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Since the emperor was paralyzed, the prince took care of all government affairs on behalf of the emperor. When it comes to important decisions, he will go to ask for instructions in a disciplined manner, without taking a step beyond the pool.

This made the emperor who was paralyzed in bed very satisfied, and the prince put him aside without power.

As everyone knows, he is planning to succeed him.

After all, the prince is still only the prince, and he only handles government affairs on his behalf. There is no succession to the throne, and the jade seal is not in hand.

Today, some ministers in the court have proposed that the prince should succeed the throne, and the emperor will become the emperor.

Anyway, the emperor has had a stroke, and he can no longer be a director of the court. He can only lie down every day, and he can't take care of himself.

This is the voice of many ministers, but no one raised it first.

What's more, the new crown prince has become more and more handy in handling government affairs during this time, and he is also more courteous to the courtiers.

The performance of the prince is obvious to all, and everyone thinks that he is a qualified prince.

The first person proposes, and the second person agrees. The officials in the courtroom all have seven orifices and exquisite hearts. People who were not expected at the beginning also immediately thought about it, and gradually more and more people agreed.

The emperor is not getting better, so he can only lie on the bed. Now is the time for them to please the future emperor, and the crown prince will succeed sooner or later.

There is no prince who doesn't want to be the emperor, and now is the time for them to do well.

Some senior officials also began to ponder.

The prince, however, directly and righteously declined the proposal of the ministers, saying: "The father emperor's dragon body is only temporarily unwell, the imperial doctor is already treating it, and it has been improving recently. ."

Some old officials couldn't help but nod their heads. The prince is still qualified. No matter what he thinks in his heart, he will do enough on the surface.

In private, several senior officials also began to discuss this matter, and they have yet to see a cure for the stroke.

Now the government is in the hands of the prince, and the prince just lacks a legitimate throne. In fact, all the people present were in favor of the crown prince's succession to the throne, and the emperor was the supreme emperor.

They all looked at the prime minister, "Go ahead and talk."

The prime minister glared at them, "Why me again? Aren't you afraid of making the emperor faint again?"

"Who made you the prime minister, the head of all the ministers. In his position, we seek his government, we are not in his position, we do not seek his government."

The prime minister blew his beard and stared at these old guys.

The prince was in the emperor's bedroom at this time, reading today's memorial to the emperor.

He always remembered that he was only a prince, and he should not be careless before he succeeded to the throne. Ninety-nine steps have been taken, and it is not too short of a step. He can afford to wait.

When he returned to the East Palace, it was already dark. The princess was still waiting for him to come back.

"Why don't you eat first? I've said it many times. Gu has been busy recently, and I'm not sure when I'll be back."

"I'm not hungry, I just have something to tell you, so I've been waiting for you to come back."

The old couple has been married for many years, and the Crown Princess is also used to calling herself me directly in front of him. Calling herself a concubine, she always felt a little less close.

The prince took her to the table and sat down, "Let's talk while you eat, the dishes are cold."

The Crown Princess smiled, "It's midsummer now, the vegetarian dishes are cold and it won't affect the entrance, the soup is just fine. You can eat more, and we'll talk about it after eating, don't worry."

He doesn't object either, it's the rule to eat or sleep.

After he finished eating, he ordered the servants to remove the bowls and chopsticks, and then the Crown Princess showed him today's letter.

Seeing that it was Zhou Cheng's home letter, the crown prince glanced at her suspiciously, but didn't ask, he opened it first and read it.

After reading the letter, he carefully looked at Zhou Shan's portrait, as well as the marks on the soles of his feet.

"You think they look alike?"

The Crown Princess laughed, "Haven't you met Princess Huainan? Why do you still ask me if I look like you?"

"What is Gu staring at Princess Huainan? For so many years, Gu is only at the birthday banquet. I have only seen it a few times. If I don't read it carefully, I have long forgotten it."

She smiled and felt that it was reasonable. They only entered Beijing when they were celebrating their birthdays. There were so many people at the birthday banquet, and they would not stare at the female relatives if they were okay.

She and Princess Huainan were both royal concubines, so she only had brief contact and talked a few times.

"Like, very like, almost like it was carved out of a mold."

"Seeing that the clues are all right, there should be no doubts. Just in case, I will ask someone to inquire. After you settled in the East Palace, you haven't had a banquet. Your father is seriously ill and it is not appropriate to organize a banquet, but it is simple. For a small family banquet, it's okay to invite the princesses." The prince thought for a while and said.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

The Crown Princess thought of the people in the mansion in Liaodong, and said, "The children and grandchildren of the mansion in Liaodong, as well as the wives and concubines of various houses, when will we send troops to **** them into Beijing?"

He said without hesitation: "This is not in a hurry. In the past few days, there have been ministers in the court who have proposed to let Gu succeed the throne, and the emperor has been named Taishanghuang. Those old ministers are also a little shaken, let's wait for the dust to settle first. There are many people. It's easy to cause trouble, and they will only add to the trouble if they take over, so let's stay in Liaodong first."

"Alright, the emperor still can't move, can't speak?"

"Well, I've gotten better recently, so I can just say a word or two! I asked the imperial doctor, it's impossible to stand up if you want to recover. The best situation is to be able to say a few more words."

Those old ministers talked all night, and the next day they were planning to go to the emperor's palace to discuss matters. As a result, halfway through the road, he came across the hospital where he had just had his pulse checked and was going to get medicine. They stopped and dragged him to the corner.

"Yuanzheng, tell us honestly how the emperor's condition is and whether it can get better."

The hospital was slippery and lost, "The emperor's condition has stabilized and is improving. Don't you also know that the emperor has been able to speak with his mouth recently?"

After he finished speaking, he wanted to slip away. He didn't want to swim in this muddy water. It was none of his business whether the prince succeeded or not.

These old ministers are not easy to fool around, and they surrounded him in groups, "Occasionally a word or two is said to be able to talk? Don't be sloppy, just say whether the emperor can stand up and take care of the government."

"Have you ever seen a patient recovering from a stroke?"

"That's not true, don't we have confidence in you?"

"The old man is not good at learning, and his medical skills are limited." He was about to leave with the medicine box in his hand.

No one stopped him this time, they were all looking at each other, and then everyone looked at the prime minister again.

The prime minister frowned, "I'll think about it, what should I say?"

"Let's put it bluntly, the emperor is indeed very old, and he can recuperate from his illness and enjoy the longevity at ease when he is promoted to the emperor. What's more, the prince is also the heir he affirms. It is not wrong for the prince to be the emperor."

"Let's go, let's go together."

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