The battle against Enelu was completely over, and the priests under his command were also eliminated.

At this moment, the Straw Hat Adventurers stopped at Arpayard, and Mr. Yixiao followed them step by step.

"Do you feel where the legendary Golden Country is?"

Luffy led everyone to the corpse of the giant snake that was cut in half by Zoro before, and asked everyone.

Sanji couldn't help but tease:

"Haha, Luffy, you don't have to keep us in suspense. Everything we experienced on the way here has proved that the Golden City of the Shandians did exist. Then, the Golden City [Sandora] must exist somewhere!"

Luffy pointed at the giant snake's body:

"Look at what's hidden in the belly of this behemoth!"

Everyone immediately opened their observation Haki and silently sensed the situation of the giant snake, wondering:

"There seems to be a ruin inside this giant python!"

Luffy's mouth curled up and said to everyone with a smile:

"There may be a big secret hidden inside this giant python. Maybe the history of the Shandians is closely related to it!"

What a coincidence, gold was exposed in the body of this giant python. Not only that, the buildings of the ruins can also be vaguely seen.

Zoro drew his sword and swung a few sword qi, cutting the giant python into several sections again. Everyone looked closely and exclaimed in surprise.

What was amazing was that the giant python had something that had not been completely digested in the past 400 years - damaged buildings and countless gold!

Luffy chuckled and said:

"These are all our spoils, Nami, all this gold is yours!"

Nami was overjoyed and jumped to collect the treasures on the ground. She almost hugged Luffy and kissed him.

Yixiao used his observation Haki to carefully identify the shapes of these ruins and frowned:

"These... seem to be closely related to the Shandians! Are they the buildings of the ancient Shandians?"

Nami didn't care about that. Seeing the gold all over the ground, her eyes were almost blinded. The eyes have turned into the shape of Bailey:

"Gold! So much gold! All mine! So many valuable things, we've become rich overnight!"

Robin pondered:

"The ancient Shandia ruins of Arpaiado are just the tip of the iceberg exposed on the surface. The ruins in this giant python are just a microcosm. The real Shandia [city] Shandora has probably been covered in history and may even be buried deep underground."

Smiled: "Unique insights, I'm afraid the real history of the Shandia people is not far off."

The ancient city of Shandora of the Shandia people was washed up to 10,000 meters in the sky by the huge ocean current 400 years ago. This magnificent city has also been washed away by time and forgotten, but it is here.

Unfortunately, the war between the Shandia people and the natives of Sky Island 400 years ago caused them to lose their rule over Arpaiado.

If not, the ruins here would not be buried forever in the cruel wind and sand.

According to Gan Fowl, Enel suddenly descended from the sky with the priests 6 years ago. Enel quickly ruled Sky Island with absolute strength, forcing him to disappear, and he was powerless to resist.

So, Arpayard also fell into Enel's hands. Enel occupied the Golden Country, smelted gold to build the Ark [Proverbs], and prepared to go to the Infinite Land.

This is the dark period that Sky Island has experienced in the past 6 years.

The Straw Hat Pirates and Yixiao continued to move forward and came to a more magnificent ruins.

Looking at the endless palaces in front of them, everyone was also shocked, and the glory of the Shandians was visible.

"Is this the Golden Country of the Shandians, and also the [Ancient City] Shandora that disappeared for 400 years?"

Robin was excited and looked around very enthusiastically.

Luffy scratched his head:

"The truth of history may not be just that, let's continue to walk into the ruins!"

Everyone agreed. Soon, everyone found a tunnel.

After investigation, it was found that this was not the real Golden City!

The nine members of the Straw Hat Pirates and Yixiao climbed to the top of the ruins and looked down at the magnificent scenery.

Robin knocked on the floor tiles and showed joy:

"Sure enough! This place is connected to the bottom! There should be a huge city below! [Sandora] is an [ancient city] built underground!

Amazing, really amazing! It's hard to imagine how the ancient Shandians did it! How glorious their clan used to be!"

Going forward all the way, finally, everyone finally discovered the true appearance of [Sandora] - blue bricks and white tiles, and the continuous palace group quietly waiting for those who are interested. Time isCruel, the wear and tear of the ruins makes people sigh.

Yixiao stood in front of a huge stone and called out to everyone:

"This is... Luffy, come and see this!"

Robin came and was shocked:

"This... This is the historical text of the Shandians living in [Shandora]!"

Luffy and others could not understand the dense text on it, but they could also feel the weight of history.

Robin stroked the huge historical text stone and muttered to himself:

"This ancient city [Shandora], I didn't expect it to be traced back to more than a thousand years ago!

A thousand years ago, the Shandians lived and worshipped here, and the civilization was prosperous! And the ancient civilization of the Shandians was destroyed eight hundred years ago!

Yixiao frowned when he heard it:

"Eight hundred years ago, wasn't that the hundred years when the world history was blank? ! What happened in this world during that hundred years!

There is no relevant record of that hundred years. Why did the world government try so hard to erase this history that should have existed? What are they hiding? What is the truth that the world must not know?

Miss Robin, it is said that your hometown Ohara was destroyed because of the exploration of the blank 100 years, and even got the exact answer! "

"It's all over. The living people still have to work hard to live, which is the greatest comfort to those martyrs," Robin shook his head calmly, and then continued:

"[Sandora] is likely to be part of the once glorious and ideal huge kingdom. The Shandians once cast a huge [Sandora Bell] with gold!

You see, there is even a record here that the World Government once tried to rob it! Unfortunately, the World Government did not succeed completely, otherwise this historical text would not be kept!"

Luffy was also full of emotion:

"The weight of history is left for future generations to comment. Witnesses come to witness, and recorders live to remember. "

Everyone was silent and could only pay their respects to the huge stone in front of them.

The later generations followed in the footsteps of their ancestors and admired that unknown history. Time turned the story into a magnificent epic.

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