"Why did you suddenly think of coming to Daming Lake to see the lotus flowers, and you didn't tell me earlier." Xue Xi complained that they didn't tell her in advance, leaving her with no preparation at all, and she fluttered.

The boss said as a matter of course: "You didn't ask, Zhou Shan is injured, and we can't enter the palace to inform you."

"Okay. Then where are you going to go on your next ten-day holiday?"

This little girl is going to depend on their three brothers.

"I haven't figured it out yet. Do you have any ideas? Let's brainstorm and discuss together!"

Princess Xuexi giggled, she liked that they were so formal and confident!

They were discussing in full swing where else to go this season in the capital, but they were chanting poetry next door.

"The lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers in the sun are different!"

"It comes out of the mud without being stained, and it is clean without being a demon!"

Among the emerald green lotus leaves, the lotus flowers stand slim and graceful, and the students on the shore recite poems and paintings to the lotus flowers in a pond. But they were nibbling on melon seeds, and their voices caused the students next to them to frown, and some looked at them with contempt.

But the three of them didn't think they were unpleasant at all. The vulgarity is the elegance, and there are hawkers selling them nearby. Why can't they eat here, and they didn't interfere with others, and they didn't throw shells everywhere.

They stared back, smashing the sunflower seeds in their own way, laughing and discussing where to go next time off and when to eat lotus seeds!

Xue Xi was also spoiled by them, although she felt a little embarrassed, but seeing the three brothers with their natural expressions, she didn't think there was anything wrong, so she just slapped melon seeds and joined the discussion.

"There are so many lotus flowers here, and there will be many lotus pods by then."

"Whenever you come to the lake to pick lotus pods, be sure to call me." She couldn't wait a little longer. Looking at the sparkling water on the lake, the green lotus leaves were like a big jade plate holding the blooming lotus, and she didn't know. What does the lotus flower look like.

"Then come back on a holiday at the end of next month. I heard that it will be almost there."

"A word is settled. There is also a pond of lotus flowers in Taihu Lake in the palace. I don't know if there are palace people to pick them. It's a pity."

"Really? It would be a pity if no one picks it up. It's a waste of money. The fresh lotus seeds are so delicious, they just fell into the lake in vain."

The three brothers were heartbroken when they heard it!

Xue Xi looked at their exaggerated expressions and giggled, "You guys want to hug everything!"

The boss laughed, "No, I just think it's too wasteful. You can send a few palace servants to row a boat to pick it up."

"Okay, mention it to your father then."

"It's a pity that we can't enter the palace." The third child felt a little regretful. He really wanted to know what the palace looked like, so he could write back and brag about it with the big head and the second head.

The second child didn't care, "It's the same when you come to Daming Lake, you can't eat it if you pick so much, just play a bit."

"Where can it be the same, it's not a matter of food. It's in the palace, can anyone enter? Daming Lake can come at any time, it's not uncommon."

The eldest raised his eyebrows when he looked at the third child, "Not uncommon? Then don't come with us next time, just stay at home."

"Let's go by ourselves." The second child said.

The third child was anxious, "I'm rare, I'll just talk about it, I didn't say anything."

County Lord Xuexi interrupted them, "I can't take you to Taihu Lake to play, but I can send you lotus seeds in Taihu Lake, which are also labeled as palaces."

"Okay, we don't have too many!" The boss laughed, and the other two nodded.

"Then where are we going to play next time? I haven't said yet."

The boss spread his hands, "I have no idea, let's go to Huainan Wangfu to see Zhou Shan together."

The four of them were discussing while eating melon seeds. The atmosphere was cheerful, but someone who was unpleasant came over.

"Eh? Your pig face is ready? No wonder you can meet them here." Zhang Chongliang turned around them curiously with wide eyes. He was a little disappointed, but it had already disappeared.

A few days ago, they went to the academy with bruised nose and swollen face, and the crowd gathered to watch, everyone was surprised, no wonder they didn't come the day before, who beat him?

It was the same as him at that time, but they kept silent, which made him gloat over the misfortune for several days.

The boss rolled his eyes, "It's none of your business!"

A foul word made the surrounding readers frown.

Zhang Chongliang had a smile on his face, and he didn't care that the boss said foul language at all.

Ever since he was sacked, he has always suspected that they were the ones who did it.

It turned out that they were quite interesting. Who would be bored to count the number of words in the Analects!

Who would have thought that they were beaten like him a few days ago, and he felt relieved.

Tit for tick!

"Speak more elegantly, I am concerned about you."

"Then, what's the matter with Gan Qing?" The second child tilted his head and said seriously.

Zhang Chongliang was swallowed.

The third child laughed in fear of his thighs.

The boss and Princess Xuexi couldn't help but squinted their eyes, and he said, "Is this elegant enough?"

Zhang Chongliang couldn't help rolling his eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"You don't know? Why did you come to Daming Lake? We will meet to appreciate the lotus. The green lotus covers the green water, the hibiscus is covered with red and fresh, and there are lotus root and lotus on the bottom~www.readwn.com~ Watch its posture and admire its appearance. , Sigh its quality!"

He stared at the old sandwich and said something in a stunned manner.

The readers around were also surprised, this children's book was a good read.

"You are rewarding a hairy lotus flower. You are sitting and eating melon seeds, and you are talking so elegantly and elegantly that you were almost fooled."

"Vulgar, what's not hairy! Speak more politely." The boss scolded him with a stern face and returned him the original words he said before.

"I said what happened to Mao, everyone has Mao Mao..."

These words made the student who was drinking water sprayed.

The expressions of everyone are also indescribable...

Zhang Chongliang didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, he frowned and patted the hem of his clothes and said, "Brother, please pay attention to your behavior, you have sprayed the water several meters away, and those who didn't know it thought it was raining. already."

That student, Tang Yin, coughed violently, and his friend patted him on the back a few times before he calmed down.

Zhang Chongliang rolled his eyes and said, "It's raining, but you still have a sip? What did I say, the reaction is so big."

"You... you insult Sven."

"What am I insulting Sven, what did I say wrong?"

Tang Yincai opened his mouth but couldn't say what he just said.

The three brothers on the side looked at the cola very much, and Zhang Chongliang was also pleasing to the eye. It was this man who looked at them with contempt just now.

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