On the first day of the first day, the emperor dragged his sick body to the court as usual. This was to show the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty that his dragon body was safe, and it was also for the purpose of re-establishing the prince.

There was a heated discussion in the court hall. Every vassal king had a proposal, and I don’t know if they asked someone to instruct them. There were various reasons for the proposal, which made people laugh and laugh.

The most vocal are the King of Liaodong, the King of Huainan, the King of Jinyang, the King of Nanman, and the King of Mobei.

The first three palaces all have high-ranking mothers and concubines, so the voice is the highest. The latter two, like the King of Liaodong, guarded the frontier of Daxia, possessed heavy troops and were good at fighting.

The other vassal kings were relatively inconspicuous, their mothers were not high in status, they were not favored, and they did not have military power.

After arguing all morning, the courtroom was as lively as the market, and there was no conclusion to what you said and what I said.

"Your Majesty, my ministers suggest that King Jinyang be the crown prince. King Jinyang is humble and courteous, a virtuous corporal, and his mother's status is also the highest among the vassal kings."

"Reporting to the emperor, in terms of identity, the king of Liaodong is the highest, and his mother is the imperial concubine of the dynasty. Moreover, the age is orderly, and after the prince is abolished, it is also the king of Liaodong who was established as the prince."

"My dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and the King of Huainan ordered people to send a lot of annual gifts every year to honor the emperor and his concubine. It can be seen that he has good character and both virtues. He is the best candidate for the prince."

"The prosperity of the mother's family can easily lead to the dictatorship of foreign relatives. The minister suggested that the king of Nanman be the crown prince. The king of Nanman has no foreign relatives, and he has been very intelligent since he was a child. He has always guarded the southern bar.

"Weichen proposes King Mobei..."

"No, the king of Mobei and the prince have a major relationship with the consumption of five stone powder. The suspicion has not been eliminated, so it is not possible to propose."

Listening to their rebuttals, no one could convince anyone. After all morning's discussions, there was no conclusion, and the emperor's head was about to explode. My body hasn't recovered yet, and I can't stand it after sitting for so long.

He rubbed Fan's sore head, "The matter of the prince will be discussed later, and we will retreat."

After retreating from the imperial court, he ordered someone to invite the prime minister and several ministers to the palace to discuss. No one knew what was discussed.

In the next few days, the Xiaochao meeting was constantly arguing, and they each gave evidence and boasted about their nominated vassal king.

The vassal kings could not go out of the palace, they could only secretly pass the news out, their energy was limited, and they were secretly anxious.

The group of people still in Liaodong did not know that the court was surging.

After a good night's rest, the next morning, they tied cloth bags to each horse, filled with corn, and carried them separately, so as not to delay their journey.

There must have been physical evidence when he came over for custody, and brought a little to the capital to show the emperor and courtiers. You can also ask the imperial doctor to study whether it is really non-toxic and edible. It is better to be careful about unknown things.

Zhou Cheng followed the crowd and left in a hurry.

Only then did Pei Xiu receive his first letter. What she didn't know was that Zhou Cheng was passing by outside Dong'an at the moment.

She couldn't help but muttered in her heart: It's already early July, so I'll be home soon, why are you still writing a letter? Is it necessary? When the front foot receives the letter, the back foot gets home.

Whispering, whispering, she was very happy to receive the letter, indicating that he wrote to her as soon as he arrived in the capital.

Since he left, she has been reclusive, and she also warned a few children that the city will be chaotic for a period of time, so that they can't stay outside, and she didn't let them go out even Xunxiu.

A few children are also obedient. After Zheng Hui's feet healed, he would provoke Zhou Yong with words from time to time in the academy. Zhou Yong listened to his mother and ignored him every time, making him jump in anger.

Pei Xiu thought that the days of seclusion should be over soon, and when Zhou Cheng returned, she could go out to breathe.

Looking forward to opening the envelope to see what he had written.

What surprised her was that it was not to report safety, but to ask Zhou Shan. According to the meaning of the letter, does he have clues about Zhou Shan's life experience? That's why she was shown Zhou Shan's feet.

She frowned and read the letter again, thinking that he didn't wait to come back to confirm in person, but instead wrote it back, which must be very important.

Zhou Shan is still in the academy at the moment, and it will be evening when he comes back.

She has been thinking about Zhou Shan repeatedly. She has raised this child for three years. She has always treated her sons the same, and spent the same amount of effort.

If she found her biological parents, she couldn't stop them from recognizing them. As long as they didn't abandon them on purpose, she thought Zhou Shan would be very happy to recognize them.

She felt melancholy when she thought about it, and the cub she had raised for three years was going to be given back to another person. I couldn't help thinking that my own cub was better, and no one could take my own.

I was thinking about this all day, and finally waited until the sun went down and the boys finally came back from school.

Seeing them happily running in and talking around her, she nodded perfunctorily, looked at Zhou Shan and said, "Can you take off your socks and show your auntie the soles of your feet?"

Several boys looked at her suspiciously and said, "Mother, why are you suddenly looking at the soles of Zhou Shan's feet?"

"Yeah, why look at the soles of his feet for no reason?"

"What's the matter, mother?"

Zhou Shan also looked at her in confusion, "What's the matter, auntie?"

"Don't be arguing, Zhou Shan, take it off and show it to me, and I'll tell you later."

Zhou Shan didn't hesitate, he just felt a little inexplicable and wanted to ask curiously.

He sat down directly, took off his shoes and socks, and lifted his feet up.

A few boys squeezed their noses in fright and hid far away.

"Wow, why are your feet so smelly..."

"God, it stinks..."

"It stinks..."

Zhou Shan blushed embarrassedly, and couldn't help but refute them: "It's so hot, the sweat on the soles of your feet all day must be smelly, you take off your socks and smell it, it must be smellier than me. UU reading www.uukanshu .com”

He looked at Pei Xiu embarrassedly and wanted to put his feet down.

"Wait." Pei Xiu took a closer look at the left and right feet, only to find that there were three red dots under the thumb of his left foot.

"What is this red spot on your foot? Did it appear the day after tomorrow? Or is it born with it?" She didn't dislike his foot odor either. She held down his left foot and carefully looked at the three red spots under his toes. . I wiped it off with the handkerchief and it's still there.

"I don't know either. I found out when I was very young. It's always been there. What's wrong, auntie? Is there a problem?"

Zhou Shan was puzzled, embarrassed and at a loss. Today's auntie is so abnormal, as soon as he comes back, he has to look at his feet.

Pei Xiu didn't expect that his feet were really different. Thinking that Zhou Cheng specially asked her to look at Zhou Shan's feet, is this a sign of his life experience?

Thinking of what Zhou Cheng also asked her to ask, "Did the old beggar who found you say where you found it?"

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