Zhou Yong rushed to the back row and stood before the Master picked up the ruler.

Everyone burst into laughter again.

The Master shook his head helplessly, and read a mantra, "Dead wood can't be carved."

Then continue to name the next one.

The classmate who stood in the penalty station together winked at him and said, "Have you done your homework in vain?"

Depressed, he knew that it was all the result of the penalty stand, so he didn't bury his head in writing yesterday.


I stood listlessly for half the morning and was able to sit down in the afternoon.

He dragged his cheeks and listened, but his eyes gradually became empty, and his thoughts drifted to the clouds, and his father was on him.

His father has won the battle, and he doesn't know if he can be promoted to the third rank when he comes back, and whether there is any hope for his Yulin military dream to come true.

Damn~ He really doesn't want to read.

After thinking about it, half of the afternoon passed. The master called out the get out of class, but he didn't respond, but the same table stabbed him, and he reacted and stood up.

After walking out of the classroom with everyone, he came alive.

"Ah, after a day of torment, it's time for get out of class."

"You're just like this on the first day, what will you do next?"

"It's alright, can't I have another day off after two more days, hahaha." After saying that, he said goodbye to his classmates and went to find Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi was turning his back to him and talking to other people, he wanted to play tricks on him as soon as he thought about it.

He walked over lightly, stood on his left, but reached out and patted his right shoulder.

When he turned his head to look to the right, he patted him to the left again, and when he looked to the left, he quickly stood to the right again.

Turning left and right without looking at anyone, he was stunned, and then turned around, only to see Zhou Yong leaning behind him with the expression of a hanged ghost, so scared he took a step back and bumped into his classmate.

Zhou Yong laughed, "You're too timid, this will scare you away."

"I wasn't prepared at all, and suddenly I saw you almost sticking to me, I wasn't startled." As he said that, he stretched out his foot to kick him.

He jumped up to avoid it, Zhou Yi's fist also waved over, he turned his head to dodge and dodged again, grabbed his arm, and pushed back.

"Oh, you're not my opponent, you're gone."

Zhou Yi snorted and didn't refute, just let him push him away.

After a while, the two brothers walked together, shoulder to shoulder.

The friendship of men is so wonderful.

Zhou Yi asked, "I just rested for the last two days. Are you going out to play?"

"No, the snow hasn't thawed yet. I don't want to go out and blow the cold wind."

During the half month he was defending the city, he was constantly reminded of the unfriendly nature of winter, and he would not go out unless spring started.

It's been a year since they came to the capital. Basically, they go out every time they have a rest day and play everywhere. He is very familiar with the capital. There is not much worth going to at this time, so it's better to stay at home and warm up.


Although Zhou Yi has a heart of wandering everywhere, but if his friends don't go, he is not interesting by himself. And his task of reading is also heavy. If he doesn't go out, he doesn't have to read at night with the lights on.

"It's cold now, it's not fun, let's go out to play when it gets warmer."

"I do whatever."

They didn't go out for two consecutive rest days, and they stayed at home for more than half a month. They couldn't stay still and wanted to go out again.

Breaking my fingers, I counted a few days off.

It was not easy to wait until the ten-day holiday, but in the early morning, the sky started to rain.

"It's raining? I'm out of soup. I can't go out today, I'm depressed."

Zhou Yong got up early in the morning, opened the window and saw a light rain in the sky. He couldn't help but feel depressed. Well, it was another day at home.

Qingsong comforted him and said, "It's raining in spring. This rain means that spring is here, and the earth is getting warmer and recovering. Next month, the young master will be able to go to Zhuangzi to play."

"That's right, then chin chin."

Zhou Yong was happy again after thinking about it. If he didn't go out, he wouldn't go out. It wasn't much fun anyway, and they just planned to hang out.

It was also on this day that the imperial court received news that the army was expected to arrive in the capital in mid-March.

It is almost mid-February now, which shows that the army is very close to the capital.

The spring breeze announced the good news, and the whole family was suddenly happy.

"Mom, when Dad comes back, let's go to Zhuangzi to grow grapes and green apples together." The third child said happily.

Pei Xiu replied with a smile.

She has collected the seeds well, and it would be best if Zhou Cheng could come back and participate in it.

He hasn't been at home much in the past two years. Although the children miss him, but they have not been in contact for a long time, they will feel a sense of distance and strangeness. It is not bad to have a parent-child activity to cultivate feelings with a few children.

When it rains, they can't go out, so naturally Zhou Yi and Zhou Shan can't go out, and they don't need to tell them if they don't come, anyway, they can't make an appointment today by looking at the weather.

But in the middle of the afternoon, the sky suddenly cleared up. It was too late. Everyone was no longer interested in going out in the afternoon, and the ground was still wet.

They met again the next day at school.

Zhou Shan whispered to them in the carriage: "Fortunately, I didn't go out yesterday, I almost missed a big show."

Everyone gathered their heads together in gossip and asked, "What kind of drama, from your house?"

"The future prince and wife of your palace?" Zhou Yi asked guessingly~www.readwn.com~ The girl has been in Kyoto for a few months. It makes no sense that the palace has been quiet, and the prince's backyard must not be so peaceful.

Zhou Shan smiled and nodded and shook his head, "It's the prince, and it can also be said to be related to Miss Lin."

He seldom calls the prince the eldest brother, and occasionally may call him eldest brother sarcastically.

"Don't give a shit, hurry up." Zhou Yong urged him too.

"My eldest brother's concubine is pregnant..."

Zhou Yi was surprised, "Hey...Aren't you still keeping filial piety? Except that the emperor can wait for the 27th day with the sun, don't you all keep filial piety for three years?"

Zhou Yong also asked: "How do you know? Your mother-in-law won't let you know about this kind of thing, right?"

"I want to keep filial piety for three years, but as long as there is no scandal exposed, it will not be in the way. The concubine also knew that the palace was still in the period of filial piety, and there was no shortage of children, and he couldn't keep his stomach, so he wanted to frame Miss Lin. Who would have thought that stealing chickens would not be enough to lose rice, and I threw myself a lot and bleeds a lot, and it will be difficult for the children in the future."

"After my father, mother and concubine found out about the cake, they were also very angry. The prince actually caused a life during the filial piety, and the concubine was still so restless."

"On that day, my mother and concubine directly sent people to Zhuangzi for retirement, and opened the storeroom and sent a bunch of gifts to compensate Miss Lin as a sign of comfort. As for my eldest brother, he was sentenced by my father to go to the study room for three months."

"Yesterday afternoon, the trouble broke out. I don't think it's hard to know, but after the incident, everyone was silenced."

"Shit!" The three brothers said anxiously.

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