The latest website: When asked here, he didn't dare to answer that he was curious and wanted to go up to see it, or push others. He looked at his mother, opened his mouth but was speechless.

Seeing him like that, Pei Xiu was so angry that her chest was congested, she didn't take a breath, and fainted.

Zhou Chengcheng stood aside, quickly supported her, looked at her nervously and picked her up, staring at them with a dark face, "Hurry up and ask for a doctor."

They were also terrified, and the mother was stunned by the eldest brother. Hurry up and run out to find the housekeeper and ask the doctor.

Zhou Yong saw that his mother was dizzy, blamed himself, followed his father nervously into the house, and then knelt down in front of the bed.

Seeing his father staring at him, he didn't dare to say a word.

Zhou Cheng was also angry when he saw him. It's right to save people. After saving people, you still have to take risks and join in the fun. It's wrong to ignore the worries of your family.

Pei Xiu woke up after being dazed for a while.

"How's it going, is there any discomfort?" Zhou Cheng saw that she was awake and quickly stepped forward to help her sit up against her.

"I'm fine, it's just that my chest is blocked. Just take it slow."

Zhou Cheng touched her hand and felt a little cold, "You don't look very good. I'll pour you a glass of water and let him take a look when the doctor comes."

"I'm fine, no fuss. I'll just take a break..."

"Dad, the doctor is here..." Several children rushed in one after another, with the doctor still behind.

"Mom, you're awake..."

"Auntie, do you feel any discomfort?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Seeing the doctor came in, she didn't say anything. She's all here, so let's take a look.

The doctor took the pulse, asked in detail, and asked her about her menstrual cycle.

She looked at the doctor embarrassedly and asked what the menstruation was doing? With so many children here, let her say.

When Zhou Cheng heard this, he sent the boys out. Looking at the doctor, my heart suddenly rose, I was nervous, but I was looking forward to it.

Pei Xiu also thought of this, and suddenly became nervous and spoke with a vibrato, "I haven't been here for almost two months, but my health is not good, and the date is often inaccurate."

Hearing what she said, the doctor affirmed, "My wife was not in good health before, but she has been eating a balanced diet for the past year, and she has been taking medicine properly, so her body has improved a lot. If she hasn't changed for the past two months, she is pregnant."

When Pei Xiu heard this, she almost cried with joy. She didn't know how many years she had been waiting for, but she finally came.

Zhou Cheng was also happy, and looked at her lower abdomen tenderly.

"The wife should not be excited. Pregnancy has a great impact on the fetus. It is advisable to maintain a good mood to help the development of the fetus."

Pei Xiu took a deep breath. It was not her first pregnancy and birth, so there was no need to be so excited. She calmed down and said, "Thank you, doctor, then I fainted just now. Do I need medicine to protect my baby?"

The doctor nodded, "I just fainted because of fetal qi. I'll prescribe two pills for tocolytics, just take it for two days, but I can't take too much. It's a three-point poison, so it's better to take less medication during pregnancy."

"Okay, thank you doctor."

Zhou Cheng took the prescription and sent the doctor out. The housekeeper had been waiting at the door. Zhou Cheng was not polite to the housekeeper, and asked him to send someone to take the doctor back and get the medicine by the way.

After Pei Xiu waited for them to go out, she was happy and wanted to cry, so she covered her head in the quilt, took a few deep breaths in the quilt, adjusted her mood, and came out more naturally.

A few boys came in behind Zhou Cheng, cautiously stepped forward and stood in line, looking at Pei Xiu who was leaning on the head of the bed with concern.

Pei Xiu thought it was funny to see how cautious they were, and said to Zhou Cheng, "Are you scaring them again?"

"No, are you still feeling unwell, hungry or not, do you want to eat something?"

Zhou Cheng spoke to her in a soft tone, and the eyes of all the children were about to fall. Was it their father who spoke just now? Talk like this?

She has always been cold and indifferent to them. Although she speaks very gently to her mother, she has never seen such a gentle and considerate time! Dad is sick? Obviously the mother is sick!

He saw a few boys still lingering on the side with weird expressions, and his brows furrowed. Pei Xiu tugged at his sleeve, "We are all still at other people's houses. We will talk about it when we go back tomorrow, and let them all go back to the house to rest first."

Zhou Heng refused. He went up to the bed and looked at Pei Xiu and asked, "Mother, are you sick? What's wrong with you?"

"The doctor said I'm fine, go back to the room with your brothers and sleep." She touched her little son's head.

"But mother, I want to accompany you."

"Just stay with your father, go back to the house and sleep, and be obedient."

"Alright then, Dad, you have to take good care of your mother."

Zhou Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at this kid, this is my daughter-in-law, and I still use you to warn me?

The other few will be older and more sensible, and told her to take a good rest before going out.

As soon as the boys returned to the room, they began to collectively condemn the boss. He argued a few words at first, but later thought that his mother was dizzy, and he felt that he should not be like this, and he felt guilty. Forget it, let them swear a few words to vent their anger.

"Forget it, the eldest brother is also saving people. It's a good thing. My aunt is fine now. Let's go see her tomorrow. Next time, if the eldest brother leaves the group and has to say hello in advance, we can't let everyone worry." Zhou Shan called. A roundabout, patted Zhou Yong on the shoulder.

He didn't know that his mother would be dizzy, and he didn't say anything if he knew that his mother beat him. He also blamed himself for causing his mother to faint.

"I see." After he finished speaking, he went back to the house dejected, and he still slept in the same room with Hu Zi.

When he was lying down, Huzi comforted him, "It's okay, just admit your mistake to my uncle and aunt tomorrow, and go to bed earlier."


They got up early the next day and waited in front of Pei Xiu's house.

Zhou Cheng knew when they got up and didn't want to pay attention, but seeing that those fools had been waiting in front of the door, afraid that they would quarrel with Pei Xiu, he got up and sent them to the martial arts field for a run.

"Dad, is your mother awake?" The eldest asked cautiously as he approached his

"not yet."

The boss saw that his father's face was normal, he was not angry or anything was wrong, he was relieved, his mood was smooth, and he was happy to let him run twenty laps.

Hu Zi said as he ran, "Why do I think Uncle Zhou is in a good mood today."

The boss also said: "I also think that when I just went to talk to him, he didn't ignore me with a stinky face."

"Then you can take advantage of Dad's good mood, and then go and confess to him later." The second child was still obsessed with the fact that he made his mother dizzy.

The boss responded and ran faster.

Qiu Baize also came out of the house at this moment, "Yo, did you get up quite early?"

He also joined them to run, ran to the boss, and patted his butt, "Yeah, the **** didn't bloom yesterday. I thought you wouldn't be able to get out of bed today, so I was going to visit you with medicinal wine."

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