Latest website: Before the Qixi Festival, Zhou Chengcheng informed Qiu Baize that the harvest will be harvested the day after the Qixi Festival.

It is rare that it has been so calm recently, and the plants have begun to turn a little yellow. If you harvest it earlier, you can feel at ease earlier.

He visited Tanabe early in the morning, and after seeing that there was no problem, he waited.

A group of people is rapidly approaching, this time with fewer people, only a few cronies.

"At the end of the day, see the prince, the prince."

"See the prince, the prince..."

"No gift, this king is on official business, and I don't have much free time. Find a few more people to dig it out."


Zhou Cheng stopped calling the long-term workers, and called a few soldiers, telling them to **** deeper and not to damage the crops, and then called someone to pick them up.

The King of Liaodong and the Prince were watching from the shade, and the Si Nong Guan was also waiting by the side. He motioned to the farmer to show him the planting records.

"Don't you have to worry about pests?"

"I haven't encountered it this year. At present, everything seems to be good. Will there be any pests that need to be planted a few more times, and only after understanding the habits can we draw a conclusion." The farmer replied. He followed the record this year, so it can be said clearly.

The King of Liaodong nodded.

Seeing that the field was full of baskets and brought up, he motioned for someone to bring it up, picked up a weight slightly larger than a duck egg and looked at it.

"It's more than what I dug out last month. I took it out last time and let the cook cook it. It tastes good and can satisfy my hunger."

Recently, the prince is in a good mood. The second child was grounded, the third child was sent out to fight bandits, and the fourth child was always obedient, and no one came out to get in the way.

Seeing that they were being lifted up one after another, he said, "Father, you can start weighing."

"Well, let's get started."

Zhou Cheng watched from the side, this year was another year of good weather, so he caught up. Seeing everyone looking so happy, he was also happy, this is the joy of a bumper harvest.

"This basket is broken with a hoe. Do you want to weigh it?" the soldier asked the farmer.

The King of Liaodong said: "We weigh them all together, and calculate the output together."


The farm official was calculating the data, and he was a little unbelievable after the calculation. He repeated the calculation twice, and he dared to believe it after there was no problem.

"The output has come out. This potato yields 2,300 catties per mu." Speaking of the number, his voice was raised.

The king of Liaodong and the prince were walking around in front of the baskets. After all, there was corn that had just been harvested, and they thought the yield should be similar if they harvested this again.

As a result, when they heard Si Nongguan shouting out 2,300 jin, the two of them were sluggish, and the King of Liaodong reacted quickly and stepped forward to grab his record book.

Excitedly, he said, "Are you right? Is the yield per mu really 2,300 catties?"

"Yes, lord, the subordinate has done the calculation twice, and there is no problem with the weighing."

The King of Liaodong couldn't believe how he could be so productive. The corn yield of nearly 1,000 catties per mu is already very surprising, but this potato turned out to be even more incredible.

Shizi was also surprised, this is more than twice the output of corn. He stood in front of the scale, "Father, I'll help you read the scale."

After weighing them again, the King of Liaodong recorded them one by one, checked them twice, and found that there was really no problem. It was indeed 2,300 catties, he dared to believe it.

"It's beyond my expectations. There is such a wonderful seed in this world. Zhou Cheng, you have once again brought a surprise to this king."

"It is the blessing of the lord, and the gods are grateful for the graciousness and kindness of the lord, and the kindness of Liaodong, that these crops will appear and benefit the people."

The prince was astonished and surprised, and his reaction was not slow, "Yes, Father, there are constant natural and man-made disasters every year in Daxia. In the past few years, apart from the occasional bandit troubles on the borders of Liaodong, it can be said that the weather has been smooth and we can live and work in peace."

The King of Liaodong rubbed his palms and laughed, "Your words are very pleasing to me. You should put them all away and keep them well. When the sweet potatoes are harvested, the king will send someone over to take over together. If there is a problem, you are the only one to ask."

"Yes, my lord."

He was so overjoyed that he couldn't help but look at the number again and again, it really surprised him. Although I had already prepared in my heart, I never dared to think that there would be so many. I just thought it was almost the same as corn.

Looking at the sweet potatoes left in the field, he also had high hopes for it, and the two crops also looked like many similarities.

He also asked, "Can the sweet potatoes that haven't been harvested in that field also produce so much?"

"It hasn't been harvested yet, so I won't be able to guarantee it at the end."

The King of Liaodong didn't embarrass him, "It's okay, I'll come over and witness it with my own eyes next time I harvest it. I'll remember your credit and hard work for you."

"Thank you, Lord!"

"It's not in vain for me to leave my official business and come here in person." The King of Liaodong couldn't put it down with the potatoes in his hands.

They didn't have a carriage, so they took a cloth bag and hung it on the horse.

"Keep this king here, and I will come back in half a month. Drive."

"Zhou Cheng, Wu Yonggang, I'll leave it to you here." After the prince finished speaking, he rode after him.


Captain Wu patted Zhou Cheng on the shoulder, "Xiaowei Zhou, it's incredible that you can actually gain so much because of you."

"It's also the good weather this year that made the harvest so smooth. It's hard work for Captain Wu."

"The duty is, wait for this to come to an end, and see if I can touch your light, and then go up one level." Captain Wu replied with a smile.

"Then I wish Captain Wu his wish, and come to my house to drink two glasses of wine in the evening?"

He shook his head, "No, drinking is easy to make mistakes, and you will be able to retire in half a month, so don't be slack at this juncture."

Now that he said that, Zhou Cheng didn't force it, "Then let's wait for the matter to come to an end, let's have two more drinks."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. In the future, I will count on Captain Zhou to help, haha."

"Captain Wu is old, I still need more attention from Captain Wu!"

"Haha, let's stop touting each other and get down to business."

Zhou Cheng nodded Looking at the baskets of potatoes, they had to be stored in the cellar before the King of Liaodong sent someone to take over.

Pei Xiu didn't know anything at home. When the soldiers in the brigade knocked on the door and carried the baskets into the cellar, she realized that the potatoes were also harvested.

She found Zhou Cheng, "Why did you move back?"

"I just harvested it today. There's a pile of corn over there, and there's no place to store it. Move it to the cellar first, and collect the sweet potatoes in a few days. The lord will send someone over to take over together. Aunt Zhang and the two servants, remember to let them seal up."

She nodded and replied, "I know. How many pounds did you take this year?"

Zhou Cheng raised the corner of his mouth and said in a low voice, "The yield per mu is 2,300 catties. The prince is very pleasantly surprised."

Pei Xiu was overjoyed, so they were about to retire.

"And sweet potatoes, let's wait another half a month."

She nodded.

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