In the hot summer, Pei Xiu was reluctant to move. He sweated every time he moved. No matter how light and thin his clothes were, he had to wear two pieces. After a few years, she still couldn't get used to it.

Wheat is also very active. She changes her clothes when they get wet, and she doesn't know how many sets she changes all day long. As long as she follows behind, she has to change several pieces.

Fortunately, it has been raining these few days, and the wind has brought a lot of coolness and relieved some of the heat.

It just happened to hit the three brothers' rest day, they couldn't go anywhere, they all sighed in Pei Xiu's side hall.

She patted Mai's head, "Brothers are so boring, go and play with them!"

Wheat obediently ran to hold the boss's hand, "Brother, ride a horse."

The eldest wailed, "Ah, it's me again, there are two more, why don't you go to those two brothers to ride horses."

"We don't have as much strength as you, mother, I went back to the house to endorse it!" The third child swiftly ran away, and the second child slipped away after seeing this.

Zhou Yong wanted to cry but had no tears, but he didn't dare to break free from her hand and run away. Mother was still watching.

"It's not fun to ride a horse, can you play ball throwing with you, eldest brother?"

"it is good."

When someone accompanies her to play games, she doesn't pick it up. It's when she's cheating, and it's more of a headache to cry.

When the two of them got together, no one bothered her, and she couldn't hear any sighs. She breathed a sigh of relief and could relax for a while.

Looking at the gray day, it was clear that it was broad daylight, but it looked like it was already dusk.

The thunderstorms in this summer are in bursts, and it is rare to have a continuous downpour for three or four days, especially in the past two months.

Looking at the second day, the rain continued to fall, and she began to worry. Seeing that the autumn harvest will start in half a month, don't continue to affect the harvest.

Not only Pei Xiu was worried, but the people were more worried than her.

There was also a minister in the court who worriedly suggested that the autumn harvest is almost here, and the continuous heavy rain will knock down the wheat ears. The emperor also frowned and ordered someone to summon Qin Tianjian to come over and ask why the rain could stop.

Qin Tianjian said hesitantly, "Reporting to the emperor, it should be another two or three days. In the past two months, there have only been two short showers, and the rain has been concentrated in these days."

How could the emperor remember how many times it rained in the past two months, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard what Qin Tianjian said.

Grain is the foundation of a country. Seeing that the autumn harvest is just around the corner, the next three days of rain will knock down the ripe wheat into the water.

Sure enough, it was really said by the Qin Tianjian!

It rained for two consecutive days. On the third day, the rain gradually decreased, and on the fourth day, it turned cloudy and sunny. Pei Xiu was worried about Linxian's harvest, so when the weather cleared, he sent Cheng Bo to drive over to take a look.

In the end, before Cheng Bo returned, she heard the bell and was startled, got up and walked into the yard, counting silently in her heart, one, two, three...

After it rang three times, everyone in the city knelt down and counted silently in their hearts.

It wasn't until the ninth sound was over that everyone got up.

These are the nine bells that will ring only when the Nine-Five Supreme dies.

The emperor is in his prime, and there is no disease or disaster. It is definitely not the emperor. This is the death of the emperor too.

Pei Xiu was very saddened. Last year, she held her 65th birthday in a lively manner. If it weren't for the matter of the former prince, the Emperor Taishang wouldn't have suffered a stroke and fell ill on half of his body, so that it became more and more serious.

The world is impermanent, and it actually died today, and it will only be more than a year before and after.

After she got up, she instructed the servants in the whole house to change into mourning clothes and hang white cloth in the house. She also went to change into the mourning clothes that she had prepared.

This has been prepared for a long time. Since the Taishanghuang had a stroke last year, she ordered people to prepare it quietly, and the same is true for the mansions of various officials.

So much so that the white cloth in the city once became a hot seller and sold out.

On the day of death, there is a "small funeral". The emperor, the concubine, the prince, the princess, the prince, the officials, etc., collectively, men take off their crowns and cut their braids, and women go to make up and cut their hair.

After the "small funeral", it will be the "big funeral". At this time, the princes in the dynasty and below, officials of the fifth rank and above; the concubines and concubines below the imperial concubine, and the wives of officials of the fifth rank and above, all must go to the Qianqing Palace to pay their respects to the remains of the emperor. At that time, she will enter the palace to perform a "big funeral ceremony".

Seeing that everyone had changed their clothes, Pei Xiu ordered Qingsong to bring filial attire to pick up the three boys back.

The Emperor Taishang passed away, and the academy would also suspend classes for a few days. After hearing the bell, the shops in the capital also closed collectively, prohibiting all activities.

When the three brothers left the academy, they began to change their filial attire in the carriage.

The eldest said while changing: "I was talking about the Emperor Taishang a few days ago, but I didn't expect to hear the bell suddenly today. Halfway through our class, everyone knelt down in the direction of the palace."

"The same is true for us," said the third child in a low voice, "I heard that the Emperor Taishang was dissatisfied with the cuts to the vassal, will it be a good news..."

The second child hurriedly covered the mouth of the third child, "The Emperor Taishang is very old and has been sick for many months. You should change your clothes quickly."

On the way back, I saw that the shops on both sides of the street had closed their doors, and the doors of the shops were hung with white cloth.

"It was bustling and lively this morning, and it became deserted after only half a day." The boss stretched his head and looked at the white eyes on both sides and said, it was the first time they had seen such a scene.

The second child said: "During the funeral, the military and civilians in the capital have to take off crowns and dresses for twenty-seven days. They are not allowed to marry for one month, and they are not allowed to have fun for one hundred No slaughter was allowed for nine days, and prayers and sacrifices were not allowed for twenty-seven days. Before the clothes were removed, the emperor followed the etiquette and kept the filial piety with the day and the month, and the twenty-seventh day was replaced by the twenty-seventh month. "

This is what the Master told them during the national mourning, what the people of the capital should do, and what the officials should do.

Boss: "The academy will resume classes after the Emperor Taishang's Zigong is buried."

"Now you don't have to go to the academy in an upright manner, as you wish, eldest brother." The third child looked at his eldest brother with a smile.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not happy anymore. The streets are like this, and there's nowhere to go. Why don't we go to the academy. During the national mourning period, let's stay safe and don't go anywhere."

Both of them were surprised that the elder brother could still say that he should not go anywhere.


As soon as the carriage stopped, they jumped out of the car one after another, and saw that the gate of their house was also hung with white cloth. They were not used to it.

The servants in the whole house also wore plain clothes, and even the wheat was all white.

"Mother, we're back."

"Well, don't go out these days, just stay home."

"Mother we know, are you going to enter the palace in a few days?"


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