Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 332: father and daughter

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It was really difficult for her, she was crowded in a small space for a whole month, and only went out to let the wind out when she was resting.

But now everyone is tired, but no one has the energy to play with her, and she doesn't want to be with her father.

"I'll lie down first, go out and have a look, tell the housekeeper where the servant's house is, and let him see what the arrangements are."

"I know, you lie down and rest, I'll arrange the rest."

Several children chose a courtyard close to the main courtyard, made a bed with the help of green pine and green bamboo, and went to sleep.

Zhou Shan lay down for a while, unable to fall asleep, his body told him he was tired, but his spirit was extremely active.

Thinking about things in his heart, he had to get up and go out for a walk. Now that he was in the capital, he could no longer pretend to be nonchalant.

As soon as he turned around in the yard, he saw Zhou Cheng who was coming over and shouted excitedly.

"Uncle Zhou."

"Why didn't you go to rest?" Zhou Cheng greeted him and sat on the stone bench.

"I can not sleep."

"You're thinking about the husband and wife of the King of Huainan?"

He nodded honestly.

Zhou Cheng said gently: "They must be thinking about you now. I have already taken leave. I will take you to Huainan Wangfu to meet them tomorrow."

"What are they like?"

Um...that's hard for him.

"I don't know either. I've only met a few times. You'll know when you meet tomorrow."

Zhou Shan lowered his head in disappointment.

Zhou Cheng comforted him, "There is no parent who doesn't love their children, and the same goes for the king and princess of Huainan. It can be seen that they are very happy to find you and feel sorry for your experience. You can ask them face-to-face when you see them tomorrow. , the reason you lost."


"Don't think too much, take a rest, I'll take you out to explore the capital when you wake up, and eat outside at night."

"Well, Uncle Zhou, we all miss you very much."

He smiled, "I know."

After soothing the sensitive child, he didn't go in after seeing the doors of several other houses closed, so he didn't wake them up.

Back in his room, he found that Pei Xiu had already fallen asleep, and Little Fatty was sitting on the bed playing with various puppets.

He just remembered that when he first arrived in the capital last year, he bought a lot of small things on the street and planned to bring them back to Liaodong as gifts for several children.

It seemed to be placed in a corner of the room, and he searched through the boxes and cabinets lightly.

Little Fatty looked at this strange man curiously.

Finally, in the innermost part of the cabinet, he found a small bundle of things, and he took it to the bedside and opened it to show her.

She looked at him vigilantly, not daring to move.

Zhou Cheng picked up a small windmill, blew it on her, and handed it to her, "Will I give it to you?"

She didn't say a word, and when she saw the small windmill handed in front of her, she reached out to take it and put it in her arms.

Seeing the cute little appearance of his daughter, his heart softened.

He picked up another set of tangrams to show her, and the tangrams dyed in various colors attracted her attention at once.

She pulled Lapei's embroidered clothes and called out, "Mother, I want... I want."

She still only speaks one or two simple words.

Zhou Cheng was afraid that she would wake Pei Xiu, so he shushes at her.

"Don't disturb your mother to sleep, do you want this?" He asked her with a tangram.

She nodded.

"Then your name is Daddy!"

She guessed that the word was very familiar, and she called it without any hesitation.


Zhou Cheng's happy eyes and brows leaked his smile.

"Well, here it is."

She threw the puppet in the other hand aside, and after taking the tangram, she stopped playing with the windmill, and happily cut out the tangram pieces to play with.

Every time Zhou Cheng handed over a gadget, he asked her to call his father, and she was very cooperative. He was holding a bunch of toys in his arms, smiling until his teeth were out of sight.

All the things that were supposed to be given to her brothers were also in her arms.

Pei Xiu also woke up when she heard someone beside her cheering for dad all the time.

Seeing the harmonious father and daughter, he curled his lips and closed his eyes again, intending to squint for a while.

"Shh, you woke up your mother just now. Shall we play with the toys on the ground?"

She looked at him ignorantly, didn't say a word, just sat there and played.

Well, Zhou Cheng is also powerless. He didn't know how to coax the child, so he just sat and watched her play.

After playing for a while, Little Fatty laughed, and his saliva dripped down.

Seeing this, he quickly wiped her with a handkerchief. She was also a little familiar with him now, and she didn't hide, she just kept her head down and played there.

When Pei Xiu woke up again, she saw Zhou Cheng leaning against the head of the bed with his eyes closed. The girl was tired of playing and fell asleep with toys in her hand.

She just sat up and wanted to put away the toys on the bed when he woke up.

"Wake up? Why don't you lie down and sleep? How can you sleep by leaning on it."

"No place to lie down."

She looked at the bed and couldn't help but smile.

Indeed, the bed in this capital is a step bed, not their kang in Liaodong. It is not that big, and it can sleep several people without being crowded.

And this little chubby sleeps sideways, plus the bed full of toys, there is really no way to lie down alone.

"Why did you buy so many gadgets."

She cleaned up while talking, and threw the whole bed in a mess. Her daughter liked to roll around when she was sleeping, which overwhelmed the meeting people.

"I came to the capital last year, thinking of going back and bringing some small things from the capital to a few small ones, so I bought a bunch of them, just enough for her to play with."

"It's all given to him, what about her brothers?"

"Whatever you want, just go out and buy it later. It's just a few gadgets, not worth much money."

She put all the collected toys on the table and said, "whatever you say is what you say. You lie here with your daughter, and I'll go out and see what this house looks By the way, let's take a look Is everyone settled?"

"Well, good. There's nothing at home. I've been out to eat with Qiu Baize and the others this year. I'll take you out to eat at night, and the fire will be fired at home tomorrow."

"And what about the people?"

"Going to the restaurant and asking a table to deliver it is a reward for them."

"It's okay, it's your first day in Beijing, and let them congratulate you on your promotion. I'll inform the housekeeper."

She walked around the new house, which was a little smaller than the one in Liaodong, but a little more elegant.

Flowers and trees are planted everywhere, which is not expensive, but it makes people feel comfortable when they look at it, and she is still very satisfied.

It's a pity that the housing prices in Beijing are too expensive to buy, so I can only rent it. If you want to buy it, you can, but you have to sell the property, and life is tight.

There are still a lot of things waiting for her to arrange, this can only be left to ponder.

She didn't know that her family had made a fortune and that she had all the land in her house, so she didn't need to worry.

As soon as he entered Beijing, Zhou Cheng saw her tired look, so he didn't mention it for the time being, and planned to tell her about it after she had rested and settled down.

Not in a hurry anyway.

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