When Pei Xiu returned home, it was already a little dark.

With a cool breeze, the temperature difference between morning and evening in the capital is large, which is much colder than when the sun is shining during the day.

When they started talking today, they all forgot the time. When she came back to her senses, the sun was only a little faint, and she hid in the clouds.

When she first applied, she could no longer see the sun, and she also took the opportunity to leave.

Wheat played at home for half a day, and then went to Qiu Mansion to play for half a day. He didn't sleep all day and was tired.

As soon as he got on the carriage, he fell asleep on top of her after a while.

Afraid that she would catch a cold, Pei Xiu took a cloak and wrapped it for her, but she couldn't hold it anymore.

When she got off the bus, she asked Mrs. Li to go ahead and call the boss to come out and hug her.

Only one was called, but the three brothers all ran out.

He also reported to her that he went out in the afternoon and rented miscellaneous books to her, and met Taisun by chance.

"Has the cake been sent to the palace?"

"No, it's too late to send it, the palace gate has been locked after finishing."

"Then wait for Zhou Shan to come tomorrow, and let him send a bodyguard to the palace."

"Well, we also told Taisun in advance that if it's too late to deliver it today, we'll deliver it tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to study? Why did you run out again?" She didn't ask at first, it didn't mean she forgot.

The second child said honestly: "We ran out of paper, so we went to the bookstore, and then the elder brother said to bring two books or miscellaneous notes to my mother to relieve the boredom."

Pei Xiu glanced at the third child, who was smirking and silent.

She believed what the second child said, he had no paper to write on.

But the third child, she could see at a glance that he would definitely not be able to stay with him, let alone the boss.

She doesn't break it either.

"Don't go back to the courtyard, just set up the meal, save yourself running back and forth, go back early to rest after eating, and go to school tomorrow."

"Got it, mother."

The boss put Wheat on the bed before he came out, "Mother, I asked Mrs. Li to take off Wheat's clothes, and she still slept soundly."

"Well, let's eat first. She's probably going to sleep until tomorrow morning."

"Don't get up again at the same time. I've been jumping with her for a long time today, and I don't know if her legs will be sore tomorrow."

Pei Xiu glanced at his eldest son, "You exercise every day, how can it hurt after only dancing for a while."

"We also jumped when we got up in the morning, and if we exercised too much, it would hurt."

"Then next time, just learn from dogs, don't learn from frogs! Don't get tired of learning dogs!"

The three looked at their mother in disbelief.

The third child said aggrievedly, "Mother, you don't care about us anymore, you only care about your sister."

"How old are you all, how old is your sister, but you are too embarrassed to fight for favor with her."

"You let us learn from dogs!!"

"Your sister taught you to learn."

"You said it too."

"Then do you study?"

The three of them shook the rattle and said in unison, "Don't learn."

"That's it, the initiative is in your hands, don't you also love her and follow her? If you don't love her and don't accommodate her, can you learn to jump with a frog to make her happy? So don't say that I am partial to her. , so are you."

They were a little confused by the mother, but they roughly understood what she meant.

Everyone is partial to wheat, not just the mother.

"Forget it, as long as we don't let us learn from dogs, it's fine to learn frogs a few more times. When she exercises, she will always get tired of playing." The boss said with a sullen mouth.

"Anyway, wheat loves to play with eldest brother, eldest brother, please coax more."

"She likes me more than you two, I'm proud!"

"Cut~ I don't care about her clinging spirit."

The third one turned his head to one side and said arrogantly.

Pei Xiu interrupted the two bickering, "Hurry up and eat, don't be long-winded, you have to quarrel every day when you eat, why do you talk so much."

"It's lively like this. Otherwise, like Zhou Shan's family, it's quiet for a meal, and there's no atmosphere at all. How can we eat?"

She gave the third child a blank look, "Is there a lot of talk to finish dinner?"

"of course."

"Mother, I heard from Zhou Shan that his future sister-in-law will go to Beijing, and she should arrive in the capital in the next few days."

She froze for a moment, "It seems that the woman is out of filial piety, and she originally planned to get married this year."

"Yeah, it turned out that the Emperor Taishang passed away. The close relatives and clans have to observe filial piety for twenty-seven months. Only the emperor can replace the moon with the sun."

"The Emperor Taishang is his grandfather, and his eldest brother has to marry a wife for three years at night." The boss said gloatingly.

Who let Zhou Shan be killed by his eldest brother, they share the same hatred, and they are all happy to see his eldest brother's troubles.

"Pity this girl. After waiting for three years and three years, after three years, the eldest son is very big."

Women in ancient times had a low status, even if they were the main family, they couldn't be as stubborn as having no children, not to mention the eldest son who could threaten the status of the main family.

In the future, there will definitely be a battle of dragons and tigers in the Huainan Palace.

Fortunately, the prince has been established, and now the prince and Zhou Shan do not violate the water in the well, and there are many fewer fights.

At that time, after Zhou Shanweiguan moved out of the palace and lived in his own earl's palace, it was estimated that it would be clean.

The next day, when Zhou Shan came to wait for them to go to school, Pei Xiu asked him to send someone to help bring Xuexi County's main cake into the palace, and curiously asked about his future wife.

"Is your mansion's future prince's wife going to Beijing?"

Zhou Shan nodded affirmatively, "According to the concubine, she should arrive in the capital in the next two days, and the mansion has also packed up a courtyard for her to stay temporarily."

"Is this because you are afraid that you will be forgotten or repented of your marriage after waiting for another three years. Are you planning to move in early to cultivate your relationship?"

"The mother-in-law also said the same. After three years and three years, Miss Liu will become an old girl, and she will be ridiculed if she stays in Yangzhou City all the time, thinking that the Huainan Palace regretted her marriage and did not want her."

"So the Liu family proposed to send the dowry and Miss Liu to Beijing first, and get married directly after the period of filial piety, so as to avoid further twists and turns."

"The mother-in-law directly agreed~www.readwn.com~ and said that Miss Liu would live in the palace directly, and then move out of the palace to be married after the wedding date."

This is exactly what the Liu family wanted. They were really afraid of smashing the girl into their hands and missing the good marriage of the palace.

I heard that the eldest son has asked to seal the prince, and he can inherit it in the future. If the position of the prince and concubine is gone, they should slap their thighs.

If you stay in the palace in advance, everyone who is familiar with the mansion can also understand the backyard of the prince in advance, and it will not be smeared when you get married.

"Then you should be careful in the mansion and keep a distance from the people related to your eldest brother, so as not to get involved in the disputes between his wives and concubines."

Pei Xiu kindly reminded him that the women in the back house had many ways to fight, and it was impossible to guard against them. Who knows if there will be people with poor brains who stretch their hands too long and bring disaster to Chiyu.

"I know that my eldest brother and I have a yard from east to west, and we usually don't touch it except when we go to the main courtyard. Miss Liu's courtyard is also very far away from me. My mother and concubine have planned well for me and will not let them affect me. mine."

"Your mother-in-law is a good mother, you have to be filial to her."

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