"Then you have to go into battle to kill the enemy, isn't it just like joining the army, isn't it that you can't come back once you go?" a child asked in fear.

"I can't come back, it's hard to say. Didn't your uncle on Wednesday come back with all the beards and tails?"

"That's not the same as farming." Another child also said.

"Yeah, he was lucky, and he came back with all the beards and tails. Those with better luck might be able to become officials, just like the man on horseback. As for the unlucky ones, they will be buried in other places. Do you think you join the army? What is the probability of surviving later?" She didn't intend to scare them, she said truthfully.

The boys stepped back one after another, not daring to say a word, but Huzi was still standing in front.

He said unmoved: "Auntie, I don't want to join the army, I just want to follow that lord. When he comes, can I come and ask him? I will tell my parents, I won't let him. You are in trouble"

"I don't know when he will come. If he comes, you can ask him." Pei Xiu also admired his courage, but she was not optimistic.

Hu Zi nodded and left with the children behind him. Judging from their appearance, they should have retreated, and she didn't care. It was normal for people to retreat in spite of difficulties.

Huzi is a very thoughtful kid, so he doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for him. Shaking her head, this is not something she should worry about, she doesn't know what she is doing.

She can enter the house even after they are separated. The sun is already high now, and she still has a lot of work to do, so she can only resign herself to work under the big sun.

Over there, Zhou Kang and his wife were pushing the scooter, chatting while walking, listening to his daughter-in-law saying: "I have never been in contact with the third aunt before, and they all said that the third aunt is not good, and now the rumors can't be taken seriously. During this period of contact, I think she is still very kind, gentle and patient, no wonder her life is getting better and better."

"Well, the third aunt is much better than before, and she also has a smiling face." Zhou Kang also felt that his third aunt had changed for the better.

"Are you saying that she really doesn't have a secret recipe for having children, three sons in a row." Lin Hongye couldn't help but think in that direction again.

When Zhou Kang heard her say that, he got angry, "Aren't you all giving up and don't believe in those remedies, why are you still mentioning this?"

"I... just say it, I just think the third aunt is very lucky. She is so handsome and well-behaved when she picked up a son in vain." Seeing that her husband was angry, she didn't dare to mention it again.

"Don't think about it too much, we don't have that kind of luck. It's the right way to see a doctor and take medicine. I'll go to the town later to find out where there are part-time workers to do it, or I'll borrow the money for the medicine next month."

As soon as she heard this, she couldn't help but red-eyed again, it was all her fault, and the family was implicated.

"Don't cry, the doctor said that you have to stay in a good mood, so that it will benefit your body and mind."

Approaching the city gate, there were more pedestrians on the road, and they stopped talking. Hearing the sound of hooves behind them, everyone consciously leaned to the side of the road and gave way to the road.

I saw that the carriage just ran forward for a while and the axles fell, the carriage fell to one side, and the driver fell to the side of the road, frightening a group of passers-by.

Everyone was trying to get up and didn't dare to go forward. The driver endured the pain and got up and shouted: "Come and help, my young master is still in the car." It turned out that the fat man and the little three fell.

At this time, the folk customs were still very simple. When they heard this, the men stepped forward to check, Zhou Kang also stepped forward, and together with the others, they pulled the fainted fat man out of the carriage. The fat man's head hit the carriage and hit the There was a hole, and there was blood all over his face, and the little San next to him kept crying and yelling at the young master.

Zhou Kang comforted: "Little brother, your young master is still angry. He just hit a hole in his head and passed out. He has to send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Then hurry up, you guys helped send my young master to the hospital, we are very grateful." Xiaosan said quickly with a touch of tears and snot.

When everyone heard that they were very grateful, they enthusiastically expressed that they could help carry them together. Zhou Kang was also very moved. He was short of money to see a doctor for his daughter-in-law. Go to the hospital and save a little effort.”

He hung all the rabbit cages on the cart on the handle of the cart. They asked them to lift the fat man onto the scooter, and Xiaosan called a strong man to carry him and asked someone to lead the horse. It was not far from the city gate, so everyone took the two to the hospital together.

Xiao San was also very straightforward. There were people who helped, each of them gave 20 wen, the person who carried him gave 50 wen, and asked Zhou Kang to wait for a while, and then he would give it to him alone. Everyone was happy, and they got so much money for helping, and the wages for a day's work were only thirty or forty cents.

Zhou Kang is not in a hurry, helping people to the end, not to mention rewarding money. Let his daughter-in-law watch the trolley at the door, and he accompanies them in the hospital for treatment.

Xiaosan's hand was broken, his leg was twisted, and there was a little bruise on his face. Fatty didn't look at the bleeding, but it was only a small injury. After cleaning up the wound and dressing it up, he woke up.

"Hey, my head hurts, why is there so much blood on my body. What's going on, how come the car rolled over." As soon as the fat man woke up, he only remembered the car rollover~www.readwn.com~ and didn't know how much blood he bleed. I asked the doctor to find out, but fortunately the injury was not serious.

"Master, the axle fell off and the car overturned." Little San said pitifully, afraid that the young master would blame him, and his job would be over.

"You don't know how to check and check when you go out. Young master, I almost died. I'll take care of you when I go back. Hurry up and call a car to take me home." The fat man endured the pain and wanted to get up.

Xiaosan said: "Master, this kid and some guys just helped pull you out of the carriage and pushed you to the hospital on a trolley. I gave the others money and sent them away. I also hurt my foot, so I took him to the hospital. Leave."

"What's your name, go and call me a carriage."

Zhou Kang helped them call a carriage to the back of the county office, and then led them the horse. Only then did I know that Fatty was the son of the county magistrate's family.

Fatty also knew that this was Brother Wednesday's nephew, and gave him a high look. Originally, I asked Xiao San to reward him with one or two silver coins, and then asked him to give some more.

Zhou Kang was flattered and said: "Enough is enough, thank you young master, don't give it any more."

"Master, why don't you find him a job." Xiaosan followed his young master and went to Zhou Cheng's house every three days. He also had a good relationship with his children and planned to help him.

"You can't protect yourself, and you are still in the mood to meddle in other people's business." Fatty glared at him.

Xiao San slapped himself and said, "The villain is also very wronged. This carriage belongs to the county government. Who would have known that it would be useless. The young master is open to the net?" He secretly glanced at his young master.

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