Falling in love with youkanshu.com, I became a married peasant woman through me

She guessed that it might be that Zhou Yi didn't go to the academy today, so they went straight to see Zhou Yi after school and didn't come back in time.

When they went to the main courtyard, they saw Pei Xiu sitting in the side hall waiting, the oil lamps were already lit.

Feeling a little guilty in their hearts, they should have asked Qingsong to report back first.

"came back?"

She said lightly, her voice did not fluctuate much, but the three brothers fell to their knees in shock.

"I'm sorry, mother, we forgot to send someone back to report first."

Pei Xiu smiled slightly, knowing that it was good to be afraid.

"Kneeling what? When did I punish you for kneeling? If you want to punish you, you will also be punished to stand against the wall. It's good to know that you are not thinking well. Next time, remember to not come back on time, and send someone to report first. Get up, I don't blame you. You guys. Are you going to see Zhou Yi? How is he?"

Now the hearts of the three brothers are also put back in their stomachs.

The boss got up and said, "Mother, Zhou Yi ate too many crabs yesterday and didn't drink **** tea. He had diarrhea for half the night, so he didn't go to the academy this morning."

"Mother, it's fortunate that we listened to you, otherwise it would be the same as Brother Zhou Yi." The second child also said happily.

Pei Xiu also thought that Zhou Yi might be ill, otherwise he would not be absent, and he would not inform them in advance.

But she didn't expect that she had diarrhea after eating crabs. She asked with concern, "Then he's all right now, is he better?"

"He's fine, he's alive and kicking, and he can go to the academy tomorrow."

"That's good. Have you eaten yet? If not, let the kitchen cook noodles for you."

"We ate at Zhou Yi's house, how about you, mother?"

"Do I look like I'll be foolishly waiting for you to go home for dinner?" she said angrily.

"Haha, that's fine." The boss laughed awkwardly twice.

The third child remembered that Xiao Jiu was going to return to Yanyun Prefecture in half a month, so he also reported this to his mother.

Pei Xiu was surprised and immediately understood that she was afraid that the road would be delayed due to the wind and snow, so she set off early for the New Year.

"I see. When the time comes, prepare a soil ceremonial for him and let him take it back to his hometown."

"Okay, let's send cakes. The most important thing in our family is cakes. Now Kangyuan cakes are also popular in the whole capital. It's better to treat them as soil rituals. Let his relatives and friends taste the cakes, maybe It can be popular in Yanyun Prefecture."

She glanced at the boss angrily, "Is everyone tired of eating, and where can I keep it for so long? It's okay to prepare some for them to eat on the road. You don't have to worry about this, I'll prepare it for him."

"Hey, mother, you can do it, we'll go back to the house."

"Well, light two oil lamps, brighter one, protect your eyes, rest early after you finish your homework, and don't stay up late to read."


How could he stay up all night to read, the second and third children haven't had time to stay up all night to read.

After they left, Pei Xiu went back to the house.

Seeing Zhou Yi's ruddy face the next day, Pei Xiu laughed and joked.

"If your master sees that you look so good, he probably thinks that you are absent from school on purpose."

Zhou Yi touched his face and smiled, "I think so too, so I specially brought the doctor's prescription today, just in case the master doesn't trust me and makes me stand. I've just recovered from my illness. , is still very weak!"

She smiled and looked at the skin boy, "You are as strong as a calf, where are you weak?"

"Zhou Yong is as strong as a calf, but I'm not as strong as him. I'm a handsome young man with a jade-like face, a long body and a graceful demeanor. Don't my aunt think I'm gentle and handsome?"

"Don't be sloppy here. That's my mother. Is it okay for you to talk too much? Be careful when my dad comes back and I'll sue him. Hurry up, you're going to be late. "

The eldest brother couldn't see it, so he dragged him and walked out. He also shouted, "Don't drag my collar upside down. What does this look like, it ruins my image in my aunt's heart."

The second and the third couldn't stand it either, so they helped the eldest brother and dragged him away.

Pei Xiu watched them leave making a fuss, and went back to the house in a happy mood.

She still has a lot of things to deal with, things in the house, and things in the village.

Zhuangzi's fields were taken back into his hands after the autumn harvest, and he hired part-time workers to sow and take care of them. It is estimated that he would be able to harvest a crop before winter.

She also arranged for someone to send Cheng Bo the necessary supplies for the winter.

If he can't send someone to take care of the farm, he doesn't care about anything. If there are servants in the house, he also has a share, like winter clothes and winter quilts.

I have to buy an ox, which is convenient for cultivating the land, and I can also drive the ox cart, and it is also convenient to send vegetables into the city at that time.

There are a number of cattle in the county, which need to be registered and licensed, and are not allowed to be slaughtered at will.

People who died of old age, illness, or accidents also needed to be inspected by the government officials before they could be slaughtered and traded.

But it is very simple for the powerful family to kill a cow to eat beef. After all, beef is delicious, and there are many powerful people who like it.

The government office has no evidence, and can only open one eye and close one eye, so the cattle in the city are also very hard to sell.

She sent people to the livestock market several times, and after a month of reservations, she bought a calf.

She is not too small~www.readwn.com~ Anyway, it's good to be able to plough the land and pull the cart.

So today, we have to send someone to the yamen to register, sign up, and then press an ox cart, and send someone to load up the supplies and send it to Zhuangzi.

After arranging the affairs of the house, she went to play with Mai, and she lived a very fulfilling life day by day.

But the housekeeper brought the poster over at this time.

She was surprised and took it suspiciously. She smiled when she saw that it was Mrs. Qiu's post.

Just to say, the distant clan and the ministers in Beijing are not allowed to marry or have fun banquets within a year.

Not even the emperor's 50th birthday, the capital has been quiet for the past few months, no one dared to hold a banquet, it turned out to be Mrs. Qiu's greeting.

I don't know if it was because of weaning her son that she came to ask for advice.

To be honest, she has no experience. Mai has been drinking goat's milk, so she doesn't have Mrs. Qiu's troubles.

The next day, Mrs. Qiu came to the door with a smile, but Pei Xiu saw that her complexion was not very good, and her brows were wrinkled.

She was very curious and said, "If you are in a bad mood, stop laughing. Come to me, it's not someone else's house."

Only then did Mrs. Qiu put away her smile and sighed, "It's really troublesome to raise a child. If I hadn't looked at him as a child, I would have really wanted to beat him up."

"You failed to wean?"

She looked at younger brother Qiu, who was still beside him with red eyes, and ordered Ginkgo to go to the cake room to get some goat milk cakes to coax the child.

"Yeah, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to quit, so I didn't dare to dismiss the nurse decisively, so I chose a remote yard, chose a good day for the nurse to move there alone, and then began to wean my son that day."

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