Latest website: She thinks that after the boys went to school, their eloquence became better and better, and they became more and more able to argue. You can't tell them.

Literati can be eloquent, but the ancients will not deceive me!

"You can't stop your mouth when you eat, so hurry up, or I won't be able to get you an oil lamp if you can't finish writing it later."

His mouth was full, eating and talking were both functioning at the same time, "Mother, I'm sure there's no problem with my second brother and Zhou Shan. You should worry about whether my eldest brother and Huzi can finish their homework."

Zhou Yong took a big mouthful of green vegetables and stuffed it into his mouth, "Eat yours, what are you talking about and making a lot of noise."

Seeing that they were so noisy while eating, Pei Xiu's head got bigger, and he said to Zhou Cheng, "You don't care?"

Glancing at them, "Well, if you want to talk, let them talk slowly, and you can just take it away after you eat. It's just enough to clear your intestines if you're hungry for a meal or two."

Pei Xiu rolled his eyes at him and ignored them.

They took a peek at Zhou Cheng, and the chopsticks in their hands were pulling faster. After Pei Xiu finished eating, he put down his chopsticks, and all stood up one by one, put away his bowls and chopsticks, and ran away.

She turned to Zhou Cheng and said, "Your words still work."

Zhou Cheng smiled at her, "Do you have anything you want to buy tomorrow, I'll bring it back with you."

She thought for a while, she was about to give birth, and she had almost prepared everything to give birth.

"Buy a new pair of scissors, and a new wooden tub. I'll have everything else ready for the baby when I give birth."

Early the next morning, before Pei Xiu got up, he went out. If you want to go early and return early, there is still a lot of work to be done on Zhuangzi, and the potatoes will be collected in a few days.

Before Zhou Cheng came back, Qiu Baize came again.

"Where's Zhou Cheng? I didn't see it in the fields, where did it go?"

Pei Xiu asked as soon as he entered the door, got up and replied, "He went to the county seat, what's the matter?"

"The people below said that the second son came over yesterday? Did you say something, did you embarrass you?" After the prince heard the news, he went to report to the prince and sent him over to take a look.

"It's okay, I didn't embarrass us, it was a false alarm." She explained the process to Qiu Baize one by one.

Qiu Baize nodded, "That's good. Last time, He Dayi brought him back, and after asking about his origin, the prince sent him to the second son. The second son was also reprimanded by the prince, and he was directly banned today for a while. Can't go out. You can rest assured."

"That's good, you sit down and rest for a while. My husband went out early in the morning and should be back in a while."

"He's not guarding his daughter-in-law, so what's he doing in the county seat?" Qiu Baize rode his horse all the way and was dying of thirst. He took a big bowl and drank all the tea from the pot on his own.

Pei Xiu asked Aunt Zhang to make another pot, and she would drink it when Zhou Cheng came back. She was used to drinking boiled water, and she could not drink tea when she was pregnant.

"Yesterday's incident frightened him, and today he went to the Jambank to buy people."

"It's time to add a few people. Otherwise, except for Aunt Zhang, who is a temporary helper, you are the only one in the house. If you need something, you can't find someone to run errands. I didn't have the conditions before, but now I can support it."

"I asked him to buy a servant first. There is Aunt Zhang in the kitchen. I don't need anyone else for the time being, and there are few family matters."

Qiu Baize thought for a while, and felt that it was not safe for her to be at home with two women during the day.

"Let me find a groom for you. There are not many disabled veterans in the barracks who have returned home. I'll pick a better one for you to come and watch the house. You will also need someone to drive in and out in the future."

Pei Xiu thought about it for a while, and felt that it was ok. If she was trustworthy and could watch the house and drive the carriage, she would definitely need a carriage in the future. But she was a little curious, why the disabled veterans retired and not sent back to their hometowns?

"The rest are unwilling to leave. It may be that the hometown is too far, and the body is not strong enough to support the bumps of the road; it may also be that the family has been away from home for too long, and their parents are no longer there, for fear of adding a burden to the brothers and causing trouble in the family. "Qiu Baize sighed lightly, if he didn't get promoted in the military, he would be one of these veterans when he got old.

He added: "My lord is kind and kind, and all the disabled veterans who are not suitable for the battlefield are also raised together. Although there is no military salary, no one will dislike it, and there is still a bite to eat."

According to this, the King of Liaodong is indeed benevolent. Liaodong is vast and sparsely populated, and the land is barren.

"When these crops are harvested, part of the crops can be cultivated for disabled veterans and dedicated to military camps. This can also solve part of the military spending problem, and disabled veterans can also realize their value."

Qiu Baize nodded, the prince also considered the same. The most important thing is that the three crops do not pick the land and have high yields. Barren land and sandy land can also be cultivated.

"When I go back, I will find a suitable one for you."

While he was talking, Zhou Cheng also came back.

"What's appropriate?" As soon as he reached the door, he heard Qiu Baize's voice.

"I plan to find a disabled veteran for you, who can watch the door and drive." Qiu Baize sat in the main room and shouted towards the door.

"Well, I can have this." He handed over the things he bought to Aunt Zhang.

"Why did you buy two?" Pei Xiu saw two thin half-old children who looked like bamboo poles behind him.

"These two are twins, so I bought them together." After that, they handed over the two's deeds to her.

The two children stood bewildered under the porch, one looked calm and the other looked at them timidly.

Seeing that Pei Xiu was going to get up, Zhou Cheng stepped forward to help her.

She walked to the door and said gently to the two children, "How old are you, what's your name?"

The calm one spoke first, "Madam Hui, our two brothers are thirteen years old. The surname is Lin and we don't have a given name. We only have a nickname. Madam please give me a name."

The two were the same age as Hu Zi, but they looked about the same height as eleven-year-old Zhou Yong.

"Are you your brother?"

"Madam Yes."

Seeing that their basic etiquette was still complete, Pei Xiu asked Zhou Cheng, "Have they been trained by Renya, have they been taught the rules?"

"I have taught. Big families like to use their families to have children, but occasionally they go to the tooth bank to buy people, so the tooth bank will teach the basic etiquette, so as not to collide with the nobles."

That's convenient, you can get started directly, otherwise, she has to tune it herself, and she doesn't know how to do it herself.

"Why were you sold to the tooth shop?"

The eldest brother squeezed the corner of his clothes, tightened his body and said, "My mother died in childbirth when we were born, and then my father married the stepmother. My father also died of illness a few months ago, and the stepmother sold us both. ."

Pei Xiu looked at the skinny appearance of the two, and knew that under the hands of the stepmother, they must not have eaten enough. This father is too cruel, and the child without a mother is really pitiful.

She sighed in her heart, touched her stomach, and secretly prayed that she would give birth safely.

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