Aunt Zhang was startled, and quickly gave her a hand, "Qingzhu, please go and invite Madam Wen. Qingsong, come and help Mrs. to the delivery room."

Qingzhu nodded nervously, like pounding garlic, and ran away, for fear of being a step late, so he was delayed.

With the help of Aunt Zhang and Qingsong, Pei Xiu slowly moved to the delivery room. The amniotic fluid kept flowing, making her **** wet.

She finally felt the contractions, ten times stronger than menstrual pain, in bursts.

"Qingsong, Madam is about to give birth, go to the field and invite Master Zhou back." Aunt Zhang said anxiously to Qingsong.

Qingsong is relatively calm and courageous. There are so many officers and soldiers in Tanabe today. She was afraid that Qingzhu would be timid and make mistakes, so she asked him to invite Mother Wen, and Qingzhu to invite Lord Zhou.

Pei Xiu grabbed Aunt Zhang's hand uneasy: "Why is it so painful all of a sudden? Shouldn't the pain be gradual when you just react?"

Aunt Zhang comforted her in a warm voice: "If you break the water first, the attack will happen sooner. If you see red, it won't hurt very much at first. Just bear with it, and I'll help you take off your pants first."

She gripped Aunt Zhang's hand tightly in pain, and Aunt Zhang didn't dare to throw it away when it hurt. After the pain was over, she took a breath and let go.

Aunt Zhang then freed her hand to take off her trousers and said, "I guess your baby will be born very quickly. I'll go and boil water for you first, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late."

Before going out, he reassured and warned again: "You must not move around, your amniotic fluid is broken, and the more you move it, the faster it will flow. If the amniotic fluid runs out and the child has not come out, both mother and child will be in danger."

At this time, Pei Xiu had been in pain for a few short periods of time, so she didn't want to speak, and nodded.

At the critical moment, she felt that there were too few people who bought it, and she should add one or two more, so that no one would accompany the delivery now. sacrifice as sacrifice as

A new round of labor pains came again, and she held on to the quilt tightly, enduring this wave of contractions. In just a short while, her clothes were already soaked.

People who have never given birth to a child have no way of understanding the pain of uterine contractions.

Although Qingsong did not go out until he helped Pei Xiu into the house, Tianli was closer to Zhuangzi than Zhangjia Village, and he arrived faster than Qingzhu.汜 minus bⅹшⅹ С〇汜

He ran to the guard anxiously, and said, "Help me find Lord Zhou, our wife is about to give birth."

After he finished speaking, he started to gasp for breath.

The soldiers who stopped him had heard Lord Zhou's instructions to let him go, but today's situation is special. The princes and princes are all here. For their safety, he has to guard against them.

"Wait here for a while, I'll pass it on to you right now." He motioned for the others to look at Qingsong, and he would come as soon as he went.

Zhou Cheng was letting people load the corn and potatoes into the truck, and the sweet potatoes in the field were almost finished, and he was weighing the baskets.

When he was caught off guard, a soldier came to report that his daughter-in-law was about to give birth.

He became anxious all of a sudden, brought it out on his face, and looked at the King of Liaodong and the prince.

They heard it too.

The King of Liaodong said generously: "Your wife is going to give birth? You should go back and have a look. It's almost over here. Take a scale and count the data to load the car."

He bowed gratefully to the King of Liaodong, then turned around and walked forward quickly. Seeing the anxious look on his face, he was pacing the green pines, and he couldn't help trotting over.

"How's Madam?"

"My wife just broke the water, and Aunt Zhang asked Qingzhu to ask for Mother Wen. She was watching. My lord, go back and have a look."

When Zhou Cheng finished his words, he hurried back and didn't care whether Qingsong could keep up.

The King of Liaodong and the prince looked at him anxiously, and praised him, "He is a kind and righteous man who loves his daughter-in-law, and the wife of a scoundrel cannot be abandoned. I thought that he had just recovered and would be reluctant to go back, and would refuse to stay here and wait for the result. ."

"He also trusts that his father will not forget his hard work." The prince turned to remind his father.

The King of Liaodong gave the prince a deep look, don't think he didn't know, he was turning a corner to seek rewards for Zhou Cheng.

He also did not promise, everything depends on merit, but this merit cannot be made public yet, and it is not a good thing to advance too fast.

He looked at the farmer again, "Is it done?"

"Go back... Go back to the lord, check it again, just... just..." The farmer's voice trembled, and he almost couldn't hold the pen steady.

Zhou Cheng didn't know that the prince was helping him behind the scenes again. He hurried back and rushed into the delivery room.

Aunt Zhang caught fire in the kitchen and boiled water, and saw a figure running over. After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that it was Lord Zhou, and it was too late for her to stop her.

Aunt Zhang patted her thigh and screamed, the delivery room is a filthy place, how can a man enter.

In a hurry, she threw down the firewood and ran to the delivery room.

Seeing him hold Pei Xiu's hand tightly, wipe the sweat for her, and comfort her gently, "Don't be afraid, I'm back..."

Aunt Zhang called out as soon as she came in: "My Lord Zhou, you can't enter the delivery room. You've been a father three times, so why are you still rushing in. Come out with me quickly."

She didn't care about being afraid of his cold and immediately started to pull someone, only to see that he didn't move. She was in a hurry and said to Pei Xiu, "Madam, hurry up and ask Lord Zhou to go out. The delivery room is a dirty place, which will affect his future."

Pei Xiu squeezed Zhou Cheng's hand with all his strength, clenching his teeth to prevent himself from shouting. She was afraid that if she yelled now, she would have no strength when she was born.

After waiting for this wave of pain to pass, she let go of Zhou Cheng's hand. Although she didn't believe in the idea of ​​filth, she couldn't stand the belief of the ancients.

The sweaty broken hair was pressed against his cheeks, and he looked at him with an embarrassed smile: "Listen to Aunt Zhang, go out and wait first, I didn't give birth so soon, you are in a hurry here, and you can't help me."

He pursed his lips tightly and looked at her with concern, "I'll go out after Granny Wen comes."

Aunt Zhang was anxious, "Master Zhou, it's not suitable for you to be a man while giving birth. Madam Wen will be here soon. You go out to help boil the water first, and I'll accompany you."

"You go to boil water, and I will accompany you."

Seeing that he was sitting still beside the bed and told her to go, Aunt Zhang was anxious to scold her.

"My wife broke the water first, she must give birth quickly, and she is the fourth child again, and the speed will definitely be faster. If the wife is born at once, will you deliver the delivery, Sir Zhou? I'll be here first, Hurry up and help boil the water, human life is at stake."

Next week, Zhou Cheng was in a hurry, and he didn't dare to stay any longer. After talking to Pei Xiu, he hurriedly went to boil the water and left it to Aunt Zhang to watch.

When he went to the kitchen, he was relieved to see that Qingsong was already boiling water there. Mi He Mi

Pacing back and forth in the yard, waiting anxiously, going to the door from time to time to see why Madam Wen hadn't come yet.

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