Latest website: Zhou Yong met his father on the way, told him everything, and urged him to go home quickly.

Zhou Cheng frowned, doubting whether it was the same wave. Since they have all set fire to it decisively, why send such a person to the village to ask about it? Thinking about it in my heart, my pace quickened.

Seeing that he was back, Pei Xiu asked a few boys to help serve the dishes and eat first, otherwise everyone would have no time to eat if they were interrogated later. She is not hungry now.

Triangle Eyes saw that this family actually ignored him, eating on their own, and suddenly felt wronged, jumping and screaming there.

In fact, the family didn't have the heart to eat, they kept looking at the yard, and they came out after a few quick bites.

Triangle Eyes saw Zhou Cheng approaching, and felt scared again, and stepped back.

Zhou Cheng took the smelly socks off his mouth and asked him where he was from, what his name was, and what he was doing here.

He moved his cheeks and begged them, "Let me go, I'm just curious to inquire."

Pei Xiu said, "It's better for you to honestly explain who you are, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

He stared at them with wide eyes, "You still want to torture yourself? It's against the law."

"We won't use punishment, but we can give you to the Prince of Liaodong. You don't know that this Zhuangzi belongs to him, right?" Seeing that he was just an ordinary person, she also kindly persuaded him.

He hesitated and struggled and was afraid, and he could see them all in their eyes. This is a timid person.

Zhou Cheng approached him, squatted down and looked into his eyes and said, "You are just inquiring about this Zhuangzi, and it's not a big problem. But if you don't explain clearly, then we will suspect that you have nothing to do with the arson last night. If the case is related, hand you over and use it as an accomplice to torture you to extract a confession, then you will inevitably suffer from flesh and blood. Think about it carefully."

He lowered his head and pondered for a while, then looked at them with hope, "I said, can you let me go? I have money, and I can give you money."

"No, you can honestly explain that you can only save your flesh and blood. If the problem is not big, you will be released in the end."

He sighed dejectedly, "My name is He Dayi, my sister's sister-in-law has just become the concubine of the second son of the palace, and she is very favored. Her sister-in-law heard about this Zhuangzi after listening to the second son, and said that the prince was planning something on Zhuangzi. , and I can't find out. It took a lot of effort for him to find out this Zhuangzi."

He raised his head and glanced at Zhou Cheng, shrank his neck and said, "His sister-in-law told my brother-in-law that he wants to share his worries with the second son, and asked my brother-in-law to come to Zhuangzi to inquire about the farmers. I don't want to behave well, so I put Take things over."

Zhou Cheng and Pei Xiu looked at each other in dismay. This idiot actually involved the second son of the palace, and they were not in control of this matter.

He continued to ask: "Do you know about the arson case last night?"

He Dayi shook his head nervously and desperately, for fear of being involved in this matter, "I don't know, I came to the village today to find out that there was a fire in the village yesterday. This matter has nothing to do with me, I just want to find out what was planted in the village and why. There are so many people in Tanabe holding hands.”

"Keep him in the firewood room and leave it to Qiu Baize tomorrow."

He asked with a sad face: "When can you let me go? I didn't do anything to set fire."

"I will hand you over to an adult tomorrow. You can cooperate well, and you can say anything. He will let you go if there is no problem."

He nodded and went to the woodshed to stay.

It was only at this time that the boys said, "Is the trial all so simple?"

Zhou Yong said, "Why do I think he's a little stupid!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Zhou Cheng glared at them, "Have you done your homework?"

They shrank their necks and hurried back to the house.

"I'll go out." He turned to Pei Xiu and said.

She nodded, knowing that he was going to deal with He Dayi's business.

She stretched out her belly and went to put away the tableware.

Recently my belly has gotten bigger and heavier. But in order to have a smooth delivery, she would walk in the yard for a while after meals every day.

As I walked, I thought that there were more and more things happening recently, and I didn't know if it would end when she gave birth. It just so happened that her due date should be around the end of July and the beginning of August. I was praying that everything would go well.

Zhou Cheng came back shortly after he went out.

"It's getting dark, why are you still in the yard? You don't have to wait for me." He locked the yard door, carried two buckets of water, and planned to take a cold shower.

Pei Xiu was leaning on the pillar under the porch, stroking his stomach and looking at him: "I have nothing to do, and I will be able to give birth when the time comes."

He strode towards her, gently brushed away the small broken hair on her forehead, and kissed, "Thank you for your hard work. There have been a lot of things in the past few months, and I haven't been able to accompany you and the child well."

"It's okay, it's good to see someone who can see you every morning and night. I'll go get you clothes. Did you just ask someone to inform Master Qiu to come over tomorrow?"

Zhou Cheng also entered the house with him.

"Well, I told Captain Wu and asked him to send soldiers back. We just need to harvest the crops in the field successfully. We don't need to worry about other things, just leave them to them."

He put on his clothes, turned around, put his arms around Pei Xiu, and touched her belly, "Why is her belly so big recently, it looks like she's about to give birth."

"Eat well and sleep well, or you will grow fast, and it is indeed about to give birth. My little clothes and quilts are ready." Her craftsmanship is not very good, but she can dress her children casually.

"Would you like to go to Dong'an City for production? The environment here is not as good as in the city. We just rewarded a house and we haven't seen it But he was a little hesitant because he was afraid that he would not be able to accompany him if he had time. said.

"No, you're busy, and the children are going to school, so you can't stay in the city with me. Besides, my stomach is so big now that it's too far and bumpy to go to the provincial capital. Just here, it's much better than our hometown in Xishan Village. Now. I want to clean up a room next to it and use it as a delivery room."

He didn't feel relieved to leave her alone in the city. Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "Go to the village and ask a woman to come and clean it. It's inconvenient for you to have such a big belly."

"Well, that's what I thought too. I'll call Aunt Zhang. I want to ask her to come and help me for a few months, help me with confinement, and help my family with laundry and cooking. Otherwise, no one will serve the confinement, and People will wash and cook for you."

He nodded, the family really lacked people to take care of him now, and he was too busy to think about it for a while, "please invite her over tomorrow, please invite her for a few more months, we are not short of money now. Your belly is so big, It is also inconvenient to do laundry and cooking, and I don’t feel relieved that you are alone at home during the day.”

In fact, she also has this concern, and now she is still flexible and can do things. But I am also afraid that something will happen to a person at home, and no one will know if he falls one day.

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