The latest website: When Aunt Zhang finished cooking, the two of them had already drank too much. Qiu Baize went to sleep after eating whatever he wanted. He has to go to the city early tomorrow for an errand. .

Before going to bed, Zhou Cheng went to the house to see his wife and daughter, but he was kicked out because he smelled too much alcohol.

The children were so excited that they couldn't bear to sleep, and ran back to the delivery room to see their sister.

"Mother, why is my sister sleeping all the time? I haven't seen her open her eyes." Zhou Heng asked curiously.

Pei Xiu's production went smoothly and quickly. She just ate another bowl of rice, and she still doesn't want to sleep, so I'll accompany them to say a few words.

"She is still young, she needs more sleep to grow up."

"Then when will she wake up, can I hug her?"

"No, you are still young, how can you hug."

"Can the big brother hug him?"

Pei Xiu shook his head, "No way, your eldest brother is still a half-year-old child, and your sister is so young that she can't be hugged. If you're used to hugging, you will have to hug it every day before sleeping, but mother doesn't have the energy."

"Okay, then let's take a look." Zhou Xiaosan had a disappointed expression on his face, and saw his sister spit bubbles and then smiled.

"Okay, it's time for you to go back to sleep. Tomorrow you have to do morning exercises and go to school. Mother has also been tired all day and needs to rest."

They stood up reluctantly, knowing that their mother had given birth to a younger sister for so long, she must be very tired and dare not stay any longer. After saying good night, he went out.

Pei Xiu was really tired. When I just gave birth, I was so excited that I didn't want to sleep at all. But now that so much time has passed, she also feels a little tired.

Looking at the girl next to her, she closed her eyes with contentment and fell asleep. I don't know when Aunt Zhang packed up and entered the house.

She only woke up when she heard the child cry in a daze. She touched her side and found that it was empty, so she sat up in fright, "Where's the child?"

"It's okay, ma'am, I'm holding the baby, she's hungry." Aunt Zhang heard the cry as soon as she entered the room, and hurriedly picked up the baby.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, and lay down again, "I was startled, and when I heard her cry, I touched it but couldn't, and I couldn't see clearly in the dark room."

"I'm afraid she will disturb you, so I hug her and coax her first. I only fed her some warm water before. She should be hungry. Feed her." After that, she put the baby under her arm.

She recalled how the original owner had fed the three before, and drew the gourd in the same way.

I still feel a little difficult, I can't see it, the child is crying in a hurry when he can't eat milk.

"Aunt Zhang, I can't see it. Open the window and I'll feed her by the moonlight."

"That won't work. It will be a little cold when the wind blows in outside at night."

"I'm lying on the bed and it can't blow me. Turn it on. The room is stuffy, and the smell is heavy after a long time." She felt that she was going to be rancid. She sweated a lot during childbirth in the afternoon, and she was still stuffy in the room.

"OK then."

Aunt Zhang didn't dare to open both windows, only the one that couldn't blow the air was opened.

Only then did she use the moonlight to successfully breastfeed the child. Listening to her chirp chirp, she didn't know if she had eaten it or not. Anyway, she didn't feel that the milk was increasing.

The brilliance of motherhood shrouded her body, and she just pouted the corners of her mouth like this, watching her breastfeeding quietly, her feet kicking and kicking from time to time. Looking at it makes me smile.

Aunt Zhang didn't dare to lie down. She had to wait for the baby to drink milk and change diapers.

So taking care of confinement and taking care of children is not an easy job. She doesn't plan to have another baby. She has to sit well in the last month, so it is necessary to buy another person to take care of the month.

Zhou Chengtian woke up just after dawn. Seeing that Aunt Zhang was already busy in the yard, he went to the delivery room and gently pushed the door open. He walked in lightly, looking at the two sleeping faces on the kang, one big and one small, and didn't dare to wake them up. Went out after a while.

Aunt Zhang also got up early in the morning to work, and the old man felt less.

The bedding, clothes, and diapers that were soiled yesterday, and the diapers that were changed at night, have been soaked all night. They should be washed and dried in the morning, otherwise they will not have to be changed.

So she got up early to work, and after washing her clothes, she still had to cook. After the mother and daughter wake up, she will have more work to do, and she will feel at ease when she is busy.

Zhou Cheng came out of the room, seeing that it was still early, he didn't wake up the boys, and let them sleep for a while. He first played a trick to warm up.

But today was the first time in the world, without him calling, a few boys climbed up one after another just like the appointment.

The first thing they do when they get up is to ask their father, "Are mother and sister up?"

He finished the last move, stopped and said, "Not yet, don't go in and quarrel with them, go run a few laps to warm up first."

When they woke up early, they wanted to see their sister more, otherwise they would go to school in a while and not come back until the afternoon.

But what his father meant, they didn't dare to resist, wrinkled their faces, and went to wash up first.

Hu Zi glared at Zhou Yong angrily. He didn't want to wake up early to see his sister, why did he have to wake him up together.

According to the usual time, he can sleep for another quarter of an hour. He's still a kid, and he's still growing!

Zhou Yong grinned at him, "We are good brothers who share the same bed. We must advance and retreat together. Cherish the days you and I spend together. Come on, brother, run."

They resigned and ran after them.

At this moment, Qiu Baize also woke up, stretched out, and saw that they were already running.

"Waking up so early, so diligent! I'll run two laps with you."

Hu Zi turned his head and asked him, "Father, will you go back to the city later?"

"Well, run two laps to warm up and leave."

Zhou Yong also asked, "Uncle Qiu, we have another sister."

"I saw it last night."

He couldn't figure it out in the second battle, why did he emphasize this in the morning?

"You only have half of them." Zhou Xiaosan also had a tacit understanding and was good at stabbing knives.

"Little bastard, I'm about to get married soon." Qiu Baize called out the back of their heads for these stinky boys.


This time they were They don't know anything yet. Their parents didn't mention it to them either.

Others were also curious and ran around him one after another, and you asked me every word.

"When are you getting married?"

"Uncle Qiu, who are you marrying?"

"So I'm about to have a foster mother?"

"Uncle Qiu, you are so fast!"

"Can we see the bride then?"

This time, his head was bigger, and he was surrounded by front, back, left and right, telling him how to run.

"How do you ask me to answer so many questions? My marriage with Miss Luo is scheduled for the fifth day of October."

"Wow, it really is Miss Luo, Uncle Qiu, you are really good." Zhou Yong was excited, he had fought side by side with Miss Luo.

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