, and then cruelly threw me into a dark dungeon. Judge announced to the outside world that Sanji was dead.

No matter how helpless I cried, Judge was indifferent.

This imprisonment lasted for 6 months. During this long period of time, what kept me alive was the encouragement from my mother Sora, who had passed away suddenly. "

"I didn't even see my mother for the last time." Sanji laughed at himself, and then continued to narrate:

"During that time, I asked the guards for recipes and kitchen utensils, and continued to study cooking in the dungeon. I also learned about the existence of all blue from a book for the first time.

However, at this time, the ambition of Germa 66 was rapidly expanding, preparing to cross the Red Earth Continent and attack the Kingdom of Corkia in the East China Sea.

My so-called brothers also found me in the dungeon and bullied me again.

My sister Reiju felt sorry for me and bandaged my wounds. I finally made up my mind to leave this home that I hated.

I expressed to Reiju that I wanted to escape to the East China Sea to pursue my wish to become a chef.

This strong desire infected Reiju, and she broke the dungeon and opened a door for her brother to escape.

I took the opportunity and slipped into Judge's room, ready to take the key to open the iron mask on my head, but was discovered by Judge.

However, Judge did not intend to stop my escape, nor did he try to keep me. Instead, he said something meaningful.

Judge was full of doubts about whether I could survive on the sea, but under my insistence, Judge finally made a request.

That is, after I leave this home, I am not allowed to mention who my father is to outsiders.

As a child, I cried and agreed, and Judge and I said goodbye, and also parted ways with Germa 66.

Finally, with the blessing of my sister Reiju, I got rid of the nightmare home, boarded the passenger ship Orbit in the East China Sea, and started a new life. "

Sanji took a deep breath: "After this, it is the story of my stay with [Red-footed Zeff] that you all know."

Everyone fell into a dead silence. Luffy looked around and said coldly:

"What do you think? I think Germa 66 is a member of the World Government and cannot be destroyed directly. But we can't tolerate their evil deeds!"

The Straw Hat Adventure Group rubbed their hands:

"Everything depends on the captain's orders!"

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