Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 410: Taisun's helplessness

The second young lady watched her leave and secretly rejoiced in schadenfreude, but on her face she acted sisterhood and said good things for her third sister.

Pei Xiu and Madam Qiu frowned at the white lotus pose!

Seeing that everyone ignored her, Taisun just nodded perfunctorily. She also learned to be obedient, immediately shut up, stopped talking, and followed Taisun obediently.

This second young lady has both ingenuity and means, and knows how to check the timing. She is definitely a master of house fighting, and it is a pity not to enter the palace.

"Let the two ladies laugh."

They laughed and shook their heads.

"We plan to go back. Today is August 15th. There are still many things in the house waiting for us to deal with, so I won't disturb His Royal Highness Taisun to play."

"Also, today's Mid-Autumn Festival, I also need to return to the palace as soon as possible to reunite, and the two ladies will go first." He also just took advantage of the unhappiness just now and left as soon as possible. He didn't have a cold for the two young ladies of the Hou residence.

Just because on the day of the birthday banquet, the Hou Mansion planned to give his father Wang a daughter, and their East Palace had already kept a distance from the Hou Mansion.

When he came out today, his mother told him to be careful and leave no one. Worrying that the father's side will fail, the Hou residence will take the opportunity to set him up again.

Pei Xiu and Mrs. Qiu took their children and walked directly outside the temple. They didn't want to get involved in these high-profile affairs.

"I thought I could play leisurely all morning, but I didn't expect to go back so soon."

"Unfortunately, I have no choice. Either go to Suzaku Street? It's still early anyway."

"Okay, it's autumn. I just bought a few pieces of soft fabric to make this little guy's underwear. The white cotton cloth at home was used up during the national mourning."

"I have to buy it too. The boys are growing too fast, and so is the wheat."

The clothes of several children in her family are the same. If the eldest’s clothes can’t be worn, they are given to the second child, and the second to the third. Anyway, most of the clothes of the three brothers are made of the same color and style, but the size is different. It doesn't seem to make a difference.

Moreover, they go to the academy every day wearing the Confucian shirts of the academy, and the clothes are not much made. Only during the festivals, they will buy new clothes for them at the same time.

The three brothers could not wear clothes, so they saved up and asked Ding Bo to take them back to their hometown.

These clothes are all good, but they are small, so they cannot be thrown away. It's still nice to wear to other people.

On the way back to Beijing, they still rode in the same carriage, but the topic changed.

When he came, he talked about the baby's marriage, and when he returned to the city, he talked about the Taisun's marriage.

Mrs. Qiu looked gossip: "I don't know who's girl is fortunate enough to be the grandson's concubine. Looking at the disgusted look on the grandson's face today, there is no hope for Xinwuhou's mansion. Good chess is ruined by Xinwuhou. Otherwise, with their status, they still have a good chance."

"Who said no, all the ladies in the capital should have their heads squeezed, Taisun is a fragrant bun."

"It's a pity that we don't have a girl of the right age in our family."

"There's nothing to regret. It's not necessarily a good thing to marry into the royal family, and it's not necessarily a bad thing to marry into a common people's family. Isn't it good to be like us? You have no worries about food and clothing, you call slaves and maids, and the house is clean. , nothing bad."

Pei Xiu didn't have much expectations for her daughter, she only hoped that she would grow up healthy and healthy, and in this feudal era, she could choose a person who was in love with each other.

"You're right! Taisun is very talented and gentle, and he is indeed a good candidate for husband-in-law. In addition to his identity, it is estimated that he will be the first in the list of candidates for husband-in-law of the ladies as soon as he enters Beijing. This is really Thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge."

"The emperor must have his own considerations for Taisun's marriage."

She couldn't help but complain in her heart: Taisun was only fifteen, and he was targeted.

The three boys in her family, she plans to wait until around eighteen before getting married. It is not good to get married too early, and the loss of Jingyuan early will be bad for your health. It is not too late for a man to get married at around twenty.

Poor students who are interested in taking the imperial examinations are reluctant to set up marriages early. Basically, they have to wait until they have completed the imperial examinations and know the results before they choose to get married. There are many unmarried people in their twenties.

If the title is on the gold list, as long as you are unmarried, there are many officials and officials who come to the list to catch their son-in-law.

It is better to have an official Yue family than they can find a village girl in the countryside to marry, and their career will be smoother.

Don't think that readers can only read dead books. In fact, readers are very shrewd.

"Your eldest is thirteen, right? Do you have any ideas? It's almost time to start looking for candidates. If it's too late, your daughter-in-law will be picked away. Look ahead and set a marriage at fifteen or sixteen. It will take a year to hire out.”

She was only in her early thirties, so she didn't want to be a grandmother so early, she shook her head and said, "He is still a child, he only thinks about playing all day, not in a hurry. There is a lot of room for men to choose, wait until eighteen or nineteen or so. Twenty, I can also find a girl of fifteen or sixteen."

"It's also true that men are not in a hurry. As long as they have a successful career, no matter how old they are, they will be delicious. The capital is too big, and they are not afraid of not being able to choose a suitable daughter-in-law."

"Well, that's what I thought." You can watch it in advance, or you can book it in advance if it's suitable, but you still need to wait until you are eighteen.

What's more, for women, it is better to get married when they are older. Pregnancy at an early age can hurt the body and it is not good for the offspring.

They chatted there, and the two children were not idle either. They were probably familiar with each other, and Mai was much more generous. The two of them happily played cloth tigers together. He babbled words that were incomprehensible.

Pei Xiu showed a loving smile, "These two are having a good time now."

"When you have company, you won't make a fuss. When my son just came out of the, he was moving around in the car, shouting all the time, either pulling the door to open the car, or trying to get his head out of the window. Stop for a moment."

"It's all like this, male dolls will be more solid."

After entering the city, there were bursts of shouts from the street, and the attention of the two children was also attracted. They both lay on their seats and tried to climb up.

Pei Xiu held Maize up and stood, "Let them watch for a while, otherwise they will keep making noise. It won't be long anyway. Just don't let them stick their heads out of the window."

Seeing that the wheat was carried up, brother Qiu screamed louder, and Mrs. Qiu laughed and scolded the little ancestor, and carried him up too.

Pei Xiu looked at the street with her arms around Mai, looking lively, there were stalls everywhere, making people want to get out of the car and stroll around.

At this moment, she suddenly let out a loud noise, then hugged Mai on her lap and knocked on the door, "Stop."

Mrs. Qiu asked her curiously, "What's wrong? Did you see an acquaintance?"

"No, I saw a shop being rented out and wanted to go down and have a look."

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