"With so many vassal kings, you are not the most outstanding, why did you choose to be framed?" The emperor did not believe his defense.

Looking at these sons with different expressions, he looked suspicious.

The King of Luoyang cried innocently: "I don't know my son. Maybe my son is more honest and easy to handle. Please believe me, this is definitely not what I did. I don't have the courage."

He saw that his father had already suspected him, and he was so afraid that he forgot to call himself a son.

The emperor sneered, will there be honest ones among his sons?

"Someone, put the King of Luoyang in Yunshan Palace, and cooperate with Dali Temple to try the case."

"Father, my son was wronged. Someone must have framed me." He knelt down and kowtowed in fright.

Suddenly thinking of something, he suddenly looked up at the vassal king beside him, pulled the hem of Mobei king's clothes, "is it you, the Uighurs are in Mobei, did you do it, and arranged for someone to bite me."

Since he is going to be banned, he shouldn't be the only one, and the King of Mobei is also suspected.

The King of Luoyang was indignant and doubted whether it was really him who did it, and then framed him.

The King of Mobei has been thinking about this issue just now. Uyghurs live in Mobei, and anyone can know this by checking.

It's just that no one pointed it out just now, but sooner or later someone will think of him.

Looking at the King of Luoyang at his feet, he stood up calmly, bowed, looked at his father and said, "It's true that the Uyghurs live in Mobei, but it's impossible that I ordered it. Mobei is too far from the capital. Now, it will take two months to convey an order, how do you think I will make orders from afar. Luoyang is different, you can run back and forth in a few days."

Since he wanted to pull him into the water, he didn't mind stepping on him again.

"Royal father, he must have done it. He must hold a grudge against you for assigning him to Mobei. The distance is nothing, just arrange someone who can take charge." Luoyang King is now biting Mobei King fiercely If you don't let it go, you can pull a pad back.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen thinks what the King of Luoyang said is reasonable. The Uyghurs are within the jurisdiction of Mobei, and the King of Mobei needs to be investigated together." Dali Siqing has always been upright and acted impartially.

"Yes, the king of Mobei and the king of Luoyang were sent to Yunshan Palace to be restrained at the same time."

King Mobei waved his sleeves and calmly followed the guards away. King Luoyang also got up and followed behind, staring at his back angrily.

The two vassal kings were shut down at once, and the others kept their mouths shut for fear of getting caught on fire again.

The matter of the prince has come to an end for the time being, and the discussion is waiting for the Dali Si Qing to find out the truth. Next, the vassal kings were extremely honest, quietly listening to the emperor discussing state affairs with everyone.

Ministers go in and out of the palace gate, it is impossible not to want the news to spread outside the palace.

On the same day, the various palaces got the news that the King of Luoyang and the King of Mobei were grounded.

Now some people are happy, some people are anxious.

As soon as Zhou Cheng heard the matter, he knew that it was definitely not that easy to be kind. For the time being, let's not mention the matter of the five stone powder, only the matter of the golden thread and jade clothes. There was already a thorn in the heart of the saint, and it was certain to investigate it in the end.

He didn't know when he wanted to go back to Dong'an City, but he thought of the letter about Zhou Shan that he sent back.

I don't know if Pei Xiu thought he might be home soon after receiving the letter, so he didn't write a reply.

It's only been a few days, so it should be too late to write another letter so that she must reply? By the way, explain to her why she can't go back.

Thinking that his daughter will soon be one year old, they are all waiting for him to go back, but he has to break the appointment, and he can't help feeling guilty.

After Zhou Cheng sent the second letter, she kept thinking about when she would receive the letter. He can't control the affairs in the palace, and can only wait for news in the palace every day.

I heard that the Dali Siqing had been investigating for half a month, but he could not find out the source of Wushi San, and even the only clue of the disciple was cut off. The emperor was furious.

The courtiers couldn't wait and asked the emperor to abolish the crown prince first, and the case could be investigated slowly, but the crown prince could no longer act as the prince.

What's more, the emperor's body has not improved, they are more worried that the emperor will have an accident, but the Great Xia Dynasty does not have a suitable prince, and there will be chaos inside and outside the palace.

The abolition of the crown prince cannot be delayed, and it is a top priority at present.

Since Halloween on the ninth day of June, there have been rumors in the capital that the prince will be abolished. But it has never been announced to the world, and the people thought it was just groundless.

It was not until June 22 that the palace's will to abolish the crown prince came out, and the capital was in an uproar. It turned out that the news was true and that the crown prince was really abolished.

The vassal kings were ecstatic, and after the message was conveyed, their hands and feet were also quickly operated by all parties, allowing the courtiers to enter the word and establish the reserve.

The emperor has not been in court for almost half a month, and many ministers below the third rank have never seen the emperor.

You can only kneel and worship at the gate of the bedroom every day, and you can only write down your memorial when you have something to do.

Recently, the head of the emperor's bed is full of memorials of the emperor. For the stability of the court, they all hope that the emperor will establish the reserve as soon as possible.

The emperor also knew that there was no delay in establishing the crown prince.

"As for the establishment of the reserve, the ministers can think about who is suitable for the establishment. The first day of the first day will be held as usual, and the court will discuss the establishment of the reserve with the ministers. You will all mention it at that time!"

However, the King of Liaodong was not in a hurry to establish the heir, and he needed to increase his bargaining power.

He went to report to the sage that the corn was ready to be harvested. Ask the Holy Master to send someone to confine it.

Recently, all the vassal kings almost ignored the high-yielding seeds offered by the King of Liaodong for the sake of the crown prince. After listening to his report, they came back to their senses, and their expressions flickered.

In this critical period of the establishment of the reserve, if the high-yielding seeds of the Liaodong king are harvested, it will not be a good thing for them.

The emperor also thought about it. Nothing was gained and there was no sense of reality. He was always thinking about the prince's affairs, and he almost forgot.

"Present to play~www.readwn.com~ Send a censor to supervise the collection, and General Yun Hui will send a team of 100 people to **** them. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and return. Check the authenticity first, and then **** them to Beijing together after the latter two are collected. "

The King of Liaodong is overjoyed, it is best to hurry up, and you can come back to add chips to him before the establishment of the reserve.

"Yes, Erchen requested to send Zhou Xiaowei and several other officials of the palace to go with him. The planting area is heavily guarded, and only those who need Erchen can enter with a handwritten warrant."


The vassal kings looked at them with hatred in their hearts, but their faces were full of smiles.

Zhou Cheng has also been thinking about the corn harvest all the time. He is calculating the time, and he doesn't know if the adults still remember, so don't delay.

For this reason, he also specially reminded the next generation.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, an order came from the palace, asking him to accompany the doctor of the censor to go to Liaodong to collect corn, and set off on the same day.

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