"You really compare me to a sow. I don't think my physical condition is very good. Even though I have eaten, drank, and slept with my children for the past six months, I still get tired easily and my body is heavy, especially the moon. The time is not very accurate." After speaking, she felt relieved, and she didn't have to worry about how to explain it, and she could think about other things.

"Then you don't say anything. Let's go to the hospital tomorrow to see. We still have money left at home. Don't be afraid to spend this money." Zhou Cheng said worriedly.

"It's not a big problem, so I don't particularly care. Compared with last year and the past few years, my body is much better this year." She was telling the truth, medicine is worse than food, and eating well and sleeping is like any medicine. The problem still has to be seen by the doctor and the right medicine is prescribed. She feels that she is giving birth frequently and wearing excessively. This needs to be adjusted slowly, and it doesn't take effect so quickly, so she is not in a hurry at all.

"Then you have to go and see what the doctor says. Let's go after the boys go to school tomorrow. There are not many things in the field."

"Okay, then I'll go take a look tomorrow." Pei Xiu nodded obediently. Originally, she wanted to take good care of her body and hoped to live a long life.

Early the next morning, after the boys all went out, Pei Xiu also took the money and went out with Zhou Cheng. As soon as he passed the entrance of Dahe Village, he saw his nemesis Li Qiuhe facing the carriage and reluctantly said: "Dad and mother, you and me Brother and sister-in-law have passed, don't forget me, I'm still in the country, help me talk to my little sister and let her pick me up, so that we can be reunited as a family. Her brother-in-law can also help her run errands , how can an outsider’s relatives trust it.”

"Okay, we got it, don't miss the hour. Let's go." The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the people inside urged to set off quickly.

Seeing how she wanted to follow her with envy and jealousy, Pei Xiu just couldn't see and walked with Zhou Cheng without squinting.

She doesn't cause trouble, but someone likes to send her to the door.

"Yo, I have to walk to the town on two legs. It's useless. I guess I've never ridden a carriage in my life." Li Qiuhe squinted at the person, as if he had ridden in a carriage drawn by eight horses. The look of disdain made Pei Xiu want to go up and beat her.

"You've lived your whole life before you reach your thirties. Then your life is so short. No wonder it feels like no one else can ride a carriage. What's so strange about riding a horse? I've even ridden a horse, you I don’t think I can ride it in this life, no wonder I’m staring at me and I’m reluctant to leave.” One person got the idea, the chicken and the dog ascended to the sky, and she already looked down on others before she even got along with the chicken and the dog, this kind of person is not worth her shot. .

Li Qiuhe pointed his finger at Pei Xiu, trembling with anger, "Who are you cursing short-lived? Your whole family is short-lived. If you kill your parents, you will kill the whole family sooner or later."

Pei Xiu is angry, you can scold me, but don't bring my family. This mouth is too immoral, and those who are not clean need to be treated. He stepped forward and slapped him twice, "I want to kill someone with a mouth that stinks more than a shithole, and your mouth is not clean all day long. Yes, I'll give you two slaps to dry clean for you."

"You lingering broom star, I will fight with you." After speaking, he became mad and wanted to rush up to fight Pei Xiu.

Can Zhou Cheng watch his daughter-in-law being bullied? With her body type, one can be his daughter-in-law and two, and his daughter-in-law will definitely suffer. Seeing her daughter-in-law take action, he stepped forward to protect her.

His daughter-in-law hits people for a reason, and if others want to fight back, it depends on whether he agrees or not. Looking at them vigilantly, seeing the woman reaching out to Pei Xiu in a frenzy, he took a step forward to stop it, pushed her, and she fell directly to the ground.

Looking at Zhou Cheng's terrifying cold face, she woke up again, and the leopard guts just now turned into mouse guts again.

She didn't dare to be angry with them any more, she could only turn her head to look at her husband who was so useless and didn't dare to say a word. Angrily, he said, "Lin Dazhu, you are a bum. Your daughter-in-law has been beaten by others, and you are still watching. You..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Dazhu stepped forward with a kick, then dragged her up and dragged her to the village.

"Ah... what are you doing, you are useless and useless, you will beat your daughter-in-law, Lin..."

Pei Xiu listened to the scolding getting farther and farther, and snorted and pulled Zhou Chengcheng to continue walking. This was just a small episode, and she didn't worry about it. She could meet them once in a while, and she didn't know if it was a bad fate.

She has walked this road to the county town many times, and now she is familiar with the road, and she doesn't feel tired after walking for half an hour.

"Are you tired? Would you like to find a stall to rest for a while?" Zhou Cheng asked thoughtfully.

"You don't need to spend that money and it's a waste of time. You can sit and rest when you go to the medical center."

After arriving at the medical center, I didn't expect the shopkeeper to remember her, "You are the little lady who sells black fungus, isn't she? "

Pei Xiu couldn't help laughing bitterly, she was remembered after selling it once.

"The shopkeeper has a good memory. I'm here to see a doctor, not to sell things."

The shopkeeper stroked his beard, "It's okay, go to the small private room to see a doctor and line up there. The doctor's name is written on the door of each small private room."

Pei Xiu was also very surprised. The last time she came and went in a hurry, she didn't find any small private rooms. Only now did she realize that this medical center is very careful about the guests' sex, and it even used wooden curtains to separate a few small packages. house. In this way, Pei Xiu doesn't have to worry, he can speak out about his physical condition.

Picking up a line with a smaller number of people, the first standing in line was standing in line~www.readwn.com~ At this time, a couple came out of the small private room next door.

They saw Zhou Cheng and Pei Xiu at a glance, and they were more conspicuous when they were tall. Walking towards Zhou Cheng and the others, "Why are you three uncles and three aunts here?"

"Your third aunt isn't feeling well. Come here to see and get some medicine. Are you here to get medicine? What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said that his physical condition is improving, and his hands and feet will not be cold in the summer. The medicine is effective, and the doctor asks you to continue taking it. There is no need to change it for the time being. I will check again at this time next month." Zhou Kang said truthfully.

Pei Xiu said to them seriously: "Then you all listen to the doctor's words carefully, don't give up halfway, don't eat indiscriminately. Follow the doctor's orders."

"Third aunt, don't worry, I know, we're going to get the medicine first, will we go back together later?" Lin Hongye said embarrassedly.

"You can go back first when you are ready. We have just queued up, and we don't know how long we will have to wait. Don't waste time waiting for us." Pei Xiu looked at the long queue and didn't know how long it would take. There were three small private rooms. There are so many people at the door, these two Hanhans probably came to line up before dawn.

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