"Xiaguan couldn't believe it when he was diagnosed. He dared to come to a conclusion after repeated verification. The prince took Wushi powder, and the pulse showed that the prince had been taking it for a certain number of years, not just tonight."

Having said all that, the imperial doctor also went out of his way. If the prince does not peel off his skin this time, he will be the one who will be unlucky in the future.

The emperor was so angry that he fell backwards. Fortunately, the concubine had been standing behind him and supported him in time. The chief **** also quickly stepped forward to support the other side of the emperor.

"Your Majesty, you can't be excited, but you must take good care of the dragon's body. The imperial doctor may not have a clear diagnosis. The old hospital will come in a while. When the old hospital is coming, let him check again." The concubine patted worriedly. The emperor's chest, wanting to give him a smooth breath.

"I'm fine, I'll go to urge the court. Where is the commander of the Imperial Army? Go to the East Palace to arrest all the palace servants and maids, and hand them over to the Dali Temple for strict interrogation. I want to see how Wushisan was introduced to the East Palace. "

The ministers also felt that the prince was getting more and more absurd, and he still took the medicine Wuxingsan. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to take it. Once found, it must be destroyed immediately, otherwise it will be punished with the same crime as the trafficker.

In the anxiety of the crowd, the court just came in a hurry, and along the way had already inquired about what happened to the birthday banquet, but what happened, the little **** who sent the message kept his mouth shut and did not reveal any words.

"Weichen see the emperor!"

Before the hospital was kneeling down, the emperor called him to stand up, "Okay, no need to salute, go and check the prince's pulse to see why he is in this state?"

"Yes." Yuanzheng had already discovered it as soon as he entered the hall, and the maddened prince was shouting, and he was also surprised.

Seeing that the imperial doctor on duty was also waiting by the side, but he had to be summoned to enter the palace to re-diagnose his pulse, he knew that this was no trivial matter.

At first, the little **** came to summon him. He thought it was the emperor who had an accident, because he was always in charge of the emperor's Ping An pulse. If it was anyone else, there would be an imperial physician on duty.

He didn't dare to delay, and asked the guards to restrain the prince, so that he could see and ask questions. The prince's reason was lost, and if he asked, he could only ask the imperial doctor on the side.

In order to fear that the results would be biased, the imperial doctor on duty did not say that the prince had taken five stone powder, but only handed the physical evidence he took to the hospital.

Seeing the change in the courtyard's face, everyone believed that the prince was taking five stone powder.

The old home couldn't care less about taking back his pillow, so he knelt down and kowtowed in return: "Your Majesty, after repeated diagnosis by the ministers, the prince is indeed taking five stone powder, and he has been taking it for a long time. The amount taken today is greatly exceeded. In the past, he now needs to feed him something cold and cold, or he will risk self-immolation."

The emperor's face was ashen, and he didn't care about punishing the prince for a while, so he ordered someone to take the prince down and prepare more cold things for him to take.

Xiao Lizi was also taken down together and detained with all the palace servants and maids in the East Palace. The matter is serious and needs to be interrogated slowly.

The prince concubine and grandson's descendants in the main hall were also taken down and detained by the forbidden army.

Later, I will send an imperial doctor to check the pulse one by one to see who else in the East Palace is taking Wushi powder besides the prince.

After arranging things properly, the emperor couldn't help but fainted. Fortunately, the concubine and the chief **** were always standing around the emperor, just in case, they always paid attention to the face of the saint.

But the two of them were both old, and they did not catch it together, and fell to the ground together with the emperor.

This frightened everyone.



"Father, mother and concubine..."

The King of Liaodong was the closest, so he hurried forward. Just as he stretched out his hand to the concubine, the empress pulled his hand to the emperor.

"Hurry up and support your father, the hospital is coming to give the emperor a pulse." The imperial concubine said anxiously.

She just fell, it's fine, she doesn't need help. Now is the time when he is showing his filial piety in front of the ministers and showing his goodwill, how can he help her first.

The King of Liaodong also understood, seeing that his mother and concubine was really okay, and anxiously began to call the imperial doctor.

All the vassal kings and ministers were afraid that they would all gather around, for fear that something would happen to the sage.

"I'll leave for this palace. The emperor just fainted. You should step back first and let the imperial physician come to check the pulse first."

At this critical time, how could the vassal kings listen to the words of the imperial concubine, they stood without giving an inch. Who knows what's going on with the father now.

"What's the purpose of you all gathering around and not letting the imperial doctor see a doctor? You don't allow the imperial doctor to see a doctor before the emperor is doing well. Are you trying to rebel?"

The chief **** kept pressing among the emperor's people, and the emperor woke up slowly and heard the words of the imperial concubine. I wanted to scolding these unfilial sons, but found that the voice was too low.

"The emperor is awake, the emperor is awake." The **** chief cried excitedly when he saw that the emperor was awake.

Only then did the vassal kings look at the emperor excitedly, "Imperial Father..."

The emperor stretched out his hand and pointed at them, "Retreat for me..."

Only then did the vassal kings retire honestly and obediently, so the hospital was able to go in to see the doctor.

"The emperor has always been in good health. Today, his mood fluctuated too much, and his anger was so intense that he fainted in a short time. Please send the emperor back to the dragon couch. Next, the emperor needs to take good care of the dragon's body."

Today's situation is a little bad. The emperor fainted, and the vassal kings were arguing.

"Come here, prepare a dragon chariot to take the emperor back to the palace. The birthday gifts of the kings of each vassal are first registered by the Ministry of Rites, and then shown to the emperor later. Today's birthday banquet, so far, except for the prime minister, the great scholar, and the ministers of the various ministries. Stay first, other adults please leave the palace first. Your Majesty, is this arrangement appropriate for your concubines? Do you need to add anything?" The concubine calmly watched everyone in the hall and ordered ~www.readwn.com~ The emperor shook his head and said softly: "Yes, listen to the concubine's arrangement."

The chief **** spoke loudly: "The holy man said yes, listen to the arrangement of the concubine."

Then everyone knelt down and bowed, and after sending the emperor onto the dragon carriage, the ministers and the wives hurried out of the palace.

The vassal kings all followed Long Nian, escorting the emperor all the way back to the palace.

As soon as the emperor lay down, he waved his hands to let all the vassal kings and concubines retreat. The air of the whole room was turbid, not to mention the sincerity and sincerity of the fathers and emperors, who didn't know how filial they were. In fact, I wish he had an accident and would never wake up.

Just woke up after fainting, and before they opened their eyes, their faces were already exposed. Now come to the show again, the emperor doesn't believe it.

Only the imperial concubine, a few important officials and the court were left. When the imperial concubine defended against his sons tonight, he heard it all, was very moved, and deeply remembered it in his heart.

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