At this moment, Luffy stood in the middle of the street in Shields Town. Luffy held the loudspeaker Den Den Mushi in one hand:

"Dear residents of Shields Town, my name is Luffy. Monkey D. Luffy, I am the grandson of the naval hero Garp."

"Today, the Colonel Monka that you fear has been killed by me. From now on, you don't have to worry about anyone exploiting and oppressing you. In this world, in this era, all civilians always demand peace and development. Exploitation, oppression, war, and sin are factors that are not conducive to world peace and stability, and are not conducive to civilians having a home to return to, making money to earn, and having enough food and clothing. How many people cry out for being helpless! How many people have lost their loved ones in the war! How many people have a meal but no next meal! I have a dream, that is, everyone in the world can live together with laughter, when the world is connected When no one in the world has to pay for tragedy, when everyone in the world has enough Bailey in their pockets, and they are well fed and clothed... the world will become peaceful and beautiful. "

"People living here, please remember that even if there is darkness everywhere in the world, there will be people with hope holding up torches, and the people holding up torches can be you, me, or anyone who has justice at this moment! In this world full of sins, there will always be people holding up the banner of justice and peace, and the light of hope will definitely warm everyone's heart!"

"Friends, give money! Every household will get 100,000 Baileys!"

Hearing what Luffy said, Zoro and Nami, who were already excited, began to give money to the houses on both sides of the street.

Although many villagers did not believe Luffy's words when they heard him beat the bastard colonel at first, and they hid in their houses and locked the doors and windows.

But when they saw Berumeber tied with chains in the cage when the prison van passed by, everyone couldn't believe it. After the shock, there was ecstasy! Especially when they saw 100,000 Baileys were given to them, everyone started shouting wildly.

"Down with evil! Resist exploitation! Monka, that bastard, has been executed! We want peace! Development and stability! We don't have to live in darkness anymore! They are our heroes!"

We followed Luffy, Zoro and Nami's troika, and more and more people came out of the house. They first stared at the imprisoned Berumeber in a daze, and then angrily threw countless rotten leaves and eggs at his face.

"Get out of Shields Town, scum! Get out of the East China Sea!"

"Our hard days are finally over! Our suffering is over!"

"Thank you Mr. Luffy! Thank you Straw Hat Adventure Group! Thank you hero Mr. Garp!"

"We are finally saved!"



Luffy and his companions did not leave Shields Town. Coby stood at the gate of the naval base, looking at Luffy who had already gone far away. Hearing the excited roars from the people in the distance, he had made up his mind.

After all, it is a wonderful thing to be able to punish the wicked so quickly and return all the money of those who were exploited and oppressed by Monka to the townspeople. He felt that Mr. Luffy would always be his guide! If he wanted to catch up with Mr. Luffy, he had to work harder.

In the distance, Garp's dog-headed warship slowly approached. Garp came to the town: "Where is the navy, the highest commander, come out and explain the situation!" Luffy flashed to Garp: "Grandpa Garp, the navy commander Monka here oppressed the people and has been executed. His son is not a good thing either, he was locked up, this is evidence of their crimes. Then, this boy is a talent that I rescued from Alrita and found for you, Grandpa. I hope you can teach him to practice." After saying that, he flashed away without waiting for Garp to react.

"This stinky boy..." Garp was furious.

Coby saluted Vice Admiral Garp: "Mr. Garp, please let me join the Navy, no matter if I have to do odd jobs or anything else, no matter how hard the training is, I will join the Navy, please give me a chance to join the Navy! My justice is the justice of protecting world peace! One day I will declare my justice to the world! Let the voice of justice fill this era!"

Garp said "oh" when he heard this, although he was surprised, he had to keep his demeanor and not collapse.

After a long silence, Garp looked ahead calmly: "You are the boy Luffy rescued from Alrita. Luffy believes that even if you are in the dark, you still yearn for light! Luffy believes that if the Navy can have a boy like you who is truly righteous and has unlimited potential, it must be a blessing for the Navy! I, Garp, will take you away personally and teach you personally!"

Coby was already in tears when he heard this, he clenched his teeth to prevent himself from crying.Seeing the boy's shy attitude, Garp laughed.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to them?" The lieutenant colonel in the distance walked up and asked.

Coby was shocked, and then shouted again:

"Mr. Luffy said that men don't need to say anything. We haven't said goodbye yet, so this is not a farewell. We will meet again at the top!"

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