
They gossip along the way, and they are not bored, and they can be seen from far away from the city gate.

"Mother, this city gate does not have Dong'an City University." Zhou Heng said in disappointment, holding Pei Xiu's hand.

Aunt Zhang smiled and said: "Of course, Dong'an City is the provincial capital of our Liaodong Province, and it is an important town. The gate of the city is huge and spectacular, and our small county can't compare. But it is also very prosperous. , our Ning County is close to the provincial capital, and it is not comparable to ordinary county towns. Your youngest son looks really like you, but he is really handsome, and the other sons are also good, which is really a blessing. "

Pei Xiu smiled, "Auntie, don't praise them, they're all skin monkeys, they're making trouble."

"Normal, which child is neither noisy nor naughty. If you really want to be quiet, you may have to worry about whether you are an idiot. I think you are very good. The big ones are tall and strong, and the small ones are very good. You are handsome again, and you can enjoy yourself in the future." Aunt Zhang kept praising a few boys with good words and no money.

The always thick-skinned boss was embarrassed, and pulled Hu Zi to signal the couple to hurry up.

"What Aunt Zhang said is also reasonable. If you can make noise and make noise, it means that you are healthy. Then I still have a headache. I can rest assured when I look at it. Hehe. We have entered the city. When we go back, I will trouble you to wait for us at the gate of the city for a while." To enter the city, you need to line up separately, with goods standing in a row, and pedestrians standing in a row into the city. There are more country people bringing goods into the city, and there are few pedestrians. Pei Xiu and the others went in after a while.

After entering the city, the boys obviously escaped, which made her have to warn them, "This is not our home county, we are unfamiliar with life and place, if you run around and don't follow closely, I will find you both. Nowhere to look."

As soon as they heard this, they were obviously honest, and they didn't turn around, otherwise, the two of them wouldn't be able to watch with so many boys. In the past half a year, she has been nutritious, and the eldest man has been running very fast. It has reached her chin, and it is not appropriate to string them together with a rope. After thinking about it, I tied the corners of their clothes in knots and let Zhou Cheng and her lead her head and tail, so as not to be afraid of losing them.

They followed the flow of people and turned around Ning County. It is indeed a county seat under the provincial capital. The streets are wider than their home county, and there are four or five times more shops. I just saw that there are four or five people selling fabrics. There are three gold and silver jewelry stores in the home, and this bustling and bustling is not comparable to their small remote county.

Walking out of the crowd, I found that there are very few people in this street, and some scattered ones are still dressed as scholars. I walked over curiously and found out that this street is selling literati supplies, pen, ink, paper, inkstone, calligraphy and painting. No wonder people compare few. Now that we have come here, I simply find a store to go in and add some paper to them. The ink and inkstone can continue to be used, but the paper consumption is relatively large.

This Wenhua Bookstore is not the largest storefront on this street, nor the best decoration, but it looks very elegant and warm. That's it, she can't afford high-end goods, so she doesn't need to find the best store.

Zhou Cheng was not interested, so he went in with them and waited at the door.

"This lady is planning to buy something." The shopkeeper did not despise the girls and children, and greeted them as usual.

"I want to buy some paper for the boys to practice calligraphy. They are just enlightened, and they don't need to be too good. The shopkeeper can help me see which one is more affordable and not smudged." Pei Xiu was wearing coarse linen clothes. Seeing that the shopkeeper did not despise her, she was heartbroken. I also put it down, because I was worried that people would look down on country women.

"That's it. I used this a lot at the beginning of my enlightenment. Although the paper will be a little yellow, it is not easy to smudge. It is still suitable for practicing calligraphy. Eight pennies are enough. How much does the lady need?"

Looking at the five boys next to her, the shopkeeper thought they were all born to her, and praised in his heart that this lady was lucky enough to be born and raised, but they were all boys. Moreover, I heard that more than one person went to school, and I sighed that this family is so courageous. Most people can't afford a scholar, but they are willing to do so.

"Give me five knives first, and I'll buy it when I run out." Pei Xiu simply counted the coins after she finished speaking.

The shopkeeper saw that this lady didn't ask questions like some people, and in the end, they had to negotiate the price, and she was very happy to send another 20 copies, and said: "Is your kid's enlightenment books all complete? , you can also copy for free, just pay for some writing and ink." He also made a suggestion when he saw the boys stretched their necks there and wanted to go in.

"Thank you, shopkeeper. They have all copied them, and when they finish their studies, they will come to your store to copy them if they need to." After that, he pulled a few people out with their necks stretched out.

As they walked, they said, "Mother, next time let's go to the bookshelf area, there are so many bookshelves, how many books must there be."

"Why go in? Do you count? How many books are there? I just recognized the characters. I'll go back and study the books at home. I'll bring you next time. Now I have to buy other things."

After turning around and returning to the street where they entered the city, they need to go to the grocery store to buy some seeds and some odds and ends, and later they will go to the cloth shop to pull two pieces of cheesecloth to make quilt covers.

Now that the weather is hot, you can just cover them with a quilt cover, but it will be autumn soon, and you have to buy cotton for them to make bed quilts. She has already thought about it, Huzi and the boss have one room, and the remaining three are one room. Otherwise, each person will have one room. How many quilts will she have to make? readwn.com ~ just squeeze it.

Fortunately, there were a lot of them, each of them took a little, and all of them had no free hands, and they were full. Passing by the meat stall, I bought fat and pigs by the way. Those few days on the road, everyone has had enough of all kinds of game, and they need to change their tastes.

After walking around all morning, when they arrived at the gate of the city, Aunt Zhang and his wife had been waiting faithfully at the gate of the city. When they saw them coming, they went up to help them.

"My darling, how many things did you buy, and what kind of pots are you buying? Just get some wood and let the carpenter in the village call one for a few bucks. I also bought saponin, oh, wash the grass and wood ashes. After washing it, it will be clean. The eldest lady doesn't have to spend so much in her life. You still have so many boys to support, and you will have to marry daughters-in-law one after another in a few years..."

Pei Xiu was the most impatient to hear that his son would marry a daughter-in-law in a few years, and was about to interrupt Aunt Zhang's nagging when her wife spoke first: "Oh my lady, don't say a few words, the eldest lady is not your daughter, son. Daughter-in-law, what are you talking about, just take care of yourself, what are you talking about, hurry up and put it in the car."

Someone said, then she can be a good person, "It's okay, the aunt is also kind. We just moved in, there will be a little more things that need to be added, and we can't save it in life, so please help push it, thank you. ."

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