Butcher Zhang laughed and scolded: "The stinky boy with his elbows turned out, he was looking forward to it before he even passed the door." He said that the knife at hand also cut a piece of fat and gave it to Pei Xiu, and asked her to hand it over to the future in-laws. .

"Dad, isn't it the same for you?" Zhang Fusheng said blushing.

"I'm not trying to bring your daughter-in-law home for you. There is nothing else in our family. There is definitely no shortage of meat. You can make enough for your daughter-in-law."

Pei Xiu couldn't resist, so she accepted it for her sister-in-law, thanked her with a smile, and then said goodbye and went back.

Along the way, she thought that this marriage was also a good one. The main man had her in his heart, which was much better than getting married without a mask. When Pei Qing received the gift, he blushed and didn't dare to say a word. He took the box and ran back to the room.

Pei Xiu and Sister-in-law Pei looked at each other and smiled. Sister-in-law Pei smelled the smell of medicine and asked, "Is this bag of medicine you have?

Pei Xiu smiled and said, "It's nothing, but I'm not in good shape, so I went to grab a few packets of medicine."

"I think you're in good shape, there's nothing wrong with you." Sister-in-law Pei looked at it suspiciously, and suddenly realized: "Do you have a body?"

She waved her hand embarrassedly, "No, no, it's just the medicine that is not good for Sona, not pregnant."

"What are you shy, tell my sister-in-law that it's okay, I've already given birth to three, and it's okay to get pregnant again." Sister-in-law Pei said clearly.

Pei Xiu didn't know how to explain it, and after explaining it, she thought she wanted to have another one.

"No, sister-in-law, it's not something that can't be said. This is a common medicine for conditioning the body. My menstrual period is inaccurate, and sometimes it takes a long time, so I went to the medical center to see and get some medicine for conditioning."

Sister-in-law Pei was speechless: "It's not a big deal, so long as it's not unbearable, it's fine. What's the matter with this money. My brother-in-law is actually letting you go,"

"This is a big thing. How can a woman's health be a small thing? Even if it's a small thing, it will be a big thing sooner or later. Don't mind it. The body is yours, and I want to live a long life." Pei Xiu disagreed. Her thoughts refuted her.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say, just don't waste money. Your four kids are going to school, and in a few years, the hammer will be kissed, so you can't be too loose." Other people's housework , she doesn't want to stretch her hands too long, but she has to remind her when she should be reminded.

The two chatted for a while, and Pei Xiu decided to go back.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you some longan, which my parents made. Since you're not in a good shape, take some back to stew red dates. This is the most nourishing for us women."

"Okay, I won't be polite to you." Pei Xiu took it and looked at the empty yard, "Where did Zhou Cheng and my brother go? Isn't the front yard still in the yard?"

"Did you go to the backyard to see sweet potatoes?" Sister-in-law Pei said as she went to the backyard, and she was here, "I said they must be here."

"What are you talking about running?" Seeing the two old men squatting and observing the sweet potato vine, Pei Xiu also stepped forward.

"It's nothing, just chat and discuss when to harvest." Brother Pei rubbed his hands excitedly, as if he had already seen piles of sweet potato mountains.

"Then when are you going to harvest it?" Pei Xiu was curious, are they really that powerful? Unknown species can estimate the approximate harvest time based on years of experience.

"Its vines have grown very strong, and we estimate that we can try to plan them out in half a month." Big Brother Pei looked at the sweet potato vines and said seriously.

Pretty much, pretty accurate. She can't get in either, they decide.

Nothing, they plan to go back. Except when the farmers are busy rushing to harvest, everyone doesn't have the custom of eating lunch, so Brother Pei and Sister-in-law didn't keep them either.

The two of them were in a good mood all the way back, and everything was developing towards the good side.

When he got home, he found that Fatty was already sitting on the big threshold of their house. Watching the couple walk in from a distance, Fatty jumped in anger: "Why did you guys come back, I've been waiting for almost half an hour."

"Aren't you going to go back to lose weight? Why did you come here all of a sudden, what are you doing?" Didn't he just see him this morning, but he even chased him home. Now this fat man is really not afraid of Zhou Cheng.

The fat man asked the third son to give the dog Dan and Huzi to the side, ten pennies each, and sent them away.

Originally they were sobbing and didn't dare to move, but the sudden surprise made them so happy that they couldn't find Bei. The money was so lucrative that the two of them were wandering around the village and playing, and when they heard the sound of the carriage, they both stood far away. Unexpectedly, the driver stopped and beckoned them to come over. They thought that they should be looking for his father Hammer again. In recent months, people on tall horses have often been looking for his father. They looked at each other and approached boldly.

Sure enough, he asked Hammer's father again, and asked them to lead the way and tell them money. The two happily ran ahead and led the way. Pi boy runs wildly everywhere, up and down the mountains and water every day, and he is not slow to run.

The carriage followed them to the door of the house, and there was no answer to the knock on the door. The fat man suspected that the two boys were lying to him, and they were not allowed to leave.

They came back earlier than him, and they should have arrived early. No one was seen along the way, and no one answered the door when they knocked on the door. Just frighten the two boys, he is the eldest son of the county magistrate's family, and if he dares to lie to him, he will put them all in jail. The frightened two boys shivered, cursing and swearing that they really didn't lie, this is really Zhou Cheng's family. The two stood pitifully at the corner, expecting Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou to come back quickly.

Only then did Fatty reluctantly believe it. He sat on the big threshold and waited, and he was not allowed to leave. Half an hour passed after this sitting. When he waited impatiently, he finally saw them approaching from a distance.

"Quickly open the door and invite me in for a cup of tea, my squatting legs are softening, young master~ www.readwn.com~ The fat man has been squatting for so long that he almost can't stand up, so the third son stepped forward to help him.

"I didn't ask you to come." Zhou Cheng said lightly, and Pei Xiu snickered.

"Third brother, you can't do this. I'm here to recognize my family and repay my gratitude. You still have to supervise me to lose weight, otherwise I don't think I have the willpower." The fat man giggled and went in behind him.

Quite self-aware, but what are they doing to bring back a burden?

"You don't need to repay your kindness, just don't cause me trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble, how can I be troublesome, I'm the easiest. I don't have any other advantages, I will still be grateful. I know the third brother, you are cold-hearted, you don't need to care about me, I will do it myself, After I go shopping, I will go back." After the fat man entered the yard, he walked for a while, and also went for a walk in the backyard. Looking at the nakedness, he asked: "Don't you all grow vegetables in the backyard in the countryside? Why don't you grow vegetables in the backyard? what."

Pei Xiu replied, "It was planted, it was just harvested, and the seeds that were sprinkled haven't sprouted yet."

I don't know what this fat man is going to do. After walking around blindly, they still have to accompany him.

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