He was depressed. When the three brothers came over, the lotus seeds had already been picked. He and his little servant didn't know how to water, so they didn't dare to go down first.

When he saw the carriage of the emblem of the Huainan Palace stop, he was surprised. That boy Zhou Shan was injured?

Seeing that they had dumped dumplings and jumped out of the car one by one, he couldn't help complaining, "You just came, and there will be no lotus pods any later, so you can only swim in the lake."

"When you swim in the lake, you can swim in the lake. We haven't experienced it anyway."

Zhang Chongliang rolled his eyes and said angrily, "If I hadn't arrived earlier and booked a boat, you can only stand on the shore and watch, not even thinking about swimming in the lake."

The third child was surprised, "Really, there are so many boats on the lake."

"No, it's the season for picking lotus seeds, but many people have come to visit the lake to pick lotus seeds."

Zhou Shan was a little curious, "Are these lotus seeds picked by anyone?"

"Yes, this is unowned. Recently, many people have come to pick it up. Because they have to pay a boat fee, ordinary people are reluctant to bear it. Therefore, it is all literati who come here to play, and everyone comes to experience it. Insatiable greed keeps picking."

Zhang Chongliang explained to them and told them to hurry up. Today's rest day, there are many boats on the lake, all of them are students.

During the time they had been talking, there were already many people standing by the shore. I heard that the only remaining boat had been booked. Many people regretted that they were a step late.

The three brothers couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, Zhang Chongliang followed, otherwise, they could only miss it and stand on the shore to watch.

After getting on the boat, Zhang Chongliang couldn't help but said triumphantly, "Should you thank me?"

"Thank you for what, thank you for mocking me, or thank you for letting me copy the Analects five times and university twice?" Zhou Shan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Zhang Chongliang felt embarrassed this time, and sneered, "Don't you know each other? When I was punished by the Master, who told you to stare at me, and didn't you all call back?"

"You're used to standing, so you can't be seen by others?" He didn't answer the last sentence!

"I can't watch it, there's nothing to see, and it's not that I haven't seen anyone punished by the Master."

When they heard the penalty stand, the few who grew up together looked at the boss.

Zhang Chongliang understood in seconds and looked at the boss cheerfully, "So you are often punished for standing."

The boss stared at the three, "That was in the past, I feel much better now."

Seeing the third child winking with them, the boss kicked him in an unhappy manner, but he didn't suffer any loss, and returned the favor.

The two started playing on the boat again. The boat was swaying unsteadily. The boatman hurriedly stopped it, "Several young masters, you can't play on the boat. If it capsizes by accident, it will be incredible."

The boss hurriedly stopped and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry boatman, we are used to playing around, we will pay attention, and we won't make trouble again."

The third child stuck his tongue out.

"Hehe, do you want to sit in a row in pairs, I'll take you to find a few lotus pods to pick."

They are sitting in a row of three at the moment, facing each other. After listening to the boatman, they also reacted. The one sitting in the middle could not be picked for a while, and the two sides could not reach.

The boatman was asked to pause the rowing, and they carefully adjusted their positions before letting the boatman take them to the lotus leaf.

There are boats everywhere. Fortunately, Daming Lake is big enough. As soon as the boatman stopped, they stared at the lotus pod exposed to the sun in front of them with glowing eyes, and immediately started.

It was their first time to travel to the lake to pick lotus seeds, and they were all very novel.

The lotus head is green and green, smelling a faint fragrance, and the lotus seeds inside are even more precious.

As soon as they picked it off, they buckled one of the lotus seeds inside, looked left and right, and Xiao San asked first, "How do you eat this stuff, do you eat it directly? We haven't eaten fresh lotus seeds yet."

"Bumper, just remove the outer skin and core." Zhang Chongliang said with a poisonous mouth and demonstrated, threw one into his mouth to chew, and kept peeling it with his hands.

The third child snatched the lotus pod from his hand and said threateningly, "You landuck, believe it or not, I'll take you for a swim in the lake."

"Ah? With your small body, can you take me for a swim? I don't want to die with you."

Others, regardless of their grievances and grievances, can pick it up vigorously, eat while picking, and learn to peel and core like Zhang Chongle.

The entrance of the lotus seeds is crisp and the lotus heart is slightly bitter, and the summer heat is completely eliminated.

They also don't forget to send two lotus pods to the boatman, because it is not convenient for him to pick them at the bow.

The boatman also handed them two small bamboo baskets with lotus pods.

"Thank you, we didn't even think about going out with a basket, we'll count the money together later, and we'll buy the basket."

The boatman smiled and nodded. He was just an ordinary commoner, and he wouldn't pretend to be generous and say nothing, since weaving bamboo baskets takes time.

There are still a few lotus flowers that bloom late in the lake that have not yet withered, and some lotus pods that have not fully grown yet, and they only pick the mature ones.

After this piece was picked, they asked the boatman to go to the lotus leaf where there were no boats nearby.

Boat fares are billed by the hour, and the longer they stay on the lake, the more money the boatman makes. He also hoped that the young masters could play more for a while, and try their best to find them that no one has ever visited.

They were swimming in the boat, blowing the wind, and looking at the lake comfortably.

"It's cool and comfortable!"

The boss didn't care when other people were playing in the water, but when he saw Xiao Jiu also leaning over and reaching into the lake, he was a little surprised, "You just fell into the water last month, aren't you afraid?"

The second child also said: "You can follow us out to visit Daming Lake~www.readwn.com~ I'm already very surprised, and I look at you with admiration."

Xiao Jiu smiled shyly, "My dad said, the more afraid you are, the more you have to deal with it. You can't let it become my inner demon and my weakness just because I fell into the water once. I have to be brave to overcome it. It, so since I got better, I will play in the pool at home for a while every day."

"Your father is right. You can't be afraid of the water because you fall into the water once, and you won't dare to approach the lake when you see it in the future. If you can learn to swim, it will be even better. The fun of swimming is endless."

"I'm already learning, I'm not afraid of it." After speaking, he reached into the lake and stirred.

Seeing that all of them knew how to swim, or were learning to swim, Zhang Chongliang was also a little moved. He also has a pond at home, so do you have to learn to swim?

The sun was hiding in the clouds at this moment, and there was no direct heat.

After picking two full baskets of lotus pods, they asked the boatman for two more baskets, and they stopped picking them when they were all full.

Let the boatman swing the boat at will, and they will play leisurely on the lake.

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