Taisun pursed his lips tightly, "You have nothing to do with yourself, so why don't you talk about it on purpose to embarrass others?"

"Why am I embarrassing him, the hunting ground is so big, and I don't want to go with others, and I can't shoot the same prey?"

"Then I'm not interested in archery tigers? Who told you to stand there?" The boss retorted.

"you do this delibrately!"

"You did it on purpose!"

Taisun frowned and looked at the two people who were holding their necks, "Both sides are wrong, you are the disgusting person in front, he shoots arrows in the back, anyway you are not injured, let him pay you a horse, today's incident Just make big things small, and small things.”

He believed that he did not favor Zhou Yong, and this arrangement was fair.

"Am I worth a horse? My forehead was injured, but you turned a blind eye."

Taisun frowned, "You're not a woman, the medicinal wine will disappear in two days."

"Or I'll pay you another bottle of medicinal wine?"

The prince of Chu County kicked Zhou Yong angrily.

Zhou Yong was prepared for a long time, and he avoided it with a sideways, his mouth was not forgiving, "This time, the prince will do it first."

Taisun motioned Zhou Yong to stop talking and looked at his cousin, "What do you want?"

"Let him go to Jingzhaoyin's dungeon for a few days to dispel my anger."

"You think too much, it's impossible. Lord Zhou is still fighting on the front line, but you have to put his eldest son in jail for some trivial matter, and the generals in the DPRK won't agree to make a big trouble."

"You don't have anything to do, and it's you who provokes the front. When it comes to the emperor's grandfather, you don't take care of it. At that time, the emperor's grandfather will only play fifty big boards each."

The Prince of Chu County knew that what Taisun said was reasonable, but he didn't want to take the eldest of the Zhou family so cheaply.

He couldn't be frightened in vain.

Staring at the people in front of him, none of them stood on his side, and he couldn't help himself.

"It's okay not to go to jail, then punish him for cleaning Chang'an Avenue for half a month."

Taisun frowned, "Impossible, you are humiliating the son of a court official."

"Hmph, then go to guard the city gate for half a month, there's nothing to say now, right?"

Zhou Yong touched his chin. Guarding the city gate sounded okay, much better than squatting in jail and sweeping the streets. It seems good to be able to act as an official in my spare time, and experience the life of a low-level official.

Taisun looked at Zhou Yong and let him decide for himself.

"It's not impossible for me to guard the city gate, but I still have to go to school. When I get off school, the city gate will also be closed, so I don't need to guard it."

"Guozijian has annual leave, so your broken academy won't be without it, right?"

"Then wait for me to take a vacation before implementing it."

With a bunch of people protecting him, the Prince of Chu County could only give in again and again.

He was barely able to achieve the purpose of punishment.

It was freezing cold and the wind was piercing to the bone. Let him blow the cold wind at the gate of the city for half a month, which was enough for him to drink a pot. It would be better for God to give him a little more strength, and it would snow for a few days in a row and freeze him to death.


He snorted coldly and planned to leave, it was too disappointing today.

"and many more!"

Everyone looked at Zhou Shan in astonishment. Didn't they already say it, solved it?

Even Taisun didn't know why his little uncle suddenly stopped him.

"doing what?"

The Prince of Chu County glared at Zhou Shan, but he was a generation older than him, so he could only vent his anger at the Zhou family.

Everyone looked at Zhou Shan in confusion, only to hear him say: "The matter of shooting horses with arrows has been resolved, but the issue of the ownership of the prey has not yet been resolved."

"Take out all your prey and see who owns the arrows in them. Both sides have them, and then divide them equally."

"It's fair!"

He didn't care about those things either, and just followed them all the way to block them.

But with so many people watching, does he lose face?

A wild boy who had recognized him halfway had bullied him, but he was forced to be angry and dare not speak out due to the might of the King of Huainan.

The blue veins jumped on the forehead of the Prince of Chu County, and ink could be dripped on his face, "Don't deceive people too much."

"Although I am an elder, I will not bully people at will, and will definitely help you distribute them fairly and justly."

The Prince of Chu County turned pale and pale, glared at him angrily, then turned his head and left.

He doesn't want to stay any longer, shame!

Zhou Shan would not give up venting his anger on behalf of the three brothers just because he turned and left, and had his guards surrounded and forced to hand over their prey.

They didn't dare to resist. Although the young man in front of him was young, even the grandson had to respectfully saluted him and called him "Little Uncle".

The three brothers immediately raised their eyebrows, haha, after giving him an arrow, they could still take back their prey. There is nothing more relieved than this.

Zhou Shan's short-term care is good!

The three brothers stepped forward to identify the arrows on the prey with wide-eyed smiles. Fortunately, they were in a hurry to chase after their brothers, and they were too late to draw the arrows, so their brothers could still identify them.

Let the guards take some of the prey shot by the three brothers first, and then pick out the prey shot by the three brothers, and divide them equally.

"And the silly roe deer we captured alive, he had to open his eyes and lie, saying that it was a female roe deer with a cub in his stomach, and he took it away."

The third child was still brooding about the roe deer and said, "Second brother, turn it over and see if it is male or female?"

"It's public."

"So he's blind!"

"All right."

Pei Xiu stopped them from continuing to talk, everyone left, and it was useless to take advantage of their mouths, and they would still be truthful.

The third one kept his mouth shut and stopped talking about people, but, "There is also a roe deer, the one that we split was the one we saw first."

"Forget that one. Although we saw it first, we were shot by their arrows before we could hold it in our hands. So it's up to them."

The boss said nonchalantly, he was very satisfied if he could let out his anger. He never thought that Zhou Shan would be so powerful, and the prey would be taken back for them.

"All right."

Seeing that the three brothers were all allocated, Zhou Shan waved his hand and let the guards leave.

Here comes a perfect ending~www.readwn.com~ Everyone is very happy.

"Haha, with so many prey, Taisun and the county master will go to my house to roast game, right?" Zhou Yong invited them happily.

Before Taisun could speak, the county master said first: "Okay, okay, last time I asked someone to send you half a venison for you to roast. Are you finished?"

"It's over that day. They and Zhou Yi are both foodies. How can they keep it until tomorrow."

The two young ladies of the Marquis of Xinwu looked at the grandson eagerly, and then at Madam Zhou, hoping that they could invite them together.

Taisun just pretended he didn't see it, Pei Xiu wouldn't be looking for trouble, and it was even more impossible for the three brothers to invite them.

The second lady was not reconciled to the missed opportunity. Half the morning passed, and they still hadn't said a word to Taisun.

She tugged at her second brother's sleeve and motioned for him to speak.

Second Young Master Liu understood immediately.

With a smile, he stepped forward and said, "We also hunted a few game animals today, why don't we put it together and make it fun?"

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