The latest website: A few boys heard about it in the academy before they left school. As soon as the Master gave them permission to leave the get out of class, they each rushed out.

I couldn't wait to get home, but my mother told me that my father was resting and told them not to make any noise.

They nodded excitedly, and the boss asked in a low voice with concern: "Mother, what's wrong with Dad, are you injured?"

"It's just a little skin injury. It doesn't get in the way. I'm just too tired. I've been nervous all the time. I just relax when I get home. Let's go to dinner first, let your father have a good rest, and don't disturb him first."

"When did Dad come back? I didn't hear about it until after school." The second child said curiously as he walked.

"I entered the city gate at noon, and I arrived at my house before I was right. I just lay down after taking the medicine. If you want to see him, just wait until tomorrow morning."


In the evening, the boys also had great appetites. Although they didn't see their father, they were relieved to know that he had returned safely.

During this time, not only Pei Xiu was suffering, but they were also worried, and the whole family had no appetite. I only ate it now, and everyone devoured it, as if to make up for what I ate less before.

"Eat slowly, but don't eat so much at once. You will have to endure it later, and you will have to digest." Pei Xiu stopped them from fighting each other for food.

The boss had been hungry for several days, and finally had the mood to open up to eat, "Mother, we are still growing. It's fine to eat more, and it will be digested in a while. If you eat less, it will be uncomfortable when you are hungry at night."

"You ate so little a few days ago, and I didn't see you hungry." She said angrily.

"There was no news from dad at that time. How could we eat. Dad is back today. We are in a good mood, and of course our appetites have increased."

The others nodded, agreeing with what their elder brother said.

"You're right. Go back to the house to do your homework after eating. It's getting dark early, so go to bed early at night." She ate something and went back to the house first. hungry.

When she woke up the next morning, there was no one by her pillow, and she lightly got out of bed and put on her coat.

Gently opened the window and looked at the snow outside, it snowed again last night.

She tightened her neckline and hurriedly closed the window to spare her sleeping daughter.

When Ginkgo heard the movement in the house, she went to the kitchen to fetch water to wash the lady.

Pei Xiu asked her, "When did your lord get up? Are you in the martial arts field?"

"Yes, the adults got up at Mao Shi, and they were in the martial arts field with the young masters."

She nodded.

Ginkgo said with a smile: "As soon as the adults came back, everyone in the house was relieved, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed. The young masters were very happy to see the adults in the morning."

"Yeah, everyone was worried about him at that time, and no one was in the mood to joke and laugh. The atmosphere in the mansion was a little heavier. Fortunately, she returned safely." She woke up in a beautiful mood in the morning.

"Your Excellency is blessed with profound blessings, and you will be able to turn misfortune into good fortune. Madam has trouble sleeping and eating during this period of time, so it's nothing to worry about."

Seeing that Madam was in a good mood, Ginkgo dared to say a few more words. Before, the atmosphere in the mansion was heavy, and the masters were in a bad mood. She didn't dare to talk much as a newcomer. She walked on thin ice and worked carefully, for fear of being punished for doing wrong.

She smiled and said, "You ask Mrs. Li to come and watch the girl, and I'll go to the martial arts field to see them."


She put on her cape, put on her hat, and went out, not in a hurry, and strolled all the way.

From a distance, they watched their father and son play with sticks with their servants. Now even the youngest Zhou Heng is acting like a sturdy tiger.

In her heart, she hoped that these boys would better follow the text, so that she would not have to worry about the big ones, but also the small ones.

But it's a bit difficult to see how the boss is so enthusiastic, and the others can still be transformed.

She stood aside and looked at them, thinking wildly, and she didn't come back to her senses until they exchanged hands.

Zhou Cheng is personally guiding the boss, watching them come and go, she also feels that the boss is making great progress now.

The boss looks most like Zhou Cheng, he looks like Zhou Cheng everywhere, and now it seems that he has the same path in the future. I sighed inwardly.

She watched Zhou Cheng guide them one by one, pointed out their shortcomings, and practiced with them. Putting the weapon in hand on the shelf, he strode towards her.

"Why don't you lie down for a while, it's cold outside right now." He closed the cloak on her body and wrapped her tightly.

"When the sun comes out, you wake up when you wake up. Why don't you rest for a while? You haven't slept for many days, okay?"

"I started to sleep yesterday afternoon. I've had enough rest. I haven't exercised my muscles and bones for many days, so I woke up early."

"Are you going on an errand today?"

He shook his head, "Your Highness, let us take a day off and go tomorrow. Let's go and have breakfast."


A few boys saw that their parents were gone, and it was almost time now. They also stopped and followed, happily following behind.

At the dinner table, the third child couldn't help but said, "Dad, we miss you, but we worry about you. I can't eat or sleep well during this time."

"Well, they are indeed thin, so you all eat more." Zhou Cheng put a small bun for each of them for the first time.

They grinned happily, and each gave him one, "Mmm, Dad, you've lost weight too, so you should eat more."

"It's rare to see you being so filial. Your father went out this time." Seeing the neat and warm picture of the family, Pei Xiudu was in a happy mood.

"Mother, we just feel sorry that Dad suffered this time, just to show our hearts. Mother, you can eat one too." After the boss finished speaking, he took one for her.

When others saw this, they also wanted to give her a clip, but she stopped, "Don't give it to me, I can't finish it, you can eat your own. Go to the academy as soon as you finish eating, the sun is already craving old now. high."

They nodded and were not in a hurry, UU reading still eating slowly. They are at this point every day, and the time is considered good, and it is time.

Ding Bo was waiting at the entrance of the lobby. When the young masters came out after eating, he went in and handed over the money for the vegetables sold in the shop yesterday to his wife, and then sent the young masters out to the academy.

Zhou Cheng looked at Pei Xiu unexpectedly, "Is your shop open?"

She said proudly: "Yes, half a month after you left, I will let the shop open for business. I have made twenty-seven taels in this month and a half. I plan to add some fresh vegetables in a few days, so that I can earn more."

"Are all the vegetables in the greenhouse growing?"

"There is a small part that can be picked. The leeks are growing very well. You can cut this crop to make it grow again."

"Well, it's good to add an income."

"Who said no, the more people in the family are added, the more money you spend every month." If you have money in your hand, you can't panic in your heart. He can't support the expenses of a family with his salary.

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