Thanks to Zhou Shan, a famous person, all the classmates in the academy knew a few of them. Seeing them all in black, everyone was curious.

Zhang Chongliang saw them too. He was the first to lean forward, patted the second child on the shoulder, and said amusedly, "Tuesday, are you guys going to harvest wheat this holiday? It's so dark."

"Yeah." The old man said indifferently.

He widened his eyes, "Did you really go to the fields to harvest wheat? Your family is so poor that you can't afford to hire anyone?"

"Can you talk?" the boss said dissatisfiedly, "We are going to the field to experience the fun of the autumn harvest and the hard work of the farmers. The academy gives us the autumn harvest holiday, isn't it just to let us go home to help the autumn harvest? Diligent, people who do not distinguish between grains."

"Yeah, even an official should understand farming, people's livelihood, water conservancy, etc. Anyway, you'll be a dummy in the future, so you don't need to understand these things!"

This was said by Zhou Shan, but Zhang Chongliang felt that it was reasonable. He didn't like reading at all, and he didn't expect to be an official at all. Anyway, he still has two direct elder brothers on his head, so he would be happy to be a playboy.

Although his father's official position is not enough, he is more than the next.

"I think so too, but I think you are more like a dummy than me!"

Zhou Shan was interested, "Where did you start?"

"Because you guys can play better than me!"

A group of six people, except for Xiao Jiu, the five of them rolled their eyes together with Fa Xiao's tacit understanding.

"That's true." The boss nodded affirmatively and said, "But we only play when we should play, read when we should study, and never be lazy!"

"Uh... your dark circles betrayed you!"

"Hahaha... Big brother was slapped in the face." The third child laughed, and they had already laughed at him when they woke up in the morning.

"Hmph, hurry up, you're going to be late."

The boss was not embarrassed to be exposed at all, instead he snorted proudly, dragged Zhou Yi and walked quickly, leaving the others behind. The classrooms of the two of them are adjacent to each other, and they happen to be on the same road.

After the two of them left, the rest of them also accelerated their pace. Today, because they were waiting for Brother Zhou Yi, they all went out a tea time late.

Zhang Chongliang also followed them, and curiously asked Tuesday, who was walking beside him, "What have you been doing for the past seven days? Why are you sunburnt so darkly? Could it be that you went down to harvest wheat as your eldest brother said?"

"Of course, what are you doing to deceive you!"

When the words came out of his mouth on Tuesday, he was convinced and gave a thumbs up, "Amazing, I once went to Zhuangzi to watch the autumn harvest, and I couldn't stand standing under the sun for a while, you guys really do it."

The third child looked up at him and said deliberately, "We also went hunting in the mountains, fishing in the river, and it was fun to play on Zhuangzi."

"Didn't I miss it?" He looked regretful, as if he said it on Wednesday in a very interesting way.

He has never been in the mountains to hunt or fish in the river when he grew up. He beat his chest and stomped his feet, regretful, and knew that he would not go to a foreign house with his mother.

"Hey, there's no chance, the next day will start to get colder."

"Go next year!"

"I won't let you follow."

After the third child finished speaking, he pulled Xiao Jiu and ran into their classroom.

Zhou Shan saw the figure of the master, and dragged the second child to trot, "The master is coming soon, let's hurry too."

"Hmph, who cares, the young masters are mostly servants." Zhang Chongliang fell far behind with a displeased face, still walking slowly.

As a result, he stepped into the class late, and the master was already here...

"Go and stand behind!"

He looked at the master in disbelief, he was just a little later than they did on Tuesday? Is this also punishable?

Seeing the Master frowning at him, he had to slump his shoulders and walked back honestly. When he passed by Zhou Shan and Zhou Shan on Tuesday, he saw the two of them snickering.

He gave the two men a stern look. The pleasant cruise before must be his delusion, and he will ignore these two people again.

Zhou Shan touched his nose, he clearly reminded him.

After finally making it to the end of school, Zhou Yong hurried back to his place, packed up his things, went to find Zhou Yi with the book basket, and then went to find others together.

Seeing Zhou Yong yawning all the time, Zhou Yi wondered, "When did you sleep last night, were you so sleepy?"

"It didn't take long for me to sleep, I only squinted for an hour and a half in total, and was called by two debt collectors to start a morning exercise. I have been in a trance today, I couldn't make it to sleep on the table in the afternoon, and then I was punished by the master to stand for an hour!! "

Zhou Yi laughed at him, "You are used to standing, why did you sleep so late last night, didn't you do all your homework?"

"Who says I'm used to standing? I'm a good young man who studies hard. I've rarely been punished for standing in the past two years, and I have completed my homework on time! It's just that I've been playing too much these days, and I missed out on the theory and didn't write it. Yesterday It's cramming late." He forced a quibble.

"Then you said yesterday morning that you finished writing."

"Well...forgot." He felt guilty. Afraid that Zhou Yi would ask another question, he dragged him to walk quickly, urging: "Walk quickly, what are you dawdling about."

A few of them are already waiting.

The third child said, "Why are you so slow?"

"It's not Zhou Yi grinding and chirping for a long time. Let's go."

Zhou Yi looked at him in This person is too capable of confounding right and wrong.

Just as he was about to refute, he was pulled away.

"What are you rushing, just go home, why are you in such a hurry?"

"I was punished by my mother to stand up yesterday, and then she felt that standing upright against the wall could make her posture more upright, so let's continue to stand today."

"No, in the future, I have to stand for an hour every day after meals."

"We still have homework to do, so we can only rush back as soon as possible."

Zhou Yi said gloatingly: "Then it wasn't worth it for you to slip away yesterday."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, you can stand and endorse the letter without delay. If you are doing your homework, you need to be late."

"Also, we can't go out on this month's rest day. You can go out and play by yourself. My mother punished you, so you can only stay at home."

Zhou Shan nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll read, write, and sleep at home. In the past few months, we have been running out on every rest day, and we'll stay at home on this rest day."

He kept running out, but the father and mother didn't say anything, they always tolerated him, just stay in the mansion to accompany them on this ten-day holiday, and make them happy.

Zhou Yi sighed, "I just entered Beijing, you won't be able to go out."

"Oh, it's a long time to come to Japan. Wait for the next time. Next time, we will take you to have a good time. You have just entered Beijing and need to be repaired."

"I fixed it."

"Then you can come to our house to play when the time comes! We go out of the village, you can come over."


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