The latest website: This time there is no shortage of pickles, but these vegetables are enough for her to work. Looking at the sunny weather these days, she encouraged the whole family to do it together. She canceled all the activities to practice riding. She lit the oil lamp at night to deal with the unbearable dishes first, and the children started school after school. When I got back, I was busy.

Pei Xiu just let them simply pick vegetables, wash them, and lay them out for drying. She asked Zhou Cheng to cook the cauliflower, radish, lettuce and other things that needed to be cut. The whole family made it together. Everyone was happy and busy. They had never dried vegetables collectively like this before, and they thought it was very fun.

It took three days to finally dry them all, and she put them away when some were dried. The long tossels were borrowed from a few long-term workers, and when they were returned after two days of drying, let Zhou Cheng also bring them some dry vegetables.

After tossing for three days, I saw the results. In the evening, I took some dried radish slices and stewed pork ribs soup, and dried lettuce and fried meat. The children were very happy to eat. After all, they were involved in it. The fruit of their labor must taste very good .

Hu Zi hadn't seen Uncle Qiu for many days, so he asked curiously while eating.

Pei Xiu also felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, he had to be an errand, and he was always busy. It was normal for him to be busy for a while, so he comforted him and said, "Yeah, he hasn't been here for many days, and it should be very difficult to be on an errand every day. Busy, if we can see you every day, we should worry about whether something happened to him, and he is so idle. When he is free, he will naturally come to see you. Right now, the first thing you need to do is to read and write well, and to practice martial arts. And learn to ride a horse, and when he comes, you can show him the results of your practice."

The others nodded along with Huzi, thinking that what Mother said was reasonable.

As a result, Qiu Baize didn't show up for a long time, not only the children were worried, but Pei Xiu was also a little worried. If there is anything, you should send a message over here, right? It's so close, if there's nothing wrong, it's impossible for him to stay here for so long. There's still a son of his own here, although it hasn't been said clearly.

Seeing that it was getting colder day by day, everyone was wearing big padded jackets, and they hadn't seen Qiu Baize yet, and Zhou Chengcheng was restless. Thinking of asking someone to ask, Qiu Baize had someone in Ning County for him to pass on in case of emergency, but the person who stayed said he didn't know, and there was no instruction given to him. This makes it difficult for him.

Among the children, the tiger child is the most worried. Every day he is very worried, and he has not had a smile for a long time. Zhou Yong doesn't dare to play with him. He frowns every day, and he doesn't know how to comfort him. also worried.

Zhou Yong couldn't help it at dinner today, "Father, can you ask someone to ask what's wrong with Uncle Qiu?"

"I asked, and said that I went out to work, but I don't know when I will return." Zhou Cheng frowned and didn't know what to say.

Zhou Yong's brows could pinch the flies. He looked at Huzi and said, "What should I do? There will be no news all the time, right?"

"There is the sound of hooves..." Zhou Cheng's ears were more sensitive, and he was relieved when he heard the sound of hooves.

As soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of horse hooves outside the door. The boys were very pleasantly surprised, all of them stopped frowning, and couldn't wait to get off the table and open the door. Seeing that it was Uncle Qiu, he became happy and asked, "Uncle Qiu, where are you going, we miss you so much!"

"Uncle Qiu, why haven't you come to us for so long?"

"Uncle Qiu, why didn't you tell us when you left? Are we worried about you?"

"Uncle Qiu..."

Qiu Baize smiled and looked at the heads surrounding him, and touched, "Go in and talk."

Seeing that it was Qiu Baize, Pei Xiu felt relieved, and hurriedly went to add another set of tableware and chopsticks. After thinking about it, he went to bring a small jar of wine.

Zhou Cheng also breathed a sigh of relief, and he was fine, "Come and sit down, where have you been? It disappeared for almost two months."

"Let me have a drink first, do you still have any wine? I've been greedy for the past two months. Hey, I really have, thank you, sister-in-law." Qiu Baize smiled at himself and Zhou Chengman, "I will suffer this time. Yes, there was a bandit bandit at the border between Hayanzhou and Donghu, who robbed the passing merchants. The governor of Hayanzhou sent his troops to suppress the bandits several times and let them run away, so he reported it. The prince asked the prince to send me to suppress the bandits. , I was sent out in a short time. Who knew it would take so long, and I forgot to leave a message for you. Those shriveled calves may hide, and the terrain is familiar, and every time they are caught, they will run away. It could be done in a month, but it was delayed by almost two months, and it was almost frozen to death. It was only autumn when we left, and it was almost snowing when we came back. Damn it."

As soon as Qiu Baize sat down, he started to talk like he was pouring beans and complained.

Zhou courageously said: "Then Uncle Qiu, you should also send us a letter, you don't even know that we are worried about you, Hu Zi is worried that he can't eat or sleep well, look at how thin he is. Now? He's afraid that you won't care about him..."

Hu Zi kicked him fiercely and glared at him again, "Uncle Qiu, when did you come back, did you get hurt anywhere?"

Zhou Yong stared back in dissatisfaction.

Qiu Baize looked at the small movements of the two children with a smile, "I'm not injured, it's just a small bandit, how could I be injured. I forgot to send you a letter, thinking that it should be soon I'm back. Who knew those shrewd calves were so cunning."

Zhou Shangcheng said heartily, "Uncle Qiu, it's good for you to come back safely."

"Uncle Qiu, we are all worried about you and miss you very much." Zhou Shan is not far behind.

Zhou Heng said coquettishly, "Uncle Qiu, we will all ride horses."

Qiu Baize felt These children did not hurt them in vain.

"These days, the steamed buns are served with water every day, and the mouths are fading. Today I can finally eat two decent meals. The dried vegetables are well dried, and it is also good to eat dried vegetables in the winter. Come, come, and then fill it up, The prince specially gave me two days off, so I can have a good drink today."

"This time I've done a good job again. When will I be promoted to an official again." Zhou Cheng also happily drank with him during a rare two-day vacation. He was also a little worried during this time. Now that he's healed, he can let go of drinking.

"It's just a small merit, it's just a little bit of trouble. Now it's hard to get promoted, unless you make a big contribution. Now it's hard to make a contribution when there's no war, unless...cough cough"

"It's a good thing to be at peace, but it's the common people who are fighting hard. Other things have to be peaceful!"

Seeing them talking, Pei Xiu became dumbfounded. She glanced at them and didn't care about them. She didn't care about any major matters.

Everyone ate this meal in a relaxed atmosphere, and the boys also opened up to eat and were full. It's been a long time since I ate such a happy meal.

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