Hearing the various discussions behind him, the smile on Pei Xiu's face became deeper and deeper. They could be considered returning home, honoring their ancestors, right?

Zhou Cheng took the crowd and stopped directly at the door of their former home, and took the wheat down.

Mai looked at everything around him in amazement. Is this his hometown? Is there any difference with Zhuangzi?

She followed Zhou Cheng, went to Pei Xiu's carriage, watched her father help her mother out of the carriage, looked at the surrounding villagers and said to Pei Xiu, "Mother, why do they keep looking around us? what?"

"Because we brought a lot of people back, they haven't seen so many guards, they're just curious to join in the fun."

At this time, Uncle Zhou and his family also ran out of the house on Tuesday. They were stunned when they saw so many guards, and they didn't know how to react.

On Tuesday, Sister-in-law was very responsive, pulling Sister-in-law Zhou towards Pei Xiu with a smile, "The three younger brothers and sisters are back, we have been waiting for you all day and night. Are you tired from the journey? Come in and sit down. , take a break."

Sister-in-law Zhou also had a smile on her face, and greeted her warmly, "Yes, look at me, I was overjoyed to see the third siblings and the children coming back."

"Is this wheat? The three younger siblings are so well raised. They look like a lucky baby. They look so happy. Looking at their little face, they look tired. God is pitiful. Are you exhausted?"

Wheat pouted, but she knew that praising her for being festive was praising her for being fat.

Pei Xiu put on a polite smile and said, "Sister-in-law and sister-in-law, long time no see."

He pulled the wheat and said, "Wheat, this is the eldest aunt and the second aunt."

Although she doesn't like being told that she is fat, she is a polite and well-bred child, and she won't slap her elders casually.

She put on a sweet smile and called out, "Hello, the first aunt, and the second aunt."

The three brothers also followed behind and shouted, "Hello, the eldest aunt, the second aunt, and the brothers and sisters."

Seeing that the Zhou family behind him also gathered around and greeted them one after another, Pei Xiu was not impatient at all, and kept smiling and nodding.

Until Sister-in-law Zhou interrupted everyone, "Alright, alright, your third aunt and siblings are exhausted, so let's go ahead and talk about it."

On Tuesday, Sister-in-law also waved everyone away, "Let's all go to one side, don't get in the way here."

A group of people surrounded them and hula-la went into the house.

It doesn't matter if the luggage is put outside the house first, with guards guarding, and the house will be arranged later after the rehearsal.

The villagers looked at a group of guards guarding the gate of Zhou's house. They did not dare to approach, but they were reluctant to leave. This was a rare scene.

Everyone has been lingering and discussing.

"This carriage is really beautiful. It looks magnificent, different from the carriages in our county."

"Of course it's different. This is a carriage from the capital, and the horses are more like Ma Jun from our small place."

"There are still characters on this carriage, so who, tell me what those characters are? It doesn't look like Zhou?"

"This is the word Huai!"

"Huh? Why is Huai not Zhou?"

"Did you just see that Zhou Cheng's three babies are all handsome, and the adopted ones not only look good, they dress better than the three brothers..."

"Yes, I don't think Pei Xiu has a golden hairpin on his head. What's the matter? Are there people who don't like wearing gold and silver?"

"You're stupid, people are smart, they don't reveal their wealth..."


Gu Yan There was a lot of discussion outside the house, and inside the house was not too much.

After Pei Xiu entered the house, she gave the old lady a salute, "Mother, we're back. Hard work mother has been taking care of father. How is father's health?"

Old Madam Zhou held her face up and looked up at Pei Xiu, who was dressed in regular clothes, plain and simple. She didn't wear gold or silver, and her fingers were not full of rings.

There was a jade hairpin on his head and a jade bracelet on his hand.

The old lady suddenly felt at ease.

Touching the big gold bracelet on his wrist, he nodded with satisfaction, "I can't eat well and sleep well all day, staying in front of your father to take care of him, God finally knows that I have worked hard and is merciful to wake up your father. Take a few children in and see him, he is looking forward to seeing some good grandsons."

Pei Xiu smiled, "Mother-in-law has worked so hard. My daughter-in-law came back with a lot of medicinal materials. I'll ask the doctor to see if I can use it for my father so that he can recover quickly."

The old lady is really hard. The old man is in a coma and can only rely on her and the uncle to take care of them. After all, Sister Zhou and Sister Tuesday are daughters-in-law, so it is not convenient for them to get close to their father-in-law.

"Well, the doctor has already come today, let the doctor see it tomorrow morning." The old lady walked ahead and said.

Pei Xiu followed behind with the four boys, Zhou Cheng walked beside him with Mai, followed by a large group of Zhou family members.

Everyone didn't care about reminiscing about the past, so they all followed to the backyard.

The second old man lived in the house they left before, but instead of living in the main house, they lived in the newly built house behind the courtyard.

Last year, the backyard was purposely doubled to build a house.

There were two large blue-brick houses that were built only a few years ago. They were very bright. The backyard path was paved with bluestone to lead directly to the gate. In rainy days, the soles of my shoes would not get muddy.

Pei Xiu thought to herself, the second old man was really willing, it was probably the old lady's idea.

With money in hand and no other expenses, it is understandable to want to live comfortably.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw the big golden bracelet on the old lady's hand, and she kept fondling it.

I couldn't help but be glad that I didn't like to wear a lot of jewelry on my body, and I was on the road all the way, so it was easy and convenient.

Otherwise, if the old lady sees her head full of gold hairpins~www.readwn.com~ and the gold ornaments on her hands, she will probably be sour and won't give her a good face.

As everyone knows, the hosta on her head and the jade bracelet on her hand can buy her ten gold bracelets!

As soon as she entered the room, Pei Xiu smelled a sour and decadent smell, she couldn't help frowning, and after a while, she relaxed again.

It is normal for people who have been bedridden for a long time to have a smell in their house. No matter how diligent they are in changing and washing, it is useless. The windows are closed so tightly that there is no ventilation.

Most of the others were also used to the smell, and their faces didn't change, but the four boys were not used to it and frowned tightly. Then, seeing that their parents' expressions didn't change, they also endured it and quickly spread their brows.

Mai was still ignorant, so she covered her mouth and nose with her hands. Fortunately, no one paid attention to her, and Zhou Cheng also blocked everyone's sight for her.

Pei Xiu walked to the bed, looked at the old man with a sick face, his eyes were still open, and said gently, "Father, we are back to see you, the boss, the second and the third, Zhou Shan, have come to talk to your grandfather."

"Hey, Master, I'm Zhou Yong, are you okay?"


The old man smiled and moved his mouth, raised his hand to grab Zhou Yong's hand, Zhou Yong quickly reached out and held it.

The second and third, Zhou Shan, also stepped forward to talk to the old man.


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