Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 475: New Year's Eve

The latest website: Zhou Shan asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

The others looked at him suspiciously.

The third child looked at the man called A Nian and asked, "Is "Strange Things and Strange Stories" written by you?"

He looked at the third child in surprise. He didn't expect to meet readers of his book here. Although he looked younger, he didn't dare to underestimate him.

Nodding his head, he said politely, "A Nian is my nickname and the pseudonym I use to write books. My name is Li Henian."

It was only then that everyone understood why the third child snorted.

The second child was also surprised. The two brothers were reading the book in turn, and they were all too familiar with the name. I didn't expect to meet the author himself today.

The third one patted his thigh and said happily, "Finally found the right master."

Li Henian was a little unclear.

"Does your "Stranger Things" have a fourth volume?"

"Yes, it's being written, and it's almost finished."

"We are reading this book, and important people are also waiting for the fourth volume. You can tell us your home address. After writing, you can copy a copy and sell it to us. We will send someone to pick it up."

Li Henian was still a little confused after he left. Are his books so popular?

The copyright he sent to the bookstore was bought out at one time, and there was no commission for sales or leasing, so he didn’t know, and he didn’t care if he sold it, but he would continue to write in his spare time to earn some book fees.

He had almost finished writing the fourth book before the township exam, and was just about to finish it. He originally planned to do his best to prepare for the exam, and then take the time to finish it when the general exam was over.

Since these young men liked his book, it would be fine for him to spend a day or two finishing it, and he could just send it to the bookstore for some money.

Looking at his daughter-in-law who was still asleep on the stretcher, he couldn't help sighing.

The world is in a panic, but the picture is a few taels of silver, but these pieces of silver can relieve the world's melancholy, make parents healthy, and protect the growth of young children.

It was just a few taels of broken silver that made the young man suffer from vicissitudes, and at the same time bent his spine!

He has passed the township examination and has a reputation as a juror. He hopes that he will be named in the gold medal list in the meeting in March, and he will be relieved of his difficulties.

"Are we going to tell Taisun that we have found the author of the book?" The second child and the others asked after they left.

The third child said, "Don't you need it now? I found it and there is no book. After he finishes writing, let's buy it and send it to the grandson."

Zhou Yi said curiously: "It's so beautiful? Have you read it, and lend me a look when you're done."

"Not yet, I've only watched it for two days. Big brother hasn't watched it yet. Just wait."

"Your eldest brother has to guard the city gate. If you have no time, please show it to me after you finish reading it."

"I do whatever."

Zhou Yong doesn't care, anyway, he has forgotten the beginning, and he really has no time to watch it recently, so Zhou Yi will give it to him first.

"Go back when you have enough to eat and drink, I'm going to be an errand."

"Then let's go back first, big brother."

Zhou Yi and Zhou Shan had nothing to do and left together.

He started to stand on guard in a boring way again. He should have a beginning and an end in his life. He promised to stand for half a month, but he would be full.

After that, he stood for a few days in a row, and slowly got used to it. When he went back, he wouldn't fall asleep again, and he could read miscellaneous books for a while.

The fourth volume of "Strange Things and Strange Stories", Li Henian specially sent it to the city yesterday and asked him to take it back.

Li Henian also brought it to him by the way. He was going to the pharmacy in the city to get medicine for his daughter-in-law, and he had to take the book to the bookstore for money.

This kind of miscellaneous books, the bookstore buys out the copyright at one time, and then asks people to transcribe a few copies and rent them out to earn rent.

Ordinary scholars rarely keep this kind of miscellaneous books, and they will not read them again and again like the Four Books and Five Classics after reading them.

So leasing is more cost-effective than buying. Of course, it doesn't matter if you have money. It's not bad to buy and fill the bookshelf after reading it.

Zhou Yong paid the money at the market price, and immediately detained it when he bought it.

The first and second books are in the hands of the second and third, and the third is in his mother's hands. Except for the second, none of them are good.

He still read the fourth volume first, since they were all independent short stories, which did not affect his reading.

As for Taisun, um... let Zhou Shan inform him to rent or buy in the study tomorrow.

It is estimated that Taisun's library is full, and he doesn't need to buy it to fill it. He rented it before seeing him.

In fact, Taisun just flipped through it unintentionally at first. He rented it and read it at will to pass his leisure time. I didn't expect this book to be quite good.

When he finished reading, he took it to the bookstore and wanted to ask the shopkeeper to buy it, but the shopkeeper said that there was no extra to sell, and it would take some time for someone to transcribe a few more copies before buying.

So he gave up.

After Zhou Yong soaked his feet, he leaned against the head of the bed and tried to watch it for a while. Unexpectedly, this little story was indeed very attractive.

He wrote some supernatural stories, and it was quite scary to look at when it was dark, but he was a daring artist and was not persuaded to quit.

It's just that he's really tired after standing all day, and he needs to get up early tomorrow, so he put it away after watching it for a while, and then read it when he has spare time.

The vertical day is a small year. I read a book for a while last night, but it did not affect him getting up early. He went to guard the city gate as usual today.

It's just that when I arrived at my post, I found that the atmosphere was different from before, and everyone was beaming with joy.

He was at a loss for the second battle, was he late? Did you miss something good?

He greeted Liu Dazhong, "Morning, did something good happen? Are you so happy?"

Liu Dazhong said cheerfully: "You came a step late and didn't hear it, Zeng Xiaowei just said, let's get off work, don't rush to go, go to his place to pick up the note, tomorrow the family can go to the Ministry of Household to receive the New Year's gift with the note. ."

"Oh~ No wonder you are so happy." He shouldn't be a temporary worker, don't think about it.

"Hehe, that's right, you will receive a New Year's gift once a year. The New Year's gift is more generous than the boxing gift."

After get off work, everyone went to the city tower to find Zeng Xiaowei to get a note. Zhou Yong didn't want to join in the fun. He had nothing to do with him. He might as well go home early for the new year.

In the early morning of the second day, when he went to guard the city gate as usual, he did not expect Liu Dazhong to tell him that also had his annual gift, and he left too early yesterday.

Zhou Yong was surprised, "Why do I have it? I'll just come and stand for a few days."

"It may be that Colonel Zeng helped you report it. You can go to the tower and ask during your lunch break."


When he got the note, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and he really had his share.

His family is not bad for this, but this is his first job, no salary, and it is not bad to have a New Year's gift.

When Qingsong came, he happily gave him the note and asked him to take it back to his mother, who sent someone to the household to collect it together.

A few days before the Chinese New Year, the imperial court began to distribute officials' salaries and rice for half a year, as well as New Year's gifts.

Zhou Cheng received a lot of subsidies such as Lumi, and the New Year's gift was also very generous. Pei Xiu sent someone to use a trolley to go to the Ministry of Housing twice before pulling it out, and took her eldest son's share by the way.

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