Pei Xiu knew it, thinking about it too, such a small half barrel is not something that these two people can catch.

There are quite a lot of fish in the river, but they are not big, small strips, everyone thinks that they have no meat, they are too oily to cook, and they have an earthy smell, so no one wants to eat them.

Big fish are more popular with everyone, that's why they were able to catch such a small half-bucket, and at first they were thrown into the river by the fat man.

Let Zhou Cheng kill the fish and fry a bowl of the fruits of their labor at noon.

The fish was caught by Fatty himself. After it was served on the table, Fatty stared at the bowl of fish. He thought it was the best fried fish he had ever eaten, and he praised Pei Xiu for his cooking skills. He also brought two jars of wine and asked Pei Xiu to take out the wine. They had a good drink. The fish was just right for drinking.

Xiaosan didn't dare to drink. He had to drive the young master when he went back, but it didn't affect his appetite. He also thought this bowl of fried fish was delicious.

After the meal was full, the fat man was reluctant to leave, and shouted that Zhou Cheng would take him up the mountain, saying that he had fished and hunted before, and wanted to go to the mountain to see and see.

Zhou Cheng's brows could catch flies. In this big summer, at noon, he was asked to go to the mountains without a lunch break.

He has just drank wine now, and the wine is a coward. He is not afraid of him, and he probably knows the character of Zhou Cheng, and he is fearless.

Seeing that he brought so many gifts, Pei Xiu tugged on Zhou Chengde's sleeve and said, "Go, you are a guest, and you haven't been up the mountain for a while, so just walk around the nearby mountains and forests, the sun is shining. Come back down the mountain."

For the sake of his daughter-in-law, he gave Fatty a light glance and acquiesced. Go straight to get a bow, give Fatty the bow and arrow used by the eldest son, and carry his big knife on his back, just in case.

Don't look at the fat man, but he is a son of an official, and he has learned the six arts of a gentleman, but it is unknown whether it is good or bad.

He took the bow and arrow, sharpened his fists, walked into the yard, aimed at the handle, took aim with the bow and arrow, and shot out...

"Crack...", and fell to the ground halfway!

"It's worse than my son, are you still planning to go hunting?" Zhou Cheng looked at him speechlessly.

"Go, hehe, I just haven't touched a bow and arrow for a long time, I'm just unfamiliar, and I'll return after a few more shots. Hey, the loss is mine, next time I'll bring some good bows to my eldest nephew and the others." Fatty also It's not embarrassing, he doesn't rely on this to eat, just experience it.

"Let's go." If you want to go, let's go, I didn't expect him to do it, and it wouldn't be dangerous to go around the nearby mountains.

Fatty threw the bow and arrow to Xiaosan's back, and he just kept up.

"Master, wait for me, I haven't carried it on my back yet." Little San hurriedly hung on his body and chased out.

Adult Zhou is tall and has long legs, so don't walk too fast. The fat man had fat legs and short legs, and the trot was out of breath when he kept up. Seeing that Zhou Cheng didn't wait for him, he could only accept his fate and chase after the trot.

Work at noon is prone to heat stroke, and everyone will take a lunch break, so the road is empty and no one is encountered. Passing through half the village, the fat man was too weak to walk as soon as he reached the hillside.

"Hey third brother, third brother slow down, wait for me, I'm exhausted, this fat man. Let me take a breath." The fat man stood on the hillside with his hips on his hips to wipe off the sweat, and then looked at the poisonous sun above his head, and couldn't help but feel a little remorse. . What kind of wind did he smoke? It was a hot day and noon, so he had to come out and suffer, so he couldn't get his skin peeled off in the sun. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to rest in the house?

Zhou Cheng heard the fat man calling behind him, walked forward for a while, sat under a big tree and took a sip of water. From a distance, I could see the fat man's regretful expression, he should not stay in a good house, he has to come out to find guilt, and even if he is tired, he has to come out to bask in the sun with him.

The fat man looked very cool when he saw Zhou Cheng sitting under the big tree. Look at him and Xiaosan, sweating profusely under the scorching sun. Without resting, he trotted forward quickly, rushed under the big tree, sat down on the ground, and took a few gulps of the water bottle.

"Why is it so hot, third brother, how far is it?" Fatty looked at the forest in front of him. It shouldn't be very hot inside so many big trees, right?

"Just walk around in the forest in front of you. The forest is huge, don't run around, there are wild boars." After saying that, Zhou Chengcheng walked inside without waiting for his response.

"Hey...hey...let me take a break..." Fatty said, wiping the sweat from his forehead and chasing after him.

Xiaosan also sweated helplessly and followed, who made him a servant, the master is asking for his own sins, and he has to accompany him.

The scorching sun was dripping with sweat like water, and the fat man felt that he must have lost weight. After entering the woods, it was finally not so hot, and they were in the mood to look around.

Here is the outermost area, the trees are sparse and sparse, and the thicker ones have been sawed off and turned into stakes. At first glance, they were all trees, and he didn't know what kind of trees they were anyway, so he was curious. Seeing that the third brother in front of him didn't stop, and he didn't know how long he would go, he had already walked a long way, didn't he say he didn't go very far? Isn't that far? He wants to go back...

Zhou Cheng didn't care about the thoughts of the two behind him, he came here, he couldn't leave empty-handed, and it was a very outlying place. The villagers were afraid of wild animals, but they often needed to go up the mountain to pick up firewood and chop down trees. You can only go in a little bit, it's not far.

They were lucky. Zhou Cheng saw a rabbit jumping over in front of him, and he quickly drew a bow and shot an arrow.

Fatty didn't even see the shadow of the rabbit. He only heard the sound of archery. He got excited and quickly ran a few steps forward, "What did you shoot? Wow, you hit the rabbit, the third brother is good at archery. Call me when you see it again, UU Reading let me try it too."

As the fat man spoke, he ran forward to pick it up, turned around and handed it to Xiao San, took down the bow and arrow on his back, sharpened his fists, and did not want to go back with high fighting spirit.

After the harvest, the master and servant didn't feel tired anymore, and they didn't dare to fall behind. They followed Zhou Cheng closely, for fear that if they didn't pay attention, they would miss the opportunity to play.

"How come I've been walking for a long time, and I haven't seen anything. There was a rabbit just now." Fatty felt that the enthusiasm he just mentioned was hit again.

"Bend the bow and shoot the arrow." Zhou Cheng said coldly.

Fatty turned his head in shock and saw another rabbit in the grass in front of him. He hurriedly bent his bow and shot an arrow. The rabbit was grazing motionlessly. Fatty thought it should be easy to shoot.

As a result, the aim is aimed, but the arrow is weak, and the fat man's strength is not enough, that is, he is puffy. It was a pity that the arrow hit the rabbit's feet.

The rabbit was startled and jumped away quickly. Zhou Cheng didn't expect this fat man to be so good. He couldn't shoot him quietly, and he didn't have time to make up for it. </div>

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