Because of the hot weather, the body could not be put away, and there would be days after three days, so it was only buried for three days.

In the past three days, almost all the villagers in the village came to offer their condolences, as well as the county magistrate.

The old man is also considered to be sad after his death.

An ancient saying: Seventy is rare. The old man is also considered to have a long life. It is a joy and a blessing. It is also a blessing to sleep without pain.

But when it was time to cry, everyone did not hesitate to cry, and the children and grandchildren worked hard and cried.

In recent years, the two old men have money in their hands, and the children have benefited. In three days, the two old men have asked people to go to the town to buy them candy. The children are really sad at this moment.

At the time of the funeral, the procession to see off was also very spectacular. There were not only more than 20 descendants, but also in-laws, as well as the guards brought back by Pei Xiu. Nearly 200 people saw them off, and they were sent up the mountain while the villagers watched. .

This is definitely a grand funeral, the only one for the whole village.

Because it was a happy funeral, they also set up twenty tables at the door. After the farewell team descended the mountain, they took their seats.

After four busy days, the funeral was over.

Pei Xiu's eyes were also swollen into walnuts, and the villagers couldn't help but praise her for her filial piety.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she found out. If she wasn't afraid that she wouldn't be able to cry when she died, she wouldn't want to use chili water.

After shedding tears for three days in a row, can my eyes be swollen? The other two sisters-in-law are much better than her, who made them have high-end skills and freedom of movement.

When the guests were gone and only his own family was left, Big Brother Zhou asked the most concerned thing for the whole family: "Third brother, our father has passed away, can you still be an official? After all these days, we also If you can’t find time to ask you, you can tell us, let us have a bottom line.”

Everyone else looked at Zhou Cheng with all their hearts, this is a major event that depends on whether everyone can have a good life.

A little bit of the three houses can be eaten by them, not to mention that there is a high-ranking official on Wednesday. .

"It's not clear, but there is a rule in this dynasty that if a court official is in power, if his parents die, no matter what official position the person holds, from the day he learns of the funeral, he must resign and return to his ancestral home to abide by the rules for his parents. Twenty-seven months."

Hearing him say it himself, everyone's shoulders collapsed.

Although the old lady had already heard about it, she was not reconciled. She had not had a good life for a few years. She asked, "Is there no need to discuss it? Shouldn't we tell the imperial court?"

"Ding You, a product official, if he hides and does not report it, he will be punished once he is found out. If he reports to Ding You, after the period of filial piety has passed, there is a possibility of retaliation."

This time everyone gave up and couldn't help sighing.

Brother Tuesday's dark face was full of pity, "Then... let's report it, just wait for twenty-seven months."

"Then for more than two years, your family is going to stay in the village, right? Can't go to the capital?"

The old lady asked with entanglement and concern, not knowing whether she wanted them to go to Beijing or stay in the village.

"It should be, wait until I get to Ding You's book first."

The old lady nodded and said nothing. Since they had to be filial piety in the village, she didn't have to worry about whether to go to Beijing with them.

She was really worried. If she left, the third daughter-in-law would not come back with the New Year's gift, which would be a huge blow to the second and third bedrooms.

The mother always thinks about subsidizing the weaker children more.

She was also afraid that life in the capital would not be suitable for her. She had only been to the county seat in her life, and she couldn't help but feel a little timid. She used to yell at the old man to go to the capital to enjoy happiness, and that was because the old man was with her.

You don't have to let her choose now.

After the big and second rooms returned to her home, Pei Xiu let the four boys play with wheat, and she wanted to accompany Zhou Cheng back to the house to write Ding You's book.

As soon as she entered the room, she couldn't help but ask, "Is it possible for the court to take love?"

Zhou Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "You know a lot?"

She rolled her eyes, "It's not like I don't know anything about virgins, okay?"

He curled his lips, "But I don't know much!"

"what does it mean?"

"Resigned Ding You refers to civil officials! Military general Ding You logically does not dismiss his official position, and will be given one hundred days of leave, while Da Xiang, Xiao Xiang, Zu Kui and other death days will be given additional holidays."

"Is that so? Then why didn't you say it just now?"

Pei Xiu looked at him in surprise, but did not expect that the civil servants were different from the military commander Ding You.

"Isn't the book not submitted yet? I will count it after the approval. What I just said is just a normal situation. In case the sage directly approves me Ding You in twenty-seven months, there have been military generals who were unpleasant and were immediately approved. In the twenty-seventh month of Ding You, a new candidate will be promoted to replace the official position."

"Let's wait for the book to be approved, and let everyone have a good time."

Only then did she nodded reassuringly, it would be fine if she didn't know Ding You in twenty-seven months. Although she said that she could recover later, but after leaving the officialdom for more than two years, how could she know what the situation was when she came back again.

Zhou Cheng finished writing the book, and there was no problem after the inspection. He also took a look at Pei Xiu, and then sent a hand-drawn confidant to Beijing.

All that's left is to wait.

During Ding worry, their husband and wife could not share the same bed. Zhou Cheng moved in and slept with several boys on the first night of the old man's death.

And they have to go to the mountain to worship every day. They will meet very little in the future, and they may not be able to say a word in a day.

A few boys have also started to relax these days. They no longer think about going out to play. They only read and write at home every day, or help them grow vegetables, or go to the field to weed.

They are not like some scholars who hold their own They feel that they have read a few books and they are expensive, and they don't do any work at home, and they don't help the broom when it falls.

Going to the fields to do farm work is also a fun thing for them, and they are very happy to do it, not to mention that sitting for a long time is not good for their health, and they also need to move their muscles and bones more.

The villagers couldn't help but praise them for their diligence, and they all used them as an example to educate their children.

Indeed, some elders in the village did not dare to ask them to do anything when they saw that their children were literate.

Originally, the children didn't feel that way, but under the influence of the elders at home, they also drifted away, so that many scholars have developed a arrogant temperament that does not distinguish between the four and the five.

Today, they carried their hoes and followed the big brother to the ground as usual, but they found that there were actually a lot of half-year-old children in the field. After inquiring, they found out that the school was closed today. After they finished their homework, they were rushed to the field to weed.

Datou was no exception, and looked at Zhou Yong and the others with resentful eyes.

"Hey~ you guys have a good head, our good days are probably gone forever."

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