Remember [New] for a second,! The early spring is full of snow, and the world is full of new things!

The third day of junior high was his last day of defending the city. When he got up early in the morning and opened the window, he saw the silver clothes outside the window. Zhou Yong couldn't help but cursed in his heart, "God thief!"

It's the last day, don't let him feel better, let's not say a sun, but don't let it snow anyway.

The first snow of the new year is extraordinarily heavy, and I don't know what started to fall at night.

He had been standing at the outermost position during this time, and Liu Dazhong could see snowflakes falling on his head, so he kindly changed positions with him so that he would not get drenched in snow.

He also told everyone to move closer to the center, stand more compactly, and avoid the snow, so that they won't get all over the body.

"Thank you very much. After standing today, I will retire. Thank you for your care during this time."

"Thank you, it's true that we take advantage of you."

Liu Dazhong sighed, "Oh, I didn't expect half a month to go by so quickly, we are very reluctant to part with you..."

"Don't... don't bear me, I've stood enough, I don't want to watch the door anymore!"

Zhou Yong quickly waved his hand, and after drinking the northwest wind for half a month, he had enough.

"You can't bear the chicken soup and duck soup from Brother Zhou's house... Hahaha~"


Everyone laughed happily.

Liu Dazhong stared at everyone, "I can't bear it anymore, you guys are embarrassed to laugh at me, you guys have gained a lot of weight in the past two weeks, do you know? Qingsong will bring hot soup later, don't eat it."

"It's been fourteen days, and it's not bad for the last day. It's the last meal. I must eat it."

"Brother Zhou will be liberated immediately and will return to Fuwo. If you have time in the future, you can visit us often."

"No problem, if I want to go out of the city in the future, I will go through the south gate."

"Brother Zhou can have a good rest at home tomorrow. You don't have to blow the snow again. It would be better if the snow fell later today."

"Anyway, it's the last day, just endure it."

Zhou Yong remembered that it was windy on the first day he came, and it snowed heavily on the last day. It was a beginning and an end.

After dragging his tired body back home, he ate something casually and went back to the house to lie down and sleep.

After being tense for half a month, he suddenly relaxed, and he couldn't get up for morning exercise the next day.

The sun was still out. The sun came in through the window and shone on the kang. He felt dazzling and woke up.

He opened the door and stretched. It was a fine day today, and the sun was out.

The snow in the yard has been swept clean, but there is no shadow of green pine and green bamboo, and I don't know if it is time to eat breakfast.

I went to the next room to have a look, and the second and third were not in the room, so he muttered, "It's rare that you didn't come to disturb me this morning and wake me up."

He murmured a few times, then went to fetch water to wash himself, and then went to the main courtyard. When they were not in the house, they would only be on the mother's side.

When he arrived, the whole family was already eating breakfast, so he walked directly to his seat, pulled out the stool and sat down.

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?"

"Mother said you've been tired for half a month, let's not call you and give you more sleep." The second child replied.

"Oh, I really slept soundly this time. The kang is spacious and warm, and it doesn't make any noise when I turn over."

"It's rare to see the sun today, the weather looks good, let's go out for a walk?"

The two shook their heads at the same time, but Mai stood up happily, "Okay, okay."

"How are you, I didn't talk to you."

After patting Mai's little head, he asked the two, "Why don't you go?"


"Brother, aren't you blowing enough cold wind yet?"

"Isn't the sun out?"

"The snow is not cold, the melting snow is cold, and the sun in winter can't warm me. I want to read at home."

They haven't read the miscellaneous journal yet.

Pei Xiu also said: "There are no people on the street. Everyone during the New Year's Eve is visiting relatives. Where are you going to play, it's so cold, take a break at home and read a book."

"When the fifteenth is over, you will go to school again. Both of them have completed their homework. You haven't touched the book for half a month, right? Do you remember what homework the Master assigned?"

"Uh... remember, I'll write after I finish eating."

Forget it, just stay at home for a few days and go out to play after fifteen.

Not long after breakfast, Zhou Yi and Zhou Shan came to pay New Year's greetings.

They were dragged by their parents to pay New Year's greetings for two days, and today they had time to make an appointment to come together to pay New Year's greetings to Pei Xiu.

"Haha, I haven't looked for you yet, you are here."

"Let's give my aunt a new year first, and then chat."

After the two said a few auspicious words, Pei Xiu gave one of the red seals that had been prepared a long time ago.

The two happily took it, and after a new year, their pockets became richer.

Zhou Yong patted the two of them on the shoulders and looked at the red seals in their hands, "I also want to go to your house for New Year's greetings..."

At the end of the year, I don't know how to spend the monthly money, and there is nothing left. Now I only have the New Year's money that his mother just gave a few days ago, and I don't know how long it can last.

"Go, I didn't let you go."

He said with a bitter face, "I'm afraid that King Huainan, Master Zhou, and Lord Zhou will take turns to test me..."

"I haven't read the book for half a month, how can I remember it. Think about it, I'm a little stuck, don't you go? I feel like I've missed a hundred million."


Pei Xiu also found it funny, and said with a smile: "If you want to go to Master Zhou, Lord Zhou should go to pay homage to the early years. That's what it should be, everyone is a fellow countryman. As for the palace, the king and concubine of Huainan don't know if they have time or not. You ask Zhou Shan when they will be free next week, and you can go again."

" If you don't go, we will go by ourselves. Don't be jealous of the red seal when you arrive, and force us to divide you." The third said with a wink.

Zhou Yong corrected him righteously, "Whether you go or not is a matter of politeness, how can you be so philistine, just thinking about getting a red seal, this kind of thinking is not desirable!"

He rolled his eyes, "Then are you going?"

"Go, I'm a polite and virtuous young man. I'm definitely going to pay New Year's greetings to the elders I know well during the New Year. Let's go to Qiu's mansion first."

Pei Xiu said with a smile, "Mrs. Qiu sent a message saying that she is coming to play today, so you don't have to make this trip. When you see Mrs. Qiu later, give her a good New Year and say a few more auspicious words."


Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and not long after he finished speaking, Mrs. Qiu, she brought her child to come to pay New Year's greetings.

Seeing that the room was packed full of young men, Mrs. Qiu said with a hearty smile, "Where are they all? I've come right now, fortunately I brought a few more red envelopes."

The eyes of several teenagers lit up when they heard it.

There are red envelopes and they love it!

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