Like flowers and butterflies, wheat ran around in the yard excitedly collecting dried vegetables.

Fortunately, the sun in late autumn is not big, let him play for a while, digest it, and then call him to sleep.

Seeing that Pei Xiu had finished eating, Sister-in-law Li came over and asked her for instructions: "Madam, how to arrange dinner, those guards..."

"Don't worry about it, just be our own. Taisun and the county master have to go back to Beijing when they apply."

"Yes, the servant will go down and prepare first."

Pei Xiu nodded and stood at the door to watch Mai busy.

"Mother, you come too!"

"Mom is gone, you don't have to play anymore." She was accepted by her after three or two.

Wheat waved his hand, "Mother, don't come, I'll do it!"

When all the dishes were received in the bamboo frame, Maimai realized that he looked up and looked around, "Mother, where is Dad? Where are the brothers?"

"They've gone to get you a bunny, we'll be waiting at home."

"Ah~" Mai instantly burst into tears, "Father and brothers, don't wait for me..."

"Be good, be obedient, or wait until the brothers won't catch you a little rabbit! Don't you keep saying that Xiaobai is lonely? Let the brothers catch you another one as a companion."

She sobbed, "But I want to talk to..."

Pei Xiu squatted down and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "Then you're all gone, no one to accompany your mother, what if she's alone? Mother will be sad too, mother's wheat is good, you stay with mother, okay? it is good?"

She opened her big wet eyes and looked at Pei Xiu, "Will my mother be bored too?"

"Of course, will you feel bored when you are alone in the house?"

"Yes, when I wake up alone in the house, I will want my mother."

"That's it, if you leave too, won't my mother stay in the house alone?"

Wheat went forward and put his arms around Pei Xiu's neck and said, "Okay, then I'll accompany my mother at home."

"Good", Pei Xiu patted her on the back, "The work is done, let's go back to the house to sleep, and mother will take you to play when you wake up."

"it is good."

After coaxing the child completely, Pei Xiu was relieved, raising a child is not easy!

It may be that he pulled the radish in the morning, and just ran around to collect the vegetables. He was so tired that Mai fell asleep as soon as he lay down, and made a slight snoring sound.

Pei Xiu kissed her cheek and closed her eyes for a while.

Since she came to this era, she was used to going to bed early and getting up early, taking a nap for an hour every day, and her work and rest was very regular.

The time to fall asleep passed very quickly, and she felt that she had just slept for a while and woke up from a dream.

She closed her eyes and tried to recall the dream mirror just now.

A young man with a face resembling Zhou Cheng, with a resolute look, led a thousand troops to charge into the battle.

Looking at the scene, there was yellow sand everywhere, and she didn't know where it was, but with that face, she felt that she should undoubtedly be the eldest son of adulthood.

In an instant, the scene changed again. The second child still had the same immature face as he is now. He rode a horse, followed by a group of chariots and horses with a large number of salutes.

A car window opened, and a young woman dressed as a woman smiled at the back of the second child, but the capital city gate was in the background.

She couldn't see the woman's face!

Curious and wanted to get closer, she woke up instantly. She lay quietly and recalled, does this dream herald the future?

Then why hasn't the second child's face matured? Is it because of the dream, is it produced by one's own fantasy?

But she felt that this dream was very real!

She can travel through it, and it's not unbelievable to dream of the future scene, but what about the third son?

Did she wake up too early?


Rubbing her temples, she closed her eyes and thought about sleeping for a while, but she couldn't fall asleep?

Fortunately, it's not a nightmare. The boss is galloping on the battlefield, and he can understand it, but what's the matter with the second child leaving Beijing with luggage?

Forget it, let's get up and walk.

Pei Xiu got up lightly, opened the door and went out.

The sun in late autumn was very weak, and before the arrival of Shen, the sun gradually hid in the clouds and the wind was blowing.

She shivered, Zhuangzi seemed to be colder than the capital.

"Ma'am, you're awake. The wind is blowing, add an extra dress to your clothes."

"Well, it's alright, I just came out of the house, I didn't get used to it for a while, it's okay to cover it in autumn and spring."

Pei Xiu looked aside and was playing with a bag of seeds, thinking that she was about to plant the seeds right away?

"Is Cheng Bo going to plough the ground for a while and continue sowing?"

Cheng Bo smiled and said, "Yes, plant it now, dig it up when the spring starts next year, and then turn over the ground again, and then you can grow melons, fruits and vegetables again, and there will be no delay or waste at all."

She nodded, "What are you continuing to plant?"

"It's still radishes, so I can only plant this. If I plant them before winter, they can still germinate, but they will grow more slowly. Radishes grow underground anyway, so they won't be frozen. Eating more radishes in winter is better for your health. ."

"Indeed, there is an old saying that eat radish in winter and **** in summer."

"Yeah, the little man went to loosen the soil and sow the seeds first."


In ancient times, there was still a shortage of materials, and many vegetables and vegetables from overseas did not come in. In winter, only radish and cabbage were pickled.

For this point, Pei Xiu can't do anything, and can only wait and see later, if there is a chance, you can go to some port cities to collect overseas species.


Mai suddenly opened the door and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Why did you wake up so soon?" She woke up just after she came out. "Go back to the house and get dressed first, it's a little cold."

Saying that, she stepped forward and took the child back to the house.

I took off my coat when I slept, and now Wheat is only wearing a thin single coat.

"Mother, why is it suddenly cold outside?"

"Well, it's windy, and it's going to be colder every day. You need to get dressed before you can go out to play, you know?"

She nodded obediently, "Got it."

After getting dressed, she ran out expectantly, thinking that her brothers would come back after waking up, but who knew that the yard was still empty.

She was disappointed and asked, "Dad and brothers haven't come back yet?"

"It should be I'll take you out for a walk and see if they're coming back soon."

"Okay." The tone rose.

Like a walk, the two walked slowly on the path. In the fields not far away, there were scattered villagers who were harvesting vegetables and planting seeds.

A gust of wind blew, and the air was filled with the fragrance of soil, but Pei Xiu felt a hint of blood, and couldn't help twitching his nose.

She looked around suspiciously, but didn't see anything, she thought she had smelled it wrong.

Walking forward to the intersection of the mountain, she felt that the smell was heavier. She frowned, but found that a guard was trotting down with the prey on the mountain road ahead.

She suddenly realized that she was very surprised to see the big guy in the guard's hand.

Mai also stretched out his head and asked curiously, "Mother, what are they carrying?"

"It's a wild boar!"

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