"I just watched him run in angrily. I don't know if they will deliberately make things difficult if they meet the big brother."

He looked towards the forest, his brows furrowed, and there was a little worry in his eyes.

Pei Xiu was not worried at all.

"They are men, so it's not a big deal if you don't worry about their lives. Besides, your bodyguards are with you. The Prince of Chu County doesn't dare to blatantly use black hands. Besides, there are Taisun and Xuexi County Master in the forest. It's nothing. We'll just wait here until they've had enough."


Auntie's words are reasonable, but at most it will only make things difficult, but there is no need to worry about it.

Mrs. Qiu also knew about the festival between Zhou Shan and the Prince of Chu County, and after they finished speaking, she interrupted and asked, "Can we go in and visit these breeding houses?"

"It should be possible. I will let the leader of Shao here take you to see it. This is under the jurisdiction of Sinong Temple, but they are all busy with new crops now, and the principal here is temporarily handed over to the leader of Shao."

Pei Xiu also heard that the current emperor intends to let the yamen of the prefecture near the capital distribute seeds according to the household registration, so that farmers can sow seeds after the spring.

The promotion also has to have a sequence, starting from the area close to the capital and expanding to the whole country step by step.

There are also court officials, and when they receive the New Year's gift at the end of the year, they will distribute the quantity according to the grade.

This is also absolutely, the seed was a gift in that year.

The official explanation is that after the New Year, it will be distributed to the common people, regardless of the court's appointment, so it will be distributed in advance with the New Year's ceremony.

She came back to her senses and said, "Will it be too troublesome and inconvenient?"

"If it's inconvenient, Shao Tongling will directly refuse it, right?"

He sent someone to look for Commander Shao, but Commander Shao did not refuse, but said that he couldn't get too close. Although they were all cubs, they were afraid of going mad and hurting the nobles.

The two Miss Liu from the Marquis of Xinwu also said boldly, "Can we go and have a look?"

They don't know how to ride a horse, and standing here is also standing. It's better to follow everyone to see it. This is their first time here.

"Yes." Commander Shao didn't want to offend anyone, "Everyone, please."

Mai refused to be held by the guards, so Pei Xiu had to hold her and follow.

After entering the courtyard, I saw two rows of small cubicles built with stones, some surrounded by fences, and some with iron gates.

There are various animal cubs and adult animals, such as rabbits, pheasants, sheep, roe deer, muntjacs, deer, foxes and so on.

There are also some ferocious prey, such as wolves and wild boars, which are usually kept in cages and will not be placed in the hunting grounds for fear of hurting nobles.

Pei Xiu held the curious wheat tightly, for fear that she would break free and approach the dangerous adult animal.

This is clearly a small zoo, and it is also a zoo with lax management.

"It smells so bad, it's in here." Third Miss frowned, covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief, and said with a look of disgust.

"There are all prey in here, and the smell will inevitably be a bit pungent. If the ladies and the ladies are unwell, let's go out?" Commander Shao explained.

Pei Xiu also felt that the smell was a bit heavier, but she could bear it.

"We're fine, we've all come in, and it's not a waste to turn around and see what's in there. If the two young ladies feel unwell, go out first, right?"

"We'll wait for you to go out together."

As Mrs. Zhou said, it's coming, it's better to take a look, and it's not unbearable.

Commander Shao pointed to the cubs in front of him and explained to them: "Every year in Kaichun, Sinong Temple will put a group of cubs into the mountains to let them breed. In autumn, they will hunt down some of the prey that is flooded according to the situation. It has not yet arrived. It's the season of release, so there are the most cubs at this time, and the smell is heavier."

"These positions are vacant because a batch of prey was released into the hunting grounds this morning."

Pei Xiu was a little curious, "Where did these cubs come from?"

"Sent from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. They not only practice daily, but also occasionally go hunting in the mountains. When they hit the cubs, they are sent to captivity."

She understood that the cubs were too young to eat, and they were reluctant to let them go. The resources sent to the captive to supplement the hunting grounds were just right.

After walking around, they came out after visiting, and they couldn't stand the smell after staying for a long time.

"It can be considered breathable, and I almost suffocated me." Mrs. Qiu fanned her nose with her hand, and her suffocated nose turned red.

"As for it, it's still winter. If summer calls you in, you won't be stunned immediately." She said jokingly.

The past is unbearable to look back on. As soon as she crossed over, she experienced the ecstasy of the rural hut. This "zoo" is still within the range of tolerance!

"Please invite me in the summer, and I won't come either. It's enough to come here once."

Pei Xiu giggled, "Let's go, let's go to bask in the sun for a while. Zhou Shan, you don't want to accompany us, you can also go to the hunting ground to play and see if you can hunt good goods."

"Okay, auntie, then I'll go in and look for the big brother and the others. If you have anything to do, ask the guards."

"Go, go, don't worry, Commander Qiu is here too."

"Commander Lao Qiu took care of him." Zhou Shan greeted politely, and took the guards to the hunting grounds.

Wheat is still thinking about her foal, pulling her mother to find it.

After riding the horse for a while, Pei Xiu only felt very cold, especially her hands, and did not intend to ride any more. She asked the guard to return the horse and played with Mai.

Mrs. Qiu said to their mother and daughter: "Then you are playing at the camp. I rarely come out to loosen my muscles. I plan to ride for a while. It's fun."

"Okay, then you can bring the guards left by the county master. Pay attention to safety. I won't use it in the camp."

Mrs. Qiu nodded, not being polite to her.

The two Miss Liu just felt bored standing there, and they fell out again, and they didn't want to talk to each other at all.

Therefore, they followed Pei Xiu step by step and could have a company.

"Mrs. Zhou, UU reading www.uukanshu.com How old is Miss Zhou, she can talk a lot, so cute."

The second lady saw that Mai was muttering to the little pony, and she felt it was novel, so she found a topic to talk to.

The child occupies the softest place in the mother's heart, and Pei Xiu is no exception.

Different from the previous politeness, she is now smiling from the heart, and said, "I'm only four years old after the new year, but it's not that I can speak better, but I still have a little bit of inarticulateness, and ordinary people may not understand what she is talking about."

"I think she speaks much more clearly than ordinary children, and she is well-behaved." Third Miss praised not far behind.

"Haha~ Anyone who is naughty at home can go to the house to uncover the tiles, and when they come out, they will be fake and honest."

"I can't see it. Mrs. Zhou is gentle and dignified. Under the guidance of Mrs. Zhou, Miss Zhou will definitely be gentle and virtuous in the future. It is still young and naughty is normal."

Haha~ She was too embarrassed to agree to what she said, this second lady is really good at speaking.

She smiled and said nothing.

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