Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 346: Dragon Boat Festival

The boss nodded, "The taste is not bad, the biscuits with meat are even more delicious. Let's bring two more back for Mother and Little Fatty to eat."

"You call her "Little Fatty Dumpty, so what else do you want to eat?" said the second child.

"Haha, I don't bring it."

Zhou Shan couldn't help laughing too, he was indeed fat, and it was appropriate to call him Xiao Pang Dun.

"Can you go?"

"Okay, I'm sitting here just to wait for you. Let's go and go home."

Qingsong was very moved when he saw that the young masters bought biscuits and did not forget to bring one for him.

The young servants in the nearby row who were guarding the carriage couldn't help but envy. The young master of the Zhou family is so kind to the servants.

The bosses didn't feel anything, isn't it normal? Qingsong followed them around all day and night, and it was also very hard to drive them.

After returning home, I reported to Pei Xiu, and they each went back to the house to take a lunch break.

Fatigue in spring, lack in autumn, nap in summer, sleep in winter. Sleep well anytime.

The sun is shining outside at the moment. They have been playing for a long time, and they don't want to go out to sunbathe.

Zhou Shan didn't bother to go back to the palace, so he took a lunch break at Zhou's residence. He was more comfortable here. This was also his home, and he still kept his house.

The quilt also smells fragrant and has the smell of sunshine.

After taking a nap, they were eager to go out for a walk. On the way back, they saw that the streets today were much busier than usual.

The stalls sell colorful ribbons, pendants, as well as realgar powder, calamus argyi leaves and other things needed for the Dragon Boat Festival.

When they saw this, they also bought a copy and went home. On the Dragon Boat Festival, there was a custom of drinking realgar wine and hanging calamus and mugwort leaves on both sides of the door.

Children should carry multicolored silk threads on their hands, and then use realgar to mix a little soju, and place a small dot on the child's forehead.

It just happens to be useful at home.

Zhou Shan also bought a copy to return to the palace and gave it to his mother-in-law.

Princess Huainan was happy. Her son was much better when she came back some time ago. She also took the palace to heart, and knew that she would buy Realgar Ai Yeh and come back.

Zhou Shan: I just took it by the way.

She also lived up to his heart. The next day, she ordered her servants to hang the calamus and mugwort leaves on the door, and put the rest away and put them on the children in the house until the Dragon Boat Festival.

"Duanyang Festival, people race boats on it, and alleys are empty!"

The Dragon Boat Festival also takes advantage of the Duanyang Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival.

Whoever said the Dragon Boat Festival in Jiefen, it was rumored to be Qu Yuan throughout the ages. I can laugh at the emptiness of the Chu River, unable to wash away the grievances of the direct ministers.

Legend has it that Qu Yuan, a poet of Chu State during the Warring States Period, committed suicide by jumping on the Miluo River on May 5th. Later generations also regarded the Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, with customs such as eating zongzi and rowing dragon boats.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, all the academies in the city have a day off.

The dragon boat race is held at noon.

Pei Xiu packed up the children early, and then asked Qingsong to send the eldest to the academy first.

They need to gather at the academy and change into uniform shorts with the name of the academy embroidered on the back.

Then wait for the dean to go to the Hall of Saints to worship and take out the dragon's head and tail. And they have to go to the warehouse to take out the colorful flags, umbrellas, etc., and take them to the Huairou River to press them on the dragon boat.

At this time, the banks of the Huairou River were filled with flags of various colors, and there were people waiting on both sides.

Some temporary stands were built around the starting point of the dragon boat race for the ladies of the official family to watch.

Pei Xiu made an appointment to go with Mrs. Qiu, Mrs. Yang and others. Near the section of Huairou River, the carriage was blocked by pedestrians on the road.

It seemed that they would not be able to get through without waiting for the end of the game, so they had to get off the carriage and walk there.

When they arrived, they saw dragon boats from various academies on the river. The students on the boat were merging the dragon's head, the dragon's tail and the "dragon's body". The scene was extremely spectacular.

The dragon head is the aura of the dragon boat. It is generally carved from camphor wood with exquisite craftsmanship. They hung colorful **** made of red cloth on the dragon's head to ask for a good head, and the dragon's tail also had a colorful flag with the name of the academy stuck in it.

After the various academies had prepared the dragon boat, they ordered people to set off firecrackers by the river.

For a while, the firecrackers rang non-stop.

Then the students who participated in the competition began to get on the boat and take their places.

Pei Xiu was in the stands, looking for the boss. As soon as the other two sons got here, they ran to the riverside to stay in the procession to the academy.

At this time, the two brothers were discussing with Zhou Shan whether to place a bet or not. The odds of winning the top three in the casino Kaiyun Middle School were 1 to 2, and the same for Qingfeng Academy.

The odds of winning first are five to one!

When they heard their classmates talk about it, they were all moved, and they gambled happily.

In the dragon boat race, all people have a bet.

"Second brother, hurry up. Do you want to place a bet? It's too late. It will start in a while."

"Well then, I'll bet five or two like you, and buy our academy to be the first."

The second child gritted his teeth and was blocked. This is almost half of his net worth. He saved the monthly money and the New Year money after saving for a long time.

He said to Zhou Shan again: "Zhou Shan, you help us put it up first. We keep the money at home, and we only carry a few coins on our body."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just pay it back when I win."

Zhou Shan was still quite confident. He turned his head and handed the money to the waiter who was waiting on the side, asking him to hurry to the shore to make a bet.

The casino built a temporary spot on the shore to facilitate people to place bets and redeem prizes.

"Do you think our academy can take the first place?" The second child felt a little distressed for fifty taels of silver, but don't waste it.

"Try your luck."

"It doesn't matter, it's only five taels. If you lose it, you will lose it. We eat and live at home, we don't need to spend money, and we have a lot of pen, ink, paper and inkstone at home. Now we don't need to buy it anymore. said nonchalantly.

The second child frowned and looked at Do you know how much five taels of silver can buy, and how much meat can we buy? Our family used to eat meat several times a year in the country. Are you so loud now? Only five taels of silver? "

Five taels are nothing to them now, but to the common people it is a lot of money.

The third child didn't dare to say a word now, and felt a little ashamed. He really shouldn't say such a thing.

His memory of his hometown is already a little fuzzy. After all, he was only three or four years old at the time, but he still had some fragments sporadically.

"You have to have confidence in our academy, we will definitely win, it's about to start, you see." Zhou Shan smoothed things out.

They looked at the river again.

The boat of Yunzhong Academy is easy to identify. It has a black hull, a golden dragon head and tail, and the flag on the tail is a big scarlet letter with the words Yunzhong Academy written on it.

But the students on the boat were all wearing the same short shirts, and they couldn't tell where the eldest brother was from standing far away.

"The Dragon Boat Festival in Beijing is really lively. We only have three boats in Liaodong." Mrs. Qiu watched with relish.

"It's not the capital. It's so spectacular. It's the first time I've seen it. Look at both sides of the river bank. It's crowded with people. It's so lively." Mrs. Yang also praised.


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