The three brothers were excitedly opening the gift box, and Princess Xuexi was also infected, and they were also excited to open it together.

After dismantling the county master, they saw nothing unusual. They were all jewelry ornaments that women liked. They didn't dare to be interested, so they went to dismantle their own home.

Seeing that they were in a hurry, Pei Xiu asked Ginkgo to bring the registration book over, and by the way, let them help with the registration. She would just check it against the gift list for a while.

They sighed while fumbling and memorizing, the Shen family is indeed rich, and in such a comparison, Princess Xuexi is completely incidental, and they are balanced.

The Shen family did not deliberately give gifts to her because of their status as county masters. The gifts given to her were just right, they were just polite. It made them feel a little bit more.

"Mother, you have memorized it all, check it out, there should be no omissions." The second child showed Pei Xiu the register he had recorded.

Zhou Shan was not there. His handwriting was the most neat among the three brothers.

She took the register and glanced at it, the writing was not bad, "Well, let me check it later, aren't you going to eat roast duck, but also to the Huainan Palace? Come on, or it will be too late. ,Hotter."

"Then let's go."

The four of them pushed and shoved and went out. There were still two carriages. The county master couldn't help but regret that he was not a man. It was more convenient to go out and play, and there was no need to split the two carriages.

They went straight to the roast duck shop and packed three roast ducks, ready to take them to Huainan Wangfu to eat with Zhou Shan, and then give one to the Huainan King and Princess to taste.

Reciprocity, I gave them a basket of grapes last time, and they also gave a roast duck in return.

They went to the Huainan Palace several times, and they were very familiar with the princes and princesses.

Seeing them bring food boxes to the door, the princess smiled and said, "Xuexi is here too? Are you bringing something delicious to Bin'er?"

"Yes, princess, we think the roast duck in this restaurant is delicious. Zhou Shan has not tried it before, so I brought him one to try. We also brought one for you, so you can try it."

The princess said with a smile: "That's good, let me take the light of my son, and ask the housekeeper to take you to his yard. I'm busy at the moment, I'll be there later."

Zhou Shan was also waiting for them, but he didn't come over last weekend, he thought that they should come today.

Hearing the voices getting closer and closer in the yard, he sat up and looked at the door. He smiled and said, "I knew you would come over today. What are you carrying in your hands, and what did you bring me to eat?"

"You can get up now," the boss held up the food box to show him, "Guess what this is?"

He walked to the table and shrugged his nose at the food box, "It's so fragrant, it should be roast duck, right?"

"That's right, there's a new roast duck restaurant near our house. It's delicious. Today, I specially packed two to share with you. Can you eat it now?"

"Of course, it was delivered at the right time. During this time, I drank the medicine every day, and my mouth was bitter. This just aroused my sense of taste."

After he approached, they saw that the gauze on his forehead had been removed, revealing a scabbed wound, the boss touched it and said, "Does it still hurt? Will it be completely healed when the scab is gone? Fortunately, you are a man, and it is not a problem to have a scar on your forehead. If it is a woman, it will be miserable.

Zhou Shan knocked off his hand, "It hurts, I have to lie down and rest more and use my brain less, but at least I'm allowed to get out of bed and move around, otherwise my leg muscles will wilt."

"That's right, it's been a month since you were injured."

While they were talking, the second child and the third opened the food box, took out the roast duck, and tore off a duck leg first. It just happened that Princess Xuexi was tired of eating, so just two duck heads would be fine, and they didn't have to fight.

"It's so fragrant, um, delicious." Zhou Shan ate it happily.

"God is pitiful, it's been a long time since I've eaten meat." The boss frowned and touched Zhou Shan's face with a heartbroken expression, causing Zhou Shan to almost swallow.

Several others laughed.

The third child laughed the loudest, "eldest brother, how did you learn it, our mother is not like this."

The boss winked and whispered, "Princess!"

Zhou Shan rolled his eyes, "You can't stop your mouth when you eat! Where did you guys go to play on the 10th? Why didn't you come to see me?"

The third hurriedly said, "Let's go to Daming Lake to see lotus flowers. The eldest brother and the second brother also rescued a young boy who fell into the water."

The second child: "We were going to come earlier today, but we were stumped by them. They specially chose the rest day to come to thank us."

"All right."

Boss: "How long will it take you to go out?"

"It will be almost the same for another ten days and a half months."

They chatted while eating. Zhou Shan could get out of bed anyway, so he wasn't afraid of being disturbed. They don't plan to run around today. It's too hot outside. There is an ice basin in the corner of his house. It's very cool.

They talked about the good news again, but they didn't know anything other than the announcement posted at the city gate, maybe not as much as Zhou Shan knew from the King of Huainan.

"My father said that after the army of General Yun Hui took back the fief of King Ruyang, he went to help the captain to besiege the fief of King Jinyang. It will take ten days for the good news to be sent to the capital quickly, and it will take twenty days before and after. Uncle Zhou and the others should have arrived at the fief of King Jinyang, right?"

The truth is not as simple as they They are still on the march.

At that time, they adopted the method of cooperating with the inside and the outside, letting the spies sneak into the city through the underground river, and instigating the militia inside to open the city gate at night, which caught King Ruyang by surprise.

None of the newly recruited soldiers was willing to fight, and they all surrendered after hearing that they would not kill.

Before dawn, they took Ruyang City, captured the Ruyang Prince's Mansion, and controlled all the people in the Prince's Mansion, including Prince Ruyang.

After cleaning up the battlefield, they sent a team of soldiers to **** the people from the Ruyang Palace to Beijing. In addition, they will also recruit the government soldiers in the hands of King Ruyang, and disband the newly recruited militia in the past six months.

These all take time to arrange, and after they are done, they temporarily hand over Ruyang City to the local prefect for management and go to the next fief.

They waited until the end of June to meet with the Taiwei.

The Taiwei was overjoyed when he saw General Yun Hui leading his troops, which also showed that Ruyang City had been breached, which was unexpectedly quick.

He has only recovered some surrounding counties for so long, but Jinyang City has been unable to capture it for a long time.

The King of Jinyang had long been prepared, and the city had sufficient food and grass, so he was not afraid of consumption. In order to persuade other vassal kings, he took the initiative to report that he had an army of 60,000. In fact, he had been recruiting for so many years, and he had already broken through the army of 100,000!

In addition, after escaping back to the fief, he continued to force conscription, and his army had already expanded to 150,000.

He has the most soldiers and horses among all the feudal kings. He has been training more troops for many years, so the Taiwei felt a little troublesome.

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