The princess looked at the little doll in front of her in surprise, and the three brothers of the Zhou family behind her, and she understood it all at once.

This is the little girl of the Zhou family.

She squatted down, smiled and touched Wheat's little face, "What's your name? Why are you so cute! Your mother raised you so well."

Knowing that cute is a good word, she showed her neat deciduous teeth and smiled sweetly and said her name was Mai.

Behind him, Zhou Yong saluted and said, "Princess, her name is Zhou Jing, and she was born just when the wheat was harvested, so her nickname is Wheat."

"It's a good nickname! It's no wonder that the wheat that is harvested is full of meat." The princess looked at her tender and fleshy face, and couldn't help pinching it gently.

"I'll take you to see your brother, okay? My brother is injured. Can you brag about him?"

"Mmmm, look at brother."

Wheat will be two years old in a little more than three months, and he can speak a little more.

As soon as she got to the bedside and saw the bandage on Zhou Shan's head, she lowered her head and blew at his head, spraying her saliva on Zhou Shan's face, making him wonder whether to laugh or cry.

The princess was afraid that she would fall and hit Zhou Shan, so she supported her with a smile, and when she had finished blowing, she moved her to the end of the bed and wiped the saliva from Zhou Shan's face.

He said with a smile, "Mai Buffalo, brother will be fine soon."

"Hmm." She lowered her head again to blow Zhou Shan's wrist.

Zhou Shan smiled at her heartwarming behavior.

The princess patted her head lovingly, "It's really good and sensible."

"We've been afraid to come over because we're afraid of disturbing you to rest in peace. We only came here to see you today."

"How are you feeling today? Are you feeling better?"

The eldest and the second came to the bed and took turns talking.

"It's much better. I've been less dizzy these two days." Zhou Shan still lay motionless.

The old three were young, stretched their heads and asked, "Did the imperial doctor say when you will recover? How long will it take to get out of bed?"

The princess said to him: "The imperial doctor said that he can walk on the ground until his head is no longer dizzy. His head has been shaken, and it will take a while to calm it down."

"It's a pity, we're still thinking about going to Daming Lake next time to see the lotus flowers. In June, the lotus flowers just bloom, so you can't go." The boss said regretfully.

"Don't tempt me, I was so itchy that I wanted to get up right away."

"Don't listen to eldest brother, just look at a lotus flower. When you are well, it will be fun for us to go boating on Daming Lake to pick lotus pods."

"Zhou Sheng is right, I will go to pick lotus pods after I have raised them, and I can go to Zhuangzi to dig lotus roots with you."

The princess said with a smile, "No wonder Yuan Bin couldn't stay at home when he was on a ten-day holiday, and he still went out early and came back late. Your arrangement was so interesting, I was moved when I heard it, and I wanted to play with you."

The boss brought out a set of rhetoric that he had been thinking about again, "Master said, we should combine work and rest. It takes more brains to memorize and write every day, so there is always a time for the brain to relax."

"That's how it should be." The princess also agreed, their family was already extremely rich, and they didn't need their children to study hard to earn a future, just grow up healthy and happy. Also because of guilt, the requirements for Zhou Shan are lower.

Mai Mai sat for a while, but couldn't sit still any longer. He pulled Zhou Shan's quilt and called, "Brother, let's play, let's play."

The princess reassured her, "I can't sit still, can I ask someone to bring you grapes to eat?"

Mai has never eaten grapes, so she was a little curious and looked at her with wide eyes.

She smiled and ordered someone to bring it over.

GuThis is still a tribute from the emperor this morning, and it's fresh.

The three brothers were actually curious about what the grapes looked like, but they were embarrassed to stare at them.

How could Zhou Shan not know what they were thinking, he squinted his eyes, looked at them and said, "You guys try it too, I ate a little before, the sweet and sour taste is very good."

The second child shook his head, "Tribute, you know it's a good thing as soon as you hear it. You are a patient, you should eat more."

"Everything must be eaten properly. It's not good to eat too much. The emperor felt guilty because of the incident with the King of Chu County, and sent a whole box over. Other palaces heard that they only rewarded one basket. You can eat as much as you like. It's too much to eat, and it won't be fresh for two days."

The princess held the wheat and greeted them with a smile. They also came to the table to eat together.

"Let's eat, there are really a lot. If you can't finish eating them, they will spoil for two days."

They were very kind, and they were really curious about the taste of this grape.

The eldest murmured in his heart, this grape is so rare, and it is very decent to give away. The princess's family is from the capital, so there shouldn't be many left after giving it away, right?

But Mai didn't hesitate. He sat on the table and stretched out his hand to grab it. The princess smiled and stopped him.

"This one needs to be peeled, you wait, let the maid peel it for you to eat."

Since she came in, Sister Li was so nervous that she didn't know where to put her hands. She was a little overwhelmed by standing aside, and she could only watch the princess' maid peel the grapes for their girls.

When the three brothers saw that the maid peeled the skin of the grapes and ate them, they were immediately enlightened. It was sweet and sour, and the taste was very special.

They are also sensible and know that enough is enough, they stop after peeling a few and just watch the wheat eat!

I'm a little jealous, it's so good to be young, ignorance is a blessing, I don't have any scruples, I can eat what I want, and I don't have to do it myself!

After the whole plate was eaten, Mai still shouted: "I still need, brother, I still The boss was embarrassed, touched her belly and said to her: "You have eaten a lot, you can't do any more. If you eat too much, your stomach will hurt, you know? "

She opened her eyes wide and nodded innocently.

The princess smiled and instructed the servants, "Bring the basket of grapes prepared for the Zhou family, and let them take it back later."

"There's no need for the princess, the sister-in-law is a greedy little girl. She has nothing to eat. You should save such a rare fruit for a few princes and county masters."

"It was already ready, and I wanted the servants to deliver it to your house. You just happened to be here, so take it back by the way and let Mrs. Zhou taste it too."

Hearing that it was brought back for their mother to eat, it was hard for them to refuse now.

"Then we will be disrespectful and accept it cheekily. Thank you, Princess."

Several people went back to the bed and sat with Zhou Shan for a while, when they heard that someone came to report that the eldest son was coming.

They looked at Zhou Shan unexpectedly, opened their eyes wide, raised their eyebrows and questioned him silently.

After several years of going in and out together, eating and sleeping together, Zhou Shan immediately understood what they meant and explained, "These few days, the prince has come to visit occasionally."

As soon as Zhou Shan finished speaking, the prince came in.

Different from the first time they met at the door, he had gloomy brows at that time, and his smile was fake, as if with disdain.

This time, although the smile is still fake, but the eyes are stretched, and the whole person is a little clearer, which should be the reason for getting what you want.

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